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The Punk language explained the knowledge of these arrays in an easy-to-understand manner, but at the same time, his expression became more dignified with the “science popularization” words.

After explaining a piece of “common sense”, I saw the Spellcaster looking thoughtful and immediately said quietly to “Smile” and Kane:

“So to sum up, the Legendary Level Magic array that had an abnormality should have a local damage that was not serious long ago, and then the secondary circuit that was not damaged was also overloaded and collapsed for a long time, which led to After a very small “energy leak”, the Rule leak at this time was recognized as a so-called “Legend-level disaster” by Priest who had no knowledge of “Smile”.

So … a new and more intractable question is coming-why does this array of Legend ruins appear to be a “partial damage” that is not serious? “

When Punk’s question was finished, whether it was Kane who lost her smile or a normal smile, she immediately frowned.

The three Legendary Powerhouses on the scene all have strong judgment ability, and they will not be lucky about certain things, so after Punk explained the various situations that will appear in the Legend Level array, the three people probably guessed the Spellcaster What was the answer to the last question …

“So … Punk, do you mean this ruin might have been passed by the early bird catches the worm!”

Kane watched the sole solemnly of the double pupils of Spellcaster light purple.

“Yes! Generally speaking, the condition for a Magic relic to appear is-Spellcaster goes out and falls outside, leaving an unowned Magic Tower covered by layers of hidden arrays ……… but in this way, it is ranked as Master How can the Legend array of the small Plane with few Level Class Holders appear to be damaged even at any point? Even if the energy is exhausted, it should disappear silently without a trace. “

Punk’s voice is as emotional as ever. The Legendary Wizard at this time is only analyzing rationally. Like Kane, he began to feel that it should be done after the analysis. Now after explaining the reasons for most of the remains, Punk It is necessary to provide evidence for the anomaly of this ruin:

“If the owner of the ruin is in the Magic Tower, and the enemy who can’t fight the attack is dead, then the battle of the two Legend Class Holder will definitely make this small Plane to nothing. Not in the Multiverse A Plane has such strong defense capabilities as Faerun or Endless Abyss. In the Legend-level battle, even if the sturdy Magic Tower wreckage is barely preserved, its outermost hidden array is totally impossible. ?

Therefore … Before fantasizing countless treasures and secrets, it is necessary for us to face the fact of an “empty tomb”, because only the “Legendary Wizard tomb thieves” with arcane magic ability and good array analysis can be silent “Dig a hole” in the array of ruins and enter it! “

After a clear explanation without euphemism, Punk’s projection continued to enter the silent state of “closed eyes and nourish the mind”.

Although Spellcaster actually came to this conclusion, he also felt very unhappy, but compared to him, “Smile” and Kane seem to be more difficult to receive this result.

Especially “Smile”, before waiting for Punk’s projection to lean back on the cold gold pillar, the girl God who lifted the pink double ponytail immediately took a big step forward and loudly said:

“Punk, do you mean that this mistress found a” 2 hand goods “relic? But if the relic has really been searched by other Legend Class Holders, why hasn’t it been taken outside the entire relic? Will the construction materials be removed together with the entire array? Would the Spellcaster who explored this relic would indulge in leaving so many good things in place? “

“Smile” is worthy of the new “Red Sand God”, and immediately after Punk’s voice, she found the place that contradicted Spellcaster’s guess.

Indeed, judging from the generally poor clanking situation of Legend Class Holder in this era, if the remains of a Legend Magic Tower are explored, basically it even impossible remains a wall made of Legend materials, leaving a complete The continued operation of the array is even more unrealistic.

And now, the ruins on the little Plane discovered by “Smile” not only have a complete building structure, even a damaged hidden array still uses the “secondary energy circuit” struggling on whilst at death’s door! This means … Punk’s guess that “the early bird catches the worm” is not accurate enough.

So, what would cause the damage to the array of the ruins?

Well, this answer is much easier to answer than the last question involving a lot of expertise. Kane, who has been quiet for a while, immediately thought of the most likely 2 answers:

“Something ran out of the ruins, and then the things that ran out never went back, or … something ran in from outside, and then the things that ran in never came out again!”

Kane’s expression had been dignified with a lot of surprise.

At the same time, Punk’s projection also habitually reached out and rubbed the temple, helplessly sighed:

“Sure enough … no risk is not necessary to take risks ……… as Kane guessed, if it is the former case, it is better. Even Legend Wizard’s Laboratory is not without the possibility of leaking some test items, that The damaged “hole” of the array may be the damage caused by the escape of a certain tester with Legend strength, but … “

“But if it is the latter possibility, it will be more troublesome, right?”

After snatching Punk’s words, “Smile” Miss who moved Xiao Qiong’s nose also frowned slightly and said to herself:

“……… if it is the latter case, then it proves that there is at least one Legend Class Holder of the early bird catches the worm who broke the outer defense array and entered the ruins, and then … this bad luck guy would Never again, he may have fallen into the defensive system inside the ruins. After all, this ruin is a Legendary Spellcaster ’s Magic Tower, speaking from a certain perspective. Wizard itself is more dangerous! “

When saying this remark, “Smile” was staring at the projection of Spellcaster hiding most of her face in the shadow of the hood. It seemed that she wanted to see some unusual expressions on Punk’s face.

It’s just that Punk’s expressionless will obviously not change because of a “Smile” paragraph. Even if the girl God’s last sentence has already pointed out the greater risks that this unknown ruin may contain, Punk still maintains that calmness. Shocked.

In fact, Spellcaster at this time is thinking and weighing the pros and cons repeatedly.

After all, it seems that the ruins discovered by “Smile” have already caused a Legend Level Class Holder to fall. Although this also shows that the ruins may also have more or even double wealth, but … … In this case, does the “adventure” of this time really continue?

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