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“… What we need to do is not to make meaningless complaints, but to find ways to remedy things”!

The old noble’s sound is powerful, and it can be seen that even though he is very old, this great nobility has not been blinded by countless luxury and the flattering and fawning of the people around him. He still has a “being successful without success” Fierce.

Of course, there is a lot of hard work that does not mean being stupid. Old noble did not propose unrealistic delusions such as “against Emmoda Flameclaw” or “collective clan escape”. What he wants is to recover the lost gray crystal as soon as possible In this way, I think I can make up a bit, at least not let my family and companion Scott Empire turn to ashes.

But … not everyone can still maintain optimism and fighting spirit. After the old noble just finished speaking, a middle-aged nobility sitting next to him gave a sigh.

I saw the neat and tidy with beard trimming and meticulous hair combing, but the state at this time seems to have been completely decadent. The middle-aged nobility is questioning old noble with a dull and monotonous voice:

“Remedy? How to remedy? Our 6 Master Level Wizards of Empire have tried our best, but the gray crystal is a Legend creation. How can the Master Level Divination spell find the whereabouts of Legend creation? As for the people who raid our family estate There is a little curtain on identity, but … Divination spell’s investigation showed that it was “related to the mutual aid society” and it was completely suspended … As for the crystal … the trace of the thing could not be found at all. “

Taking a small sip of the red wine on the table, the middle-aged nobility’s eyes were more confused than anyone present.

Ganatika raided his family ’s manor, and Red Valley City, where all the population died, was also their family ’s territory. When the news of the loss of gray crystal came, the middle-aged nobility father suffered a heart attack on the spot because of anxiety and fear Breathe one’s last, also because of the sudden death of Patriarch, the previous generation of his family, the decadent middle-aged nobility appeared at the 5 great nobility meeting at this time.

As for the whereabouts of the gray crystal, their family of course did their best to investigate, and the cooperation of several Master Level Wizards was not at all a bit serious. After all, if Emoda came back and found that a piece of crystal was missing, all creatures in the whole Empire were afraid of anyone. Don’t want to escape the anger of Legend Red Dragon, so the Master Level Wizard, which is very good at Divination Spell, is already looking for it.

But precisely because these Master Level Wizards have done their best, the results will only make the middle-aged nobility and several other nobility Patriarch so depressed.

The gray crystal can’t find any trace at all. This fact is not unexpected. Using Master Level Divination spell to detect Legend’s creations, this kind of thing is like impracticality like dragging the sun with a fishing net.

If it ’s just that you ca n’t directly find the trace of the gray crystal, it ’s okay, but the most desperate thing for nobles is that although they are understood, it ’s related to the “mutual aid society”, but the Master Level Spellcaster door could not be found anyway. The whereabouts of Ganatika, the “leader” of the mutual aid society! Just as Ganatika also has Legend creations at any time, any attempt to locate the Divination Spell of this Formal Level Warrior cannot take effect.

Perhaps Ganatika did n’t know that Pandora was an Alchemy doll with a strength that was not Formal Level, but her virtual soul did indeed have Legend Level Divination spell shielding array, which was still a “range effect”. Shield the array, as long as you stay with Pandora, Ganatika is easily detected by any spell below the Legend Level. If it is not inseparable from Pandora, the nobles who are burnt out may lead a group of Master Level Class Holders to come to the door.

Now Ganatika does not need to worry about unfathomable mystery being besieged by a group of Master Level Class Holder, because Pandora has been caring for the frail young recently, but the nobles who are sitting in the Imperial Palace are so desperate.

Without the help of the Divination spell, I want to find a Formal Level Class Holder in Scott Empire that tries to hide myself. This is tantamount to find a needle in a haystack, and if they ca n’t find Ganatika, they ca n’t. Knowing any clues of the gray crystal, what is more terrifying is … these nobles can also feel faintly that a Formal Level Warrior should be impossible to take away the gray crystal with self-defense ability and be able to take away such Legend creations The existence of … is probably the Legendary Powerhouse without compromise!

There is no nobility to raise this matter, everyone is just desperately desperate, and no one wants to say this most terrifying speculation.

Soon, the silence and silence in the Imperial Palace came once again, and this beautiful, gently dancing and dancing palace has almost never been as silent as it is today, including the old noble that threatened to “make up for it”. For a while, he then gritted his teeth and continued with a deep voice:

“Enough is enough, don’t talk discouraged! The matter hasn’t yet … the last step, is it not to find the lowly slum Ganatika? We immediately sent troops to fight against the mutual aid party and blockade the country! each and everyone stronghold, each and everyone The ghetto slaughtered in the past, I do n’t believe I ca n’t find the trace of that “just stupid”!

old noble is worthy of the “great nobility” of vicious and merciless. As soon as he opened his words, he carried the endless foul wind and bloody rain. The efficiency of “carpet search” has made him unsatisfied. What he wants to use now It was a “carpet massacre”, which forced Ganatika to come out with blood and a slaughter.

Of course, some people quickly opposed this extremely radical attitude:

“What time is it, Marquis of Voss, are you still preaching such a plan? The mud legs that can not tell good from bad will not be obediently and honestly chopped by you! There will be another 3 months,” Molten Reaper “The crazy dragon is coming back, how can we have time to fight a war of elimination”?

“… I think Prince Miao Dalan said it rightly, we have no time, and … if the massacre is really done, those Good Alignment Class Holder attitudes also need to be considered, and this country is bound to be bound to lose too many people. On the verge of destruction … “

It can be seen that there are still some nobility who care about the reputation of the family and the survival of Scott Empire. If the bloody method of old noble is really carried out, Scott Empire will probably die.

But … the old man called Voss did not give in at all, and saw the doubts of other nobility, this guy like the old wolf laughed at the insidious and crazy owl, and then he used cold eyes with bloodshot eyes I glanced at the others sitting, and finally said in a low voice firmly:

“Hmph! The destruction of Scott Empire doesn’t matter anymore, as long as we get the forgiveness of Molten Reaper”, our family will still be nobility for another country. As for time … he he he, the enemy we face is just a group of mob But, in fact, my family has contacted an important member of the “Mutual Aid Society” … Look, in 3 months, someone will help us catch the damn Ganatika! “

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