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“It’s really troublesome! How can a blood sacrifice do such a pester and chirp, as an Evil God,” Even Oracle goes to let a group of lunatic believers commit suicide “such a simple thing can’t do Evil God who is still a ghost! The sacrifice had to “cheat” a group of believers to control Mind, asking this Lord to say something like this … “gu lu” … Evil Cult is simply a shame to the Evil God! “

Swallowing a piece of tender rabbit meat in one bite, Kane casually began to tease loudly at the church of “Smile”.

Perhaps in the eyes of this guy, the so-called “church” is a simple basic skill for brainwashing believers. Such things as crazy believers should be mass-produced like canned pork on the assembly line.

As for Kane’s cognition, Punk standing indifferently under a big tree just silently the head said indifferent expression.

Spellcaster didn’t even bother to take Knight’s complaint, because in his opinion, Kane’s ridicule simply was meaningless speculation.

There is not enough knowledge reserve Legend Knight is obviously not enough to know God, even the “Little Girl” who has just become “Red Sand God” less than 10000 years old may only know nothing about the “God” group.

You should know that for God, “believers” are always a troublesome thing and have to manage well. To reduce the number of believers and increase the number of believers is very strenuous, especially those extreme-thinking believers must be trained from an early age. Can be cultivated, and after a group of fanatics is cultivated, it is also not easy to deal with them.

This has nothing to do with the ability of the church to “fool people”, and it does not matter whether the medieval farmers who don’t know the characters are good or not, because it is not the human mind or social factors that restrict the number of believers, but the belief The core God itself.

For a God, too few believers will cause his Divine Power to make ends meet, even unable to meet basic survival needs.

But too many believers will cause Divine Portfolio to erode their will speed up greatly. Gods such as Morninglord, whose believers are all over the Multiverse, have long had no “self” at all.

Only keeping the number of believers in a “no more, no less” state is a reasonable move that God should make, but … maintaining this balance is far more difficult than making a church prosperous.

But now, after this time blood sacrifice, the mass deaths of the “Red Sand God” believers and the widely spread “Red Sand God’s prestige” may break the balance situation that “Smile” will eventually create-if the festival operates Too good will lead to a sudden increase in the number of believers. If the operation is too poor, it will cause a large number of believers to decline in faith. In either case, it is a troublesome big trouble, so smiles must grasp the key measures.

That’s why she wanted to make this kind of “seemingly majestic, actual cover-up” festival in a deep forest.

The believers who are going to the altar may not even know that the purpose of the God they believe in is not for the so-called “promotion of glory and spread of faith”. This ritual, which only looks very public, has never thought of being open to participate. Among the people at the ceremony, except for the 2 already impatient Legend, the rest are just a bunch of “lambs” to be slaughtered.

“Red Sand God” is just to find a name to summon some shallow believers and even pseudo believers to the altar, and then order his Priest to use Mind divine spell to control these insignificant shallow believers to be “voluntarily” sacrificed that’s all, anyway As an Evil God, it is normal to use divine spell to order believers to do something.

In this way, Punk and Kane watched the group of “Red Sands” believers with more than 30000 people on the mountain peak, busy with various greasy animal skulls, spooky reliefs, and paintings to decorate their “cemetery” At the same time, there are other believers from this little Plane who have rushed over to participate in this time “event”.

Watching the process of “moving ants” is not fun. At least in some small things, the “Blinking Gun”, which is always impatient, is very upset at this time.

So Kane watched the “lamb flocks” who dragged the family into the sacrificial ground from a mountain pass, while tearing off half of the rabbit’s legs and handing it to Punk symbolically and frowns vaguely asked:

“The number of these” living sacrifices “is up to 10000, and it should be enough to pay the ridiculous price. Does the smiling guy think that this adventure will last for several years?”

“Who knows?”

Punk answered perfunctoryly.

“If God does not return to Divine Kingdom after the” out of time “, Divine Portfolio will continue to draw God’s Divine Power as a punishment, drain Divine Power and Divinity, and take Divinity and soul ………” Smile ” Maybe I want to insure some more. “

While talking, he glanced at the bunny rabbit, who did not like to eat barbecue. The Wizard quietly released a roasted rabbit leg that Mage Hand pushed away from Kane.

But after a short pause, he also thought of another possibility:

“Well … our” Your Majesty the Queen “may be cleaning up too many” lambs “, after all, her mental state seems to be too influenced by faith” ………


The cold winter wind in line with the Little Plane climate gently blows through the lush vegetation, and the morning sun shines again on the yellowed ground of wormwood. The shade that cast shadows around the 2 Legendary Powerhouse swayed slowly in the silent cold wind. Knight ’s armor dyed the golden glow of the morning sun with a layer of golden glow …………

“Well ~ Forget it, just wait patiently for such teammates. The believers and so on are all” Smile “themselves. Anyway, she, an Evil God, has a way to deal with too many” lambs “.

No longer entangled with the purpose of “Smile” behavior, Kane ate the rabbit leg that was originally intended for Punk. The quick chewing action proved that he had never thought of giving roasted rabbit to Wizard at first.

But the talkative Knight had to take the time to say a few words even during the eating process, especially for the comment on God, “Smile”, I do n’t know what to think and so on Knight, there seems to be an endless line to complain .

“It’s just … gu lu … this Lord has been very strange,” Smile “Is she really able to complete such a large-scale festival? It seems that the larger the scale of God’s festival, the easier it is to cause trouble. , The rituals of several 10000 people are too eye-catching “!

Once again dismissively glanced at the fanatical “Red Sands Believers” at the foot of the mountain. Knight, who was clearly in a bad mood, expressed his doubts while looking sideways towards the Punk which was towards the eyes calm and composed.

Because in a certain direction that he glanced at just now, the sight of Legend Class Holder is enough to see a group of “little accidents” approaching the altar quickly.

“God’s ceremonies are usually stumbled in various unsuccessful accidents, such as Evil God, and Good God is no exception.”

This is Spellcaster’s answer without emotion.

Obviously, Punk also perceives the group of “Italian Outsiders” who apparently came to the altar, but unlike Kane, he didn’t feel unexpected about it.

Evil God’s blood sacrifice at the expense of life will always attract many defenders to do their best to prevent it. Good God’s rituals often attract continuous thieves because the sacrifices contain too much wealth.

Even those brave “guard Daoist” or “thieves” usually hold other secrets, but speaking from a certain perspective, these various “artificial” factors that can interfere with a certain church festival are also “Good Alignment” God And the “Evil Alignment” God is a balance.

But … now the situation is that on such a small Plane with few Master Level Class Holders, there are still countries that dare to fight against a church sheltered by God … This makes Spellcaster a little confusing … ………

Is the influence of the “Smile” church … too general.

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