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The interference mechanism transfer mode, Formal, is over, and the first confrontation between Spellcaster and “River of Destiny” is declared to be over in a way that is not perfect at all, and it is not a loss.

The towering Wizard tower still stands between Heaven and Earth, and the spire of the energy ribbon, as always, forms a colorful vortex in the clouds. When the first “interference mechanism” has ended, there is no who can Question this towering spire in this land, and no wind and waves can burst the energy barrier around the Magic Breaker force array.

The hustle and bustle of Hatak Empire has long since disappeared. There are very few people on Hatak Street who dare to speak loudly. Although the blood cleaning initiated by 700 Master Level Golem completely settled all the rebellions of Hatak within a month, but … … The cost of this efficient “rebellion” is that one third of the population was directly “liquidated” by absolute power during the turmoil. After a month of foul wind and bloody rain, the current Hatak has been completely Changed back to a small kingdom …

Although it is still an unquestionable “Hatak Empire” in terms of name and strength, in theory, as long as there is Legendary Powerhouse oversee, even if only one person’s “country” is called Empire, it is possible, so now Hatak’s “Empire” The title has little to do with its own national power.

What Hatak becomes will no longer cause Punk’s attention. After sending a bunch of broken-level Master Level Mithril Golem as garbage to the good luck nobility kid, Punk went directly back to Magic Tower to continue his own Experimental research.

For a qualified Wizard, the entire process from stepping into a dangerous battlefield to returning to a calm laboratory does not require a little excessive psychological time. If necessary, even if you just had a game with the enemy in the last second In the battle of life and death, in the next second, the powerful Wizard can immediately devote itself to the research state! This is also the basic “Wizard literacy” of Netheril Era Spellcaster.

In this extreme emotional indifference, Punk has always performed perfectly.

After all … “Whisper of Destruction” Spellcaster has always been decisive and clear.

When planning the development of “farming” with serious intentions, even leaving Magic Tower and a Legend Red Dragon dry rack Punk to protect the farm will not hesitate.

But if the current Legendary Wizard has changed the plan, then he will never have any entanglement in the “goal” of the previous plan.

For example, a bunch of Mithril Golem was simply thrown away, and Hatak Empire carried out the unscrupulous “great cleansing” and “bloody suppression” at a glance. The Wizard that has returned to the “daily” research life has no time to pay attention to those things that are not planned. After all, in addition to taking a glance at the adventure trajectory of Ganatika, the next Punk is ready to obtain resources through adventure. Time to enhance your strength is more urgent than anything.

Only strength is the most important thing in any Class Holder!

——-Dividing line——

Speaking of strength, I have to mention that after such a battle, Punk was pleasantly surprised to find that his level has been raised again.

Being in a chaotic battlefield, it is not easy to cast Legend Level spells and even Legend spells continuously under the interference of intense psychology and strong enemies. The degree of difficulty in it is not at all in peace. The concentration of arcane magic in the laboratory is comparable. There has never been a battle of Legend in a life-and-death battle. A new Legend should never wonder how dangerous the battle of Legend in units of light is 10000 points.

Moreover … it is said that practice is the only way to test the truth. Without intensive practice, even a clever Spellcaster ca n’t do enough to understand the knowledge of Full Mastery and understand in which aspect.

Therefore, after such a dangerous “first battle”, if the fighter can survive, then his magic control ability and magic power manipulation ability after the first battle baptism will almost certainly be greatly improved. The understanding of knowledge can usually be further deepened in practice, and even get your own understanding.

Although not everyone can upgrade as a result, it is not surprising for a Legendary Wizard, such as Punk, which has excellent talent, flexible thinking, and good comprehending, to upgrade an arcane magic level.

Now, Punk is a 23-level Legendary Spellcaster.

Although unless the realm is crossed, an arcane magic level upgrade cannot improve the Spellcaster’s too much battle strength, but the speed of magic power control and magic ability improvement still helps the Master to study some more complicated Legend Level spell.

For example, now … Legendary Wizard intends to try to learn a spell with a relatively high degree of complexity. This is also among all spells known to Punk, which can be used at the ordinary Legend level and has the strongest ability to limit assistance. Although the Rule it involves is not one of the three Rule of Punk major or minor!

The reason why Punk made this decision is because after a big battle with Emoda Flameclaw, the reflective Spellcaster suddenly found that he had learned the direction of spell before and it seemed a little too biased towards “attack” and “defense”. .

Destruction Rule is indeed very arrogant in terms of attack, but being too obsessed with improving attack power will cause an embarrassing situation in which flexible operations cannot be played in combat.

Now reflecting on it, Punk finds that his battle seems to have made a typical “imitationist” mistake.

He has been seriously studying the combat experience of Great Arcanist Vedrasia, but know that in the later period of Netheril Era, Great Arcanist rarely seldom stepped on the battlefield alone. Such kind of activities often include the greats of Great Arcanist and Legend Level. The “war” that Golem participated in is actually quite different from the “single fight” that Punk now faces.

In the “war”, the powerful Spellcaster can usually define itself as a “turret” with layers of Magic protection, because the most needed for such large-scale chaos is to provide terrible lethality under the premise of self-preservation. Output.

However, in the case of independent combat, the simple “superimposed defense, release attack” template seems a bit rigid and stiff, and the enemy can more easily figure out his own fighting laws. If the opponent is not as powerful as himself, but if it is encountered To those enemies who are stronger than themselves … This stiffness and inflexibility can become very deadly.

In Punk’s battle with Legend Red Dragon, he faced Emmoda’s “Molten Claw” attack and had to “repair from injury to injury” again and again for this reason.

Therefore, since Spellcaster has discovered this problem, what he needs most now is to quickly make up for this obvious shortcoming. It is best to allow his spell to form a perfect coordination and reinforcement in the battle.

And mastering a very powerful auxiliary spell is a good choice for revitalizing spell.

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