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Kane interrupted the “Smile” rebuttal and was equivalent to dismissing the idea of ​​removing the smile from this time adventure plan.

Of course, in a sentence that interrupted “Smile”, Kane also answered Punk’s previous question:

“This Lord had already contacted” Smile “more than 3000 years ago. After all, if you want to contact a God who doesn’t even have a real Divine Kingdom, isn’t it a lot of effort? Isn’t it right? Find a believer in the other party, and then transfer the Mental in the reverse direction. Power is enough, even if this Lord is a Knight.

As for why this Lord should contact smile … Those Magic materials found in the box of the last Red Sand God are not used by this Lord, Punk you Spellcaster is so tightly hidden, so this Lord had to find cute “Smile” Miss trades myself! “

It ’s another loophole, purely perfunctory gibberish. This thing knows that it must be made by Kane on the spot without listening. Of course, even if this purely fool-proof answer is given, Kane needs to use some words. Interrupt the “Smile” complaint, otherwise, Punk guesses whether it is Knight or “Smile” I am afraid that will not give any meaningful answer to his question.

At least now, through Kane’s performance just now, Punk can also infer that the “mad Knight” and “Red Sand God Miss” in front of him have reached some unspeakable agreement …

Sure enough, after speaking, Kane didn’t go to see Punk at all, he just looked towards the smiling projection next to the sighed in relief, so much of the talk just to calm down “Smile” and then shut up honestly, Kane’s subtext is actually It really compromises the seemingly unreasonable “new Red Sand God”.

Fortunately, the smile just seemed to just want to threaten Kane not to abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal. After Knight playing selfish calculations didn’t continue to propose to kick himself out of the team, the smile looked more calm than before Too.

“Well, yes, that’s it, is there any problem? Wizard? If not, this mistress thinks it’s time to start discussing the topic of adventure.”

Straightened up not quite a full breast, after fiercely of unknown meaning glared at Kane, “Smile” spoke to the Spellcaster next to him in a rather arrogant tone.


Punk didn’t give any answer, he just continued to glance at “Smile” and Kane with light purple eyes hidden in the shadow of the hood.

From the expression that can only be described as “silent”, no one can see what Spellcaster is thinking at this time.

But … in fact, Punk is now very satisfied with the current results.

In fact, Spellcaster from the very beginning knows that both Kane and “Smile” answer impossible questions impossibly obediently and honestly. It is absolutely profitable to get any information from a bunch of lies, and Now … Punk is enough to get so much useful information with one question.

For example, he already knows now-it turns out that Kane and “Smile” have signed a binding agreement in private. Moreover, both Kane and “Smile” are playing their abacus and want to find a chance to pit a “teammate” once.

Another example … “Smile” now can not only drag her own hind legs, but also support Kane’s hind legs!

Understanding this information is enough.

Now whether it is “Smile” or Kane must be prepared for Punk’s “chase”, and I can’t ask for more valuable things when I ask it, so …

“Then let the topic go back to this adventure cooperation.”

Punk was deeply nodded, and also agreed with the “Smile” proposal.

But at this time, it was Kane who just talked about it.

“Cough cough, that … smile is not in a good state now, the entire process of development of this adventure opportunity is explained by this Lord.”

Knight of bad luck is really afraid of “Smile” in this state. Although 80% of the performance of “Girl God” was just pretended, Kane now only wants to shut up “Your Majesty the Queen” around him.

So after Punk agreed to start the tone barely fell of the meeting, the loud Knight immediately diligently took over the profession of “narration”.

Then I didn’t wait for what the “Smile” and brows slightly wrinkle’s Spellcaster said more. Kane, who knew “cut first and then play”, immediately used the “Bard” tone that he showed to Punk a long time ago.

But … his way of telling is still as strange as ever.

“That’s … a very, very, very distant story, it was an amazing coincidence, it was an epic …”

“Speak like a human! Kane, why don’t you learn Bard to sing the last paragraph again? Are you afraid to expose your 5 sounds?”

Without waiting for Kane to finish the speech, Punk immediately interrupted Knight’s “affectionate performance” impatiently. Because he had seen the knight’s full offensive running train, Punk knew that if he didn’t interrupt him, Kane was really a guy He can compile an “epic” on the spot with that aria.

Spellcaster is enough to listen to the pile of craps that are confusing.

“Tsk tsk tsk, Saian, you are the least art-savvy guy this Lord has ever seen. You simply don’t realize the beauty of this storytelling … well, let’s put down the spell in your hand, this Lord suddenly felt that art could also be made simpler. “

Seeing that Punk’s projection had begun to gloom and condensed magic power, Kane finally stopped fooling around, and this time he only started to explain things normally, and did not move out that smelly and long aria tone.

“Um … this adventure is actually” Smile “. I told this Lord more than 1000 taels more than 100 years ago, anyway from our” Red Sand God “Miss, this is a group of her believers in a particularly unremarkable little Plane The secrets discovered on ……… You know, Gods can always find the extremely rare Plane with intelligent creatures in the vast and desolate Plane to spread their faith … “

Speaking of which, Kane glanced at “Smile” who was still sitting precariously.

Punk and “Smile” both understand Knight’s feeling of jealousy, because when exploring Multiverse’s Plane, Kane’s actions are absolutely inconvenient.

For example, Legendary Wizards such as Punk can use Legend Level Divination spell to find those Plane that may have the resources they need. For example, God like “Smile” can use divine spell to collect believers on many Planes that have formed intelligent biological communities. Only Warrior like Kane is very bad luck-if he wants to find a special Plane by himself, he can only really try his luck in the vast Star Sea.

So when talking about those Plane about cherishing resources, Kane paused and shook the head after a little pause:

“… Anyway, it’s so lucky to have a believer on a very remote little Plane, and then the fool believers who were stupid enough to believe in a new evil god actually found a great secret, so This adventure came to our “Great Red Sand God Your Majesty the Queen”!

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