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Punk got enough information, but he did not intend to explain to Kane or “Smile” how detailed, so after summoned the luminous jellyfish again, Legendary Wizard said without looking back:

“The array has been hacked by an unknown” first mover “, we have saved a lot of time, and move on.”

Having finished speaking, Punk will continue to control the jellyfish.

Maybe such an explanation would make the other 2 “teammates” confused, but the Wizard at this time does not want to let a cunning Knight know that he has the ability to see so much information at a glance, especially about the unknown “pioneer” Class Level intelligence … If there is any possibility of contact, the sinister Spellcaster needs some “ignorant bravery” to take the lead.

“Hey, Saian, there is obviously a problem with your answer. It’s so perfunctory ~ no sincerity.”

“This mistress also felt that it was necessary for some people to share the information. At least this mistress felt that information about the approximate rank of this” pioneer “should not be concealed.”

Hearing that Punk gave himself a concise explanation, Kane certainly knew that his teammates were absolutely impossible and only got such a little information, and immediately a vigilant crazy Knight quickly expressed his dissatisfaction in his heart.

And after passing the cracked Magic Array, “Smile” is also somewhat unpleasant frowned.

It is also a one-way intelligence blockade, and Wizard’s advantage ……… Two Legendary Powerhouses that have sensed an abnormal feeling have already foreseen the existence of a deep hole.

Unfortunately, Legendary Wizard does not change his answer because of anyone ’s dissatisfaction, even though the two “teammates” behind him express the same indignation, but the Punk who walks in the front really just continues to use no emotion. The fluctuating sound is replied:

“As a powerhouse, independent judgment is a must. If there is an opportunity, you should learn to face the facts with your own eyes … By the way, now I ’m concealing the exploration of concentration attention completely The trap, if I am distracted by some stupid nonsense, take responsibility for the consequences “!

Okay, Punk’s language is as sharp as ever, but with such a reply, Kane and “Smile” have nothing to say, not because they don’t want to continue questioning, but because Punk has almost made it clear that he will not answer. .

On the other hand, the two “illiterate people” really don’t know how difficult it is to detect the hidden Morningstar array trap. They really dare not overly disturb the Legendary Spellcaster, who is responsible for the most important work.

In this way, after a little accidental “vignette”, the three Class Holders moving forward in the pipeline “turtle speed” are not continuing to fight, and the deep silence like water has once again spread from the darkness in the second section of the channel … ………

After walking for more than 2 weeks at a slow speed, it can be imagined that the crazy Knight and the girl God must be very bored, because they have to tighten their nerves at any time, and then rub the front ten minutes. In one or two steps, for the Legendary Powerhouse, who is accustomed to acting at super light speed at any time, this extremely slow speed is itself a long torture.

But the “Whisper of Destruction” at the forefront is not at all boring, time-wasting, and mentally stressful, because in the view of a Legendary Wizard who loves Magic, everything in this Alchemy channel is almost everywhere knowledge.

For example, the Morningstar-level Alchemy material that constitutes the wall of the passage gives Punk a lot of inspiration and inspiration. This wall is a real object that can be studied in front of itself, not images and theories that only exist in memory.

Through the analysis of the manufacturing process of this type of wall and the experiment of various characteristics of Morningstar-level Alchemy materials, many of the knowledge in Spellcaster’s memory have been given a rare practical opportunity, although looking at so many precious materials in front The feeling of not being able to “mine” is a bit uncomfortable … But by studying the mysteries of these walls all the way, Punk clearly can feel that some of his “theories” have become “knowledge” and strengthened his Alchemy level. .

apart from this, those cracked Morningstar hierarchical arrays placed on the surface also used the same method to give Punk a learning opportunity about the Enchantment system knowledge, not to mention anything else, at least I have watched so many “first movers” along the way I do n’t know the Magic Array, which took a few thousand years to “fancy crack”, Punk felt that he had almost mastered the “Millenge Enchantment rune deciphering formula” that he was not familiar with. Now if there is another Magic Array in it In front of Spellcaster, he would never be as uncertain as when he was at the entrance to the ruins.

“Even in the most tense battles, learning should not be stopped … Who said this sentence? Lu Xun? Anyway, I am not really wasting time or gaining nothing.”

Secretly nodded, Punk is satisfied with his current state of exploration, because the process of exploring knowledge is itself a way to obtain treasure,

Moreover, the danger level of this channel is even lower and lower in Spellcaster’s psychology. Now that all the Magic Array along the way has been found, and all the omissions have been cracked by the “predecessors”, Legendary Wizard can’t help but feel his mood is more relaxed Too.

Of course, just a few cracked arrays are not enough for Punk to come to the conclusion that “the danger level is reduced”. Don’t forget that the real strong enemy guarding the main entrance of Magic Tower will always be a group of powerful Golems.

But now, Legendary Wizard has 100% certainty that there will be no Golem popping out like Osho’s magic ball and suddenly attacking himself, because in the long and narrow passage, Punk has not even found the wreckage of a Golem, some … It’s just that each and everyone is clearly visible on the walls of Alchemy.

Those holes are obviously left for the placement of Golem. If Golem still exists in these holes, then these Golem can jump out of the wall, and then block the long passage to prevent the enemy from passing, even The battle strength of these Golem is not strong enough, but by virtue of occupying a small space, it can certainly delay the enemy for some time.

But now … the last 100 holes are nothing more than holes. In the process of passing through the entire passage, “Whisper of Destruction”, which is alert to enemy raids, is not seen even by a Golem.

The Golem guard of the Morningstar Magic Tower seems to have been disappeared except for the Orcus magic ball …

“Well, this situation is more interesting. Considering that the owner of this ruin may be the Great Arcanist at the end of Netheril … I think I almost got to the reason why the ruins are so strange.”

Lightly raised his eyebrows, Spellcaster’s pupil suddenly flashed a light purple magic power.

Finally, after discovering that Golem, which had been enough to incarnation count 100 walls in the Alchemy channel, all “fed away”, thinking of something in the memory of “Vedrasia”, Punk suddenly realized that he might already be able to explain This relic is so empty and strange.

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