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“Kane, I think you should shut up in the following explanation, because our smile Miss must know her believer better than you, don’t you?”

Hearing that Kane had finally spoken about the “treasure”, Punk inserted a sentence while Knight paused.

He bluntly threw the responsibility for explaining the “Secret Treasure” back to “Smile” because Spellcaster can anticipate that the following information will be the most critical part of this adventure, so compared to the glib tongue Kane heard the information here, and Punk would like to hear the description of “Smile” who was “found”.

After all, the “Red Sand God” Miss at this time is in a bad state. She wants to spread a seamless lie that will definitely be more difficult than Kane’s mouth and running the train casually.

For Punk’s very serious words, Kane just spread his hands casually, and then he didn’t have any opinion to focus on “Smile”.

Punk’s suggestion makes sense. This thing should have been described by “Smile”, and … With the help of “Smile”, when the state is not right now, Kane also wants to listen to this and “honest and kind”. The “Red Sand God” above explains things about the adventure, and then confirm whether the words of “Smile” at this time are exactly the same as the previous words.

Seeing Kane and Punk staring at themselves silently, as if facing the courtesan’s admiration, “Your Majesty the Queen” not at all showed some unpleasant emotions, it seemed that she seemed to have a good sense of the test of Spellcaster and Knight.

Punk speculates that maybe the smile did not bury any foreshadowing in this matter, or it may be that the girl God has enough willpower to perfectly hide his true thoughts under the abnormal Mind state.

In any case, in this silent hall, the expression “Your Majesty the Queen” with no change in expression was still calm and heeded Punk’s advice and made an explanation.

Of course, compared to Kane’s “aria-style commentary” which always likes to add some misleading rhetoric, “Smile” words are much more normal than the aloof and remote tone:

“A group of believers of this mistress first discovered the anomaly that appeared on his little Plane, but the anomaly that appeared to be 80% of Legend’s remains was very inconspicuous. From the several priests of this mistress said, the beginning They all thought it was just a simple volcanic eruption. It was not until two Master Level “bishops” were eroded by the Energy of Rule after they died that they realized that there was a Legend-level disaster, and this mistress also got News “.

Speaking of which, the smile stopped a bit unnaturally. I saw her casually glance at the extremely serious Wizard, and then asked with a slightly tilted head.

“Saian, as a Legendary Spellcaster, you should know something like Legend array. Can a Legendary Level Magic array explode after damage or energy exhaustion? This mistress can confirm that there is no such thing on that small Plane. Legend Class Holder, but … some things can’t be observed from the surface, right? “

“Well, I have one more thing to add.”

The tone barely fell of “Smile”, Kane solemnly added a “Supplementary Note” before Punk began to think.

“I went to see the Legend ruins revealed by the small-scale explosion. Although I do n’t understand the principle of Magic Array, I can also see that 80% of that thing is an array with powerful energy and hiding ability. Legend Level array The power released during an explosion should never be worse than an erupting volcano? “

Kane explained his thoughts. In fact, his explanation is obviously more detailed than the “Smile” retelling of believers. After all, “New Red Sand God” as a new God, she does not have Master Level Priest believers. More, the Legend-level “voters” are even more absent. Without paying a huge price to “visit the scene”, the smile can only be judged by the simple divine spell perception and the description of the believer.

After listening to Kane’s and “Smile” questions, Punk’s double pupils could not help squinting slightly.

He is not a layman like Kane and “Smile” who do not understand anything, so for Kane’s description of “a huge array of energy with only a small power burst”, Punk’s idea is also more complicated, after a long time After Zhong Chong’s careful thinking, Punk was systematically and carefully replied:

“Well … in fact, if you exclude certain unknowable coincidences and unknowable accidents, then a Legend Array made by a normal Spellcaster for normal purposes will generally appear after damage or energy exhaustion. The following three situations.

First: it will start the self-healing function, and then restore the broken rune according to the core template. In this case, the Legend array may continue to overflow the energy fluctuations, and then cause a continuous small-scale Rule explosion-this A small-scale Energy of Rule spilled over in the Class Holder of the Master Level seems to be an incredible explosion.

No. 2: It may fall into the self-sealed state or lose all functions directly. In this case, the Legend array will generally dissipate into nothingness silently. The relics found by “Smile” obviously do not belong to this situation.

Item 3: The Legend array with related functions set in advance will release all remaining energy self-destruct instantly at the moment of destruction. This self-destructive array may explode the amount of destructive power not less than several Legend Level spells. ” .

“But … the exposed array does not meet the above three conditions! Punk, don’t sell the lawsuit, tell this Lord quickly your” professional “guess!”

After listening to Punk ’s Magic Science, Kane seemed a little impatient. From the heavy tone of Spellcaster, some vaguely foreseeable Knight seemed to realize that this “unusual outburst” of Magic Array is probably not … Good thing

And Punk certainly did not live up to the expectations of the most likely answer he thought.

“For the small-scale energy burst of that array, the most likely situation should not be the collapse of the whole, but some of the local runes of the array have broken.”

Speaking of which, Spellcaster’s eyes became serious and cold, and he continued to explain rigorously:

“When a series of penetrating Legend Level spells were invented, many Legend Level arrays were considered when they were manufactured-after the local rune structure was destroyed, could the overall array continue to last! In this case , Netheril Era’s Spellcaster will often add one or even several extra energy circuits to the Magic Array’s main energy circuit for backup.

Once the “primary” energy circuit is damaged, a certain “secondary” energy circuit will start to bear the energy load of the structure before the repair is completed! However, after all, the “secondary” energy circuit is only a temporary remedy. Their supporting capacity is far less than the most complete “main” energy circuit. If the “main” circuit cannot be repaired, the secondary circuit is likely to During the overload, the task ends with a small explosion, and then the next “secondary” energy loop will receive the task to maintain the operation of the array and repeat the above process until all the secondary loops are completely destroyed, and the collapse of Magic Array is coming. ” .

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