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Redstone Plane is just an unremarkable small Plane, although it rarely has intelligent creatures on it, and it also has a human country that scales neither too big nor too small, but this still cannot change the fact that it is just a small Plane .

Little Plane means barren resources, little kingdom means sparse population, and remoteness means no communication.

When these three shortcomings are combined, ridiculous, ignorant, fearless, believe oneself infallible and other ridiculous thoughts naturally came into being.

It is easy to spread faith on such a small Plane.

Since the strongest creature in the entire Plane is only 2 or 3 Master Level Warriors, plus the “Legend Level” only exists in legends and stories, so even an unknown God does not reveal any miracle, With only a few mouths of several Priest, you can definitely “fool” a sect with a large number of people, because there are always too many ignorant people willing to believe in the so-called “omnipotent” God.

However, such a small Plane also has an aspect where belief is easily hindered-because I have never seen the existence of Legendary Powerhouse, and even a Master Level Spellcaster has never been born, the intelligent creatures growing on this small Plane will be lacking. In awe of the powerhouse, even if God reveals a little “miracle” here, the nobility in the status of rulers among them will never easily succumb to the rule that exists only under the legendary God.

In particular, this church that intends to expand its influence is still an Evil God sect, and its behavior is indiscriminately described as indiscriminate killing of innocent people. Then its existence will make most rulers and “justice” “Man” endured extremely hard work.

In fact, it is not easy for an extremely evil doctrine such as “Chisha Religion” to take root in any orderly place. From this, 10000 believers can reach the altar without any hindrance or help. It is not difficult to see The development of the “religious religion” is now the result of the concessions of the “Redstone Plane” authorities as much as possible.

However, the retreat of a group of ordinary ants is obviously not recognized as “showing good” by God of aloof and remote, even though the Redstone Kingdom of Redstone Plane has turned a blind eye to this church with True God as much as possible, but now accepts Arriving at Oracle’s “Chisha Religion” or the don’t give face suddenly summoned a large group of believers.

The assembling of these believers also caused great stimulation to the already extremely disturbed “Red Stone Kingdom” as it should be by rights.

When the 10000 lunatics gathered together without warning, any King would doubt that these Evil Cult believers would unite to overthrow their rule. After all, there are still many Priest among the believers of “Red Sand God”, even Lord, who is the real power holding the soldiers, has to fear these priests that can release the evil divine spell.

As a result, without being able to communicate with a group of lunatics shouting “My God omnipotent”, the redstone kingdom’s nobility could only decide to send troops to suppress it after a short negotiation.

Although the gathered believers have no signs of trouble, but in the case of “rebellion”, any country’s approach is to “suppress before talking”, even if the church serves a “legend” True God is no exception.

“If God’s legend is true, then, how could such a great existence have the power to care about a group of ordinary believers on such a small Plane? What’s more … The legend is just a legend, how can that kind of thing be true?” ?

This is the idea of ​​most people in the Red Rock Kingdom, and it is also the confidence that nobles dare to send troops to an Evil Cult festival.

Of course, the Redstone Kingdom, which has been ravaged by a group of Evil Cult for a long time, should also have the opportunity to eradicate this terrifying tumor. It happens that the only two Master Level Priest on the Plane of the “Red Sand God” have been eroded by the Rule of Legend. Dead, maybe in the eyes of many people, this will be a rare opportunity.

Maybe the Redstone Kingdom has already secretly guarded against the “Red Sand God” that the power is getting bigger and bigger, so on the day when the ritual is about to be completed, a “combat” composed of 1000 elite soldiers and dozens Formal Level Class Holder The “Army” has been rushing to the mountain where the altar is located under the leadership of a Master Level Warrior.

This experienced unit with the name of justice received only one order, that is, to kill the Evil Cults gathered in the Canyon of Light, and to exceed the red tumor “Red Sand God” for the redstone Plane.

——Dividing line—–

“Hey hey hey, Punk, are we here to look really right? It looks like the” Smile “field is about to be smashed by a group of ignorant ants. Not only do we not help, we also wait to see her jokes … yes It’s not too much ~ no justice. “

Watching with keen interest pleasure, a wolf-like army surrounded the canyon where the festival will be held. Kane said to Punk without looking back while waiting for the opening of the “War Show” with keen interest pleasure.

The evil “swift killing gun” doesn’t have any sympathy for these believers who belong to “Smile”. Although he ridiculed the so-called “help” and “righteousness”, in fact, his eyes are full of It is full of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Smile” The “Red Sand God” and “Lady Queen” are now about to be smashed by a group of mortals, but as a “god” carrying a lot of restrictions, she can’t make anything that fits her Legendary Powerhouse status Counterattack.

In the view of Kane who always enjoys the pain of others, this is of course a very funny joke, he will not interrupt the slaughter of this “just army”. After all, although he and “Smile” have a private cooperation, but The actual relationship is not good at all.

In fact, Knight is still looking forward to what kind of face will appear after the “Smile” body comes.

The Spellcaster standing next to Kane still maintains “expressionless” as always.

Of course, he also did not mean to make redundant actions.

Punk knows more about God than Kane, and he doesn’t feel anything funny about this little thing.

According to the rules of the Evil Alignment god sacrifice, as long as the believer died on the “altar”, whether it is “he killed” or “suicide” can be considered as a sacrifice, so if this army hunts “Chisha” in the canyon In the words of the “religious believers”, their behavior can actually help “Smile” save a sum of Divine Power consumption that controls the suicide of the shallow believers. The loss of “Girl God” is just a bit of a face in the face.

And … On the other hand, this kind of “shameless and powerless” shameful moment will definitely be performed numerous times in the life course of any God, even those who only maintain a small group of believers in seclusion Strong Divine Power is totally impossible to avoid, so … at least in Punk’s opinion, the “weak Divine Power” of “Smile” is not necessary at all.

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