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“Legend Level Conjuration Spell-Time Imprison”!

This spell is labeled as “suitable level of learning” in Netheril Era’s library at level 23.

This is a spell involving Time Rule, so its complexity does not surprise Punk. Although Spellcaster did not know why the Great Arcanist who invented this spell set its “suitable learning level” at 23, but Punk himself It feels that the difficulty of this spell may be a little higher. His original plan was to learn when he reached 2 Level 15.

But now … Since Spellcaster has keenly discovered its shortcomings and cleverly came up with a solution, and its arcane magic level has reached the “23” recommended by the “official minimum standard”, then … try to learn There seems to be nothing wrong with learning. The sooner you master this method of making up for shortcomings and improving your strength, the more helpful you will be for your own safety.

Anyway, there is currently no other research topic. The knowledge of Legend level mastered by Great Arcanist Vedrasia is too wide-ranging and profound. There are many spell punks that are still far away from “learning”. Legend level spells are by no means Master Level. The difficulty of spell can be compared. Even if it is not the most complicated and difficult “Legend spell”, if you want to master an ordinary Legend Level spell, it still generally needs Legendary Spellcaster to spend more than ten years to learn.

What’s more, the spell “Time Imprison” is not common.

Speaking of “time”, which always takes away certain mysterious colors, you have to mention that the guess of this world’s “time” Rule and Punk’s “hometown” are actually very different.

Before crossing, in the theoretical guess about time on Punk’s side, it seems that the “timeline” theory has always been very popular, but in fact, the “time” of this World is completely different from those guesses.

Time is not a line, but a point! A “point” that can only go forward!

If the image is a metaphor, time is like a glass ball moving in one direction. All matter, energy, and soul are in this “glass ball.”

It will leave a lot of information as traces in the places passing by, but these traces are just some “information”. The so-called “past time” does not exist, because there is only one “time point” glass ball in a universe. , It has already moved to another position, then … it does not exist in its original position.

In summary, because the time point has passed, the “time point” of a universe is unique, so the “past time” does not exist, and the “future time” naturally does not exist. The time of a point is only “Now” this state.

“Future” does not exist because it has not happened yet. Before the “glass ball” rolls forward, no one can be sure what the “glass ball” will look like when it reaches the front position. The so-called “Divination” study It is nothing more than a relatively accurate “calculus” based on the law of development of things.

The “past” does not exist. “This is because the time” has left. The ball rolling over the ground may leave a mark, but it will not leave a series of other balls.

Maybe you can tamper with the information in the past, but only the information that is affected is just like you can stealtly change your one-time skip record to “normal class”, but this will not change what you have not taken that class. fact……

But … Although the change of information does not affect the real time, such things as tampering with time and tampering with the “so-called past” to affect the facts that have already happened are fundamentally impossible, but the powerful Spellcaster can escape this “Time point” to form an “independent time point”.

After you have created an independent “little glass ball”, you can choose to make this “little glass ball” run faster, and then reach the “front” earlier than the “time point” of the entire Multiverse, or you can choose to let ” The “small glass ball” runs slower and falls behind the time point of the Multiverse.

If you lag behind or lead too much, too long, so that Multiverse’s “Time Rule” can no longer rely on “repair ability” to “pull you back”, you will find that after the Multiverse’s time point, a bunch of things have happened. There is nothing other than information about the matter, and the point in time is empty because nothing happened.

But even so, with the temporary “time independence”, Legendary Spellcaster can also perform many flexible combat methods.

For example, the “Legal Independence Time” Legend Level spell can make a certain object temporarily detach from the Multiverse time point to evade attacks. The powerful single-lethal Radiant Moon level “Nothingness Exile” Legend spell can directly put a creature Completely strip off the time of Multiverse and banish it into nothingness.

However … Time Rule is very complicated. The above spells are almost all complex spells that need to reach the Radiant Moon level to be eligible for learning. The spell that Punk wants to learn this time is already rare in the ordinary Legend level. Rule’s spell,

“Legend Level Conjuration Spell-Time Imprison”!

Its effect is to pause the time in an area by 1 / 10000th second, so that the time of this area lags behind the Multiverse time point a little, but when the spell effect ends, the Multiverse Time Rule repair will reduce this time The time behind the block is directly pulled back into the main point in time.

And because the backward distance is too short, it is equivalent to the “small glass ball next to the big glass ball” at the time level, so the Legend Level spell attack coming from outside can still be squeezed into this Legend Level spell. “Independent time”.

However, it is for this reason that Spellcaster can release several Legend Level spell “storage” in succession into the “independent time point” that is still suspended, and then release “Time Imprison”, allowing several Legend Level spells to be suspended. Released at the same time to achieve a sudden attack with high intensity and high density.

Even using a pause time as a shield, it is possible to block several enemy spell attacks together and then hide them together.

Of course, “Time Imprison” is not really a magic shield for defense. If you want to do this … then you must be careful of the enemy’s countermeasures, and you must also be careful that the enemy’s attack power is too strong to directly isolate this piece. Time is shredded.

To sum up, although “Time Imprison” alone has no lethality and defensive power, the specific use seems a bit tasteless, but this pure auxiliary Legend Level spell originally requires the cooperation of other spells and Spellcaster In order to play the role of one plus one greater than 2.

This is why Punk at first did not choose it for learning.

Now, this is the reason why Punk chooses it again for learning.

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