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“Although this Lord knows that this thing will be repaired, the speed of this repair is too fast. Will it return to Peak from the endangered state in less than a second? Morningstar-level creations are so scary.”

Watching the Magic Ball recover with the energy and material delivered by the Magic Tower in the blink of an eye, Kane’s anger and anxious voice echoed in the square at the same time.

With the perfect recovery of the “Recovery Ball”, all the efforts made by the three Legendary Powerhouse just now can be converted to fly ash.

“Do n’t complain, for ordinary levels like you and me, this recovery speed is really fast, but at the Morningstar level this can only be regarded as an average … The next attack will be very troublesome, be careful not to pay attention to one. Was killed by instant kill “.

Without looking at the crazy Knight, Punk was frowning and staring at the Magic ball in front of him.

Because of this time, the sharp ability of Spellcaster has noticed that a large amount of energy is beginning to show up from this “ball of recovery”.

For the “repair ball” in the Osho 7 magic ball, all attacks that cannot destroy it will only make it stronger. The violent energy will also be destroyed by the magic ball while destroying the Alchemy armor. The energy storage array absorbs a lot, and the absorbed energy will become the magic ball’s counterattack … or the source of Self-destruction. Because of the ability to quickly repair itself by relying on the material supplement of the Magic Tower, any magic ball has not been completely destroyed. The attack is to add energy to it, increase the speed, and the charging efficiency provided by the continuous violent attack is not comparable to the “touching” energy transmission speed of the Magic ball Magic.

If nothing unexpected happens, the next three Legend Class Holder’s attacks will probably be “howling wind and torrential rain” which is not at the same level as before. As for this horrible “howling wind and torrential rain” How long will it last? It depends on when the Magic Ball cleans up the energy it just absorbed from Legend spell and Legend divine spell!

It is foreseeable that even if the Magic ball has a “self-energy dissipation decompression” situation that is extremely wasteful of energy in the Peak state, it will be a “long” process of at least 2 to 3 seconds, After all, the attack just carried too much energy.

Seeing Punk’s expression suddenly dignified, Kane felt that there was something wrong in the air, and Kane didn’t continue to talk nonsense. He didn’t know what the next Magic Ball attack would be, so he was crazy. Secretly began to vigilantly condense battle energy on both legs while asking Punk aloud:

“Hello, listening to Saian, you guys seem to know what the power of Morningstar looks like … hurry up and talk about how to solve this troublesome Magic Ball, this Lord feels the ink blue array on this thing. After being lighted up, there will definitely be no good things happening. Do you want to continue to attack now? “

“Attack? It’s good to try hard to avoid the attack.

“… what are you saying … I’m relying!”

Kane did n’t understand that Punk spit out the writing with within the body content, because just when he was just about to release a Battle Skill and left the original position, the Magic Ball that had been bombarded many times by Legendary Wizard and Knight using attacking efforts had been launched instantly Counterattacked.

And at this time, Osho’s magic ball really showed its terrible side.

I saw the football-sized “repair ball” suddenly began to shrink its size in mid-air. When the energy fluctuations on the Alchemy armor of its surface were greatly enhanced, the magic ball of ink blue has also become A bright blue “table tennis”!

However, the reduction in volume not only did not reduce the danger brought by the Magic Ball, but also allowed the horrible aura it released to the maximum. For a time, even the carefree crazy Knight had the dilemma of pupil contraction standing in place.

Seeing that it had become a ping pong ball that hit the ground abruptly as at first, Kane, whose battle energy burst suddenly, quickly released the Battle Skill and made a displacement to the side. Almost in the shortest time, the crazy attention completely crazy Realize that you are locked in by the fully charged Magic Ball as the first target.

It’s just … Is the Peak State Morningstar Golem attack so easy to avoid?

“Legend Level Battle Skill …”


The blood bloomed in the square like a blown-out flower. A lot of flesh and blood shattered the ground, and the speed of the Osho Magic ball that instantly turned into a blue silk thread was too terrifying, compared to In a normal state, the magic ball full of energy has increased its speed by at least 3 times!

Just a momentary acceleration, Kane’s half of the body shattered under a terrifying impact, and his right hand arm and the entire right chest were missing in this time of attack.

“Wh … what …”

Unbelievably watching his broken body, the crazy Knight who released the battle energy violently jumped away at a fast and amazing speed. At the moment just now, Legend Knight almost wiped with death Over the shoulder, because the Magic ball is aimed at his head, if not even the Battle Skill’s “Instant Kill Gun” is released a little sideways, now it is his head and soul that are broken into blood flowers!

But this is not the end. How could Osho’s Magic Ball not know the importance of “make up”?

I saw that the Alchemy sphere of the half body of the broken Legend Knight didn’t even show a slight pause. After gently “bounced” to the ground to repair some cracks on the armor, the magic ball that was restored to its intact state again directed Kane fiercely. Hit the past.

If this time is hit, the crazy Knight is estimated to fall on the spot.

“Smile, save me quickly! Don’t forget that you are also obligated under the contract, and Saian, you must also save me, otherwise you will die next time!”

Seeing the ink blue ball suddenly rushed towards himself again, realizing that it was difficult for him to save himself in this situation, Kane quickly released the wave of Mental Power to call for help, because it was too anxious, mixed with the call for help information The violent Mental Power even formed a hurricane that swept across the square.

After the Magic Ball is fully charged, the speed and lethality are really amazing. The ordinary Legend-level defense is as fragile as a parchment in the face of such penetration damage, and the ordinary Legend-level evasion means are absolutely impossible alone. Avoid such a quick and agile Magic ball in such a small Alchemy square.

So it ’s quite normal for Kane to be hit. Crazy Knight is just the first to be locked in bad luck. Instead, it is Punk or “Smile”. This Magic ball that reaches the Peak state is targeted by the last ten. -nine will end the same way!

At this moment, there is no doubt that in the face of the strength to reach Peak, the Osho Magic Ball, which has occupied the right place and the right place, has an unprecedented opportunity … the arrival!

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