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The mist formed by the broken Rule disappeared at a very fast rate. The natural Rule of Multiverse is like this. It seems that no matter where, no matter how many times it is destroyed, or how serious it is, as long as there is no energy to continue this “destruction” If it is true, Rule will be able to restore its original appearance at a very fast speed. Even in this isolated mysterious ruin, its characteristic is still perfectly effective.

Since the three Legendary Powerhouse and Magic balls that do n’t yet know the situation have n’t continued to attack, it took less than a second, and the broken natural crystal-like Rule has been restored to its fullest extent.

Correspondingly, the cloud formed by the rule has also disappeared, and after the cloud of sight and perception has dissipated, what is exposed inside makes the three Legend adventurer, who are still guarding each other for a second. Especially Punk’s discoloration!

That’s a broken metal object that can only be described by debris … yes, it is no longer a sphere, but an irregular Alchemy Creation with only fist sized left. In this irregular The object is also filled with a lot of cracks and twisted marks. It seems that the Magic ball that has lost 70% of its volume is just a knot.

But … just on this metal object that has been completely scrapped in any way, a very bright blue brilliance of ink is still shining silently. The horrific Energy of Rule savings brought by the previous attack seems to be in this last core Has been stored in large quantities!

And not only that, almost at the same time when the “debris” of the Magic ball was exposed, the only metal core was still intermittently shining with ink blue sparks such as severely damaged electrical appliances leaking, as if the broken Magic Array energy circuit had been Are trying to reconnect.

There is no doubt that although this thing is already on the verge of destruction, it has not really turned into a pile of junk!

“Alchemy armor … lost! Bah ……… The core was … bah … serious ……… damaged, now … bah … emergency recovery procedures are executed”!

“Hurry up! This is more trouble than you two idiot imagined!”

Without the slightest hesitation shouting, Punk directly released several energy violent “destruction crevices” at the fastest speed. The moment the Magic ball was not completely damaged, the Legendary Wizard’s heart was Anxiously shouted “to be worse”!

Kane and “Smile” do not understand the power of Oshos 7 Magic Ball, Legendary Wizard is very aware of the powerful performance of this terrifying Golem, don’t look at the Magic Ball now seems to be on the verge of destruction, but if you don’t “make up the knife in time” “if…………

“Damn, seeing it like this will almost completely destroy this broken thing, just happen to be close! Unfortunately, the difference may be the difference between Heaven and Earth” ………………

Sighing anxiously and irritably in his heart, Legendary Spellcaster, who tried to make his last effort, or the “destruction crevice” in his full hand, passed the crazy strikes one by one to the Magic ball, but in the process, the cautious “Whisper of “Destruction” also began to use the “Legend Swift” that is still in effect to take a few steps back quickly.

“Hey, what’s the matter with this stuff? Isn’t it still dying after the 2 hits?”

At this moment, Kane, whose body injury had just recovered by about half, also reacted at the speed of second only to Spellcaster, seeing the look of Punk like an enemy, even if the crazy Knight did not understand how ridiculous the Orcus Magic Ball was. Ability, he also knew that he needed to attack quickly to make a final remedy.

Of course, the nagging Knight did not forget to push all the mistakes to others as soon as he spoke.

“Smile, Saian! What the hell are you guys doing? Just throwing a few spells or divine spells into the mist just now is it okay? Whose fault is it?”


No one paid any attention to Kane ’s complaint. The three people present did n’t care about the right or wrong, especially the “Smile” who had just recovered a little bit. After discovering that something was wrong, the girl God simply gave up the final remedy. By the way, seeing that the Magic Ball was not immediately destroyed, the “new Red Sand God” who had already begun to be vigilantly used the strange divine spell to hide into the space.

And the facts that happened next also prove that missed opportunities often do not come back. The so-called remedies are usually not at all useful.

Spellcaster and Legend Knight’s reaction speed and attack are extremely fast. The speed of super light is simply a flash in this small space, but it still takes time to hit the enemy again with a rapid attack. What the 3 adventurers lack at this moment is that the thing is time!

When the rune on the wall of the Alchemy Square was ignited again, the magic ball’s action instantly changed from a static state to a high-speed motion state. I saw that the only remaining Magic core was like a diving man thrusting into the distance. The nearest wall, and all the attacks from Punk and Kane struck all the way through by almost a few centimeters, until this wall was reached, the “metal block” quickly stopped.

At the same time, before the arrival of the next wave of Legendary Wizard and Legend Knight’s attacks, the array that continues to spark is already in operation!

“Recover … Program … Baha … Activated, emergency recovery … Baha … Formal start”!

Under the surprise and anxious gaze of the three adventurers, I saw that the Alchemy wall near the Magic Ball suddenly began to release a large amount of fine debris as if it was being exploited by unknown energy. These debris melted and transformed into in midair In the end, all the components are tightly connected to each other. Finally, all the components are joined one by one to the Magic Ball. When the attack of 3 Legendary Powerhouse comes, the broken remains only the “wreck”. The “ball” has returned in a complete state!

“Restoration … completed, the armor is completed, and the rechargeable catapult array recharge progress is 100%, and now continue to attack!”


In the Rule that was torn again by a lot of Magic attacks, this mechanical sound that was almost drowned in the aftermath of energy was more harsh than the sound that the space was torn again!

Magic ball … recovered!

That’s right, this is the power of Oshos 7 Magic Ball. As long as they are in the Magic Tower, they can have almost inexhaustible energy and inexhaustible matter. The combatants seem to be facing 7 Unremarkable “little football”, but in fact, what he is facing … is actually the entire Morningstar Magic Tower!

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