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After losing all his companions, Ganatika is undoubtedly anxious. There is no food assistance at all. The poor who joined the mutual aid society are still hungry, although the gold coins Pandora got from Punk have not been spent. But … no matter how much money there is, nobles will not sell a small amount of food.

Therefore, the situation of the Mutual Aid Society is almost overwhelming, but in fact, the nobles of Scott Empire are also very anxious at this time, and even the mood of several great nobility can no longer be described by anxiety-they are almost mad. .

The reason why great nobility is anxious is definitely not the fact that a large number of poor people are going to starve to death. There is only one thing they are anxious or even afraid of, that is … a gray crystal is gone!

Among Scott ’s Imperial Palace, five full-fledged nobilitys sat together, while the country ’s nominal “Emperor” sat on his throne in a daze. The entire Imperial Palace was shrouded in darkness. It looks very quiet underneath, and the paintings in the magnificent hall seem to become dumb because of this silence …

“What’s the matter … hurry up! We … what should we do”!

Of course, the first to make a sound is the emperor who is on the throne, but at this time, “Emperor His Majesty” has no longer the usual majesty and serene, only to hear his voice trembling unceasingly, The full of fear lingered in the empty hall.

It is a pity that the silence not at all was broken by the emperor ’s speech. The five great nobility presents still kept their heads down without saying a word. Among these great nobility, there is also a Formal Level Class Holder that has lived for hundreds of years, but at this time At the moment, they still don’t know what to answer.

Seeing this scene, the eyesless emperor could not help but paralyze on the throne, leaving only mumbles of muttering in his mouth, and fear made the voice of the name of the highest ruler of Scott Empire hoarse:

“It’s finished … hehe … it’s all over!” Molten Reaper “explained before leaving. There must be no mistakes in gray crystals, but … but now what? A total of ten gray crystals have been lost, and a few years later “Molten Reaper” is coming back, when the time comes we are all over, the anger of the Red Dragon will burn us to ashes together “…………

The emperor ’s words are full of despair, and the facts he tells are indeed worthy of anyone in Scott Empire. Everyone knows that Emoda Flameclaw is an unreasonable, tyrannical and evil evil Dragon. Usually this “Molten Reaper” will still For no reason, slaughter the city to have fun, now … the emperor and a group of nobility really unimaginable what the angry Red Dragon will do.

And in the face of an evil Dragon, every nobility deeply understands that their usual words and utterances are all a joke. How should they refute Emoda Flameclaw? Say I have tried my best to protect, but the loss of gray crystal is force majeure?

Or that I do n’t have the ability to protect such a valuable Legend creation, and it is difficult for the strongman to put the gray crystal in the densely populated nobility manor?

It is a pity that “Molten Reaper” never knows what it means to be “reasonable,” and it is more impossible to think about a group of “ant” excuses. It will only use absolute power to crush everything that makes you uncomfortable!

“I knew it, I knew it! Since the crazy dragon of” Molten Reaper “took out the crystals and asked what” must be placed in a densely populated area “,” no Spellcaster or Master Level powerhouse should be allowed “, And finally said” I want to leave Scott Empire “,” I can’t receive any contact “,” I can’t come back after 5 years “………… This is nothing to go to hell! Those crystals obviously have big problems, and now there are big problems. Famine, how could it not attract others to investigate? “

A younger nobility finally could not bear such a fearful and depressed atmosphere. He stood up suddenly and complained loudly about the source of everything, and what Emmoda Flameclaw did.

Anyway, since “the gray crystal disappeared and Emoda still didn’t show up”, the nobility at the scene knew that the “5-year retreat” mentioned by the Red Dragon was a real situation, since Legend Red Dragon can’t deal with this The state maintains surveillance anytime, anywhere, and then these nobles’ complaints about Emoda are particularly welcome.

Especially when the gray crystal is lost and Emoda is about to return, at this moment, the nobility on the verge of collapse is about to hold the mentality of breaking the jar and shouting!

However … no matter how terrifying the facts are about to come, no one will want to die, especially these nobles of luxury life, they have not yet enjoyed the good life they have enough to crush the poor, even if they complain about “dead” “It’s done, it’s all over”, but in fact, any nobility, including the emperor, never wants to die, otherwise they will not gather here for discussion.

After the complaint was over and the abuse was over, a group of great nobility took advantage of the absence of “Molten Reaper” when fiercely needed to express a little resentment qi and fear, and the real discussion about “survival” finally began ………

The first one who stood up to speak was an old noble with a determined face. Instead of complaining like the young nobility, he slowly glanced at everyone and then said solemnly in a calm and stable tone:

“My friends, there is no doubt … the continuation of our respective families, and even the survival of Scott Empire has come to a critical node, because just a day ago,” Molten Reaper “left 1000 dings and 10000 must be protected before leaving. One piece of hidden gray crystal is missing. We all know the cruelty and tyranny of the evil Legend Red Dragon. If nothing unexpected happens … I think everyone sitting here can anticipate their own destiny. “

old noble tells the truth in the sound of at a moderate pace. Of course, the fact of sadness is still sad no matter what is said by anyone, but … when the old noble came, this sadness Actually got a little “tragic” taste.

Sad things often make people messy, but “tragic” things can often calm everyone’s Mind.

Now what the old noble needs is obviously this “tragic” effect. After seeing the other nobility present, including the imperial Imperial Capital, finally pulling his thoughts out of despair and fear and listening to his own words, his eyes are turbid but his voice is firm. Continued to talk about the “countermeasures” of his own thinking.

“We are nobility with noble blood! We can’t be as chaotic as those stupid people. No matter what difficulties we face, what we should do now is not here to blame ourselves but to …”

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