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At first when entering the ruins, Punk was still a little difficult to understand why this ruin was deliberately made into this weird look. Obviously this is the home of Morningstar Wizard, but the result was deliberately disguised as a normal level Magic Tower, obviously has Osho The Golem guard, which is the best at dealing with enemies inside Magic Tower, has only one repairing magic ball that can move.

Overall, this eccentric Morningstar ruin has always given people a peculiar feeling of restraint, and the openness of its only passage proves the correctness of this feeling.

The holes in the walls are one after another, but Golem, who was supposed to be sleeping in those holes and waiting to meet the enemy, is gone.

However, after confirming that all Golems that were supposed to exist were missing, Spellcaster was somewhat sighed in the heart:

“So that’s how it is, I should have thought of it ……… It seems that the owner of this ruin is not planning to set up an incredible conspiracy, but should be on the battlefield in response to the call of the Legend Group Army at the end of Netheril Era. “!

With his frowns stretched, the Legendary Wizard, aware of this most logical fact, felt a lot lighter in his mental state.

Punk knows that in the later period of Netheril Era, when the resources and background of the entire civilization have been cleaned up, the Great Arcanist Parliament will not accidentally start calling all the “small value” Spellcasters to take the Alchemy armament that protects itself from the Wizard Tower. Come out and set foot on the battlefield. After all, even the Legendary Spellcaster wants to be a crazy output fort during the war. It needs a strong “meat shield” to cover itself. When the Golem dedicated to war is continued tens of thousands of After years of high-intensity battles have been destroyed, Wizards desperately in need of a meat shield can only begin to send all the Golems in their hands into the war.

Especially in that “Final Carnival”, those Spellcasters with red eyes wished to move their Magic Tower to the battlefield as battle strength, like Golem, potion, materials, etc. After all, if you ca n’t even save your life, what else do you have to do with Magic Tower? Even Vedrasia later brought the “Far-Space City”, which was originally used for logistics production, to the core of the battlefield?

Therefore, the openness inside the ruins explored by Punk has also been explained.

The owner of this Magic Tower is obviously not a self-interested, “smart man” dragging out an ignoble existence. In the defeated war of Netheril Civilization, he took away almost all the movable battle strength in the Magic Tower and set foot on The battlefield is gone, and he never goes back. The reason why he disguised the entrance of the Magic Tower as the ordinary Legend level should be to make his immovable nest into the last trap pit. 2 greedy Gods, and only The remaining Orsius recovery ball is not actually used for combat, but to ensure that the Magic Tower can continue to operate for a long time.

However, it is estimated that the Morningstar Wizard, who made the Magic Tower, did not expect that the “last trap” he left was fortunately not quickly found after the war, but it took almost 6 million 100000000 million years before it was nearly Three “innocent adventurers” died in the pit.

Among these three adventurers, there is even a “self” who is a person ………

“This is really … people don’t know what to say, now I can only hope this Morningstar” Senior “who doesn’t know in which war he died in. Don’t be too Holy Mother, he can’t take all 10000000 All the resources have been turned over to the Great Arcanist House of Representatives, otherwise, this ruin is not just a dangerous empty shell? “

Helplessly muttering to himself, Punk started to speed up a little bit.

Now Spellcaster is a little difficult to determine whether he is lucky or unlucky. His unlucky place is that he is trapped into such a ruined Morningstar level of danger lurks on every side, and he may not be in danger of encountering himself. Compatible remuneration.

And his luck is that the danger in this ruin seems to have been reduced to a minimum, the original tricky Golem has been taken away by their owners, and the rest of the traps have also been cracked by unknown pioneers. After walking in the most dangerous Alchemy channel for so long, the three “lucky adventurers” did not encounter any danger from beginning to end.

Considering that this is the interior of a Morningstar ruin, this situation can definitely be called “incredible”.

“So … will this” surprise and danger “really continue?”

Feeling the message that the luminous jellyfish passed to him, the slightly squinted Punk stopped naturally again.

Kane and “Smile” who didn’t dare to extend their senses forward behind him didn’t know what the Legendary Wizard had discovered at this time. In fact, this time Punk’s stop was not because he encountered a new Magic Trap. Check, but because … he has seen through the ultra-long-range dark vision possessed by the luminous jellyfish, and there is a trace of undetectable light in the “front” that had always remained dark.

If there is no accident, the light should represent the end of the corridor and a brand new exit.

After traveling and studying for 3 months, this Alchemy corridor that can only be described as “ephemeral” in the senses of Legendary Wizard has already come to an end!

“We seem to have reached the exit …”

After a pause, Punk slowly announced to the 2 “teammates” behind him in a low tone.


“Well, I finally got to the exit. This Lord has had enough of this dark tube, what are you waiting for? Start a new journey, ah ha ha ha”!

Hearing the news of the export, Kane ’s response is still carefree as usual. After all, for Legend Knight, who does not understand what happened at the end of Netheril, there is only the unknown Alchemy channel and the same There is an “unknown” exit like a murderous intention step by step. If you can choose, a bright and vast dangerous space is always a little stronger than a dark and obnoxious dangerous space.

Compared with the already impatient Kane’s sharpening, “Smile” quickly stepped back 2 steps after hearing Punk’s notice. At the same time, the girl God also cautiously reminded the Legendary Wizard who was at the forefront. :

“Don’t take it lightly, we” knowledgeable Lord Wizard “… this mistress always feels that there is a faint unpredictable hunch around me, this mistress was heard as a child when he was a child-the light you see in the dark, very It may just be the eyes of evil spirits! “

“Relax, we have to stay in this passage for some time, the luminous jellyfish will assume the most dangerous pathfinding responsibilities.”

Hearing the two completely different voices behind him, Punk without the slightest hesitation ignored the ridiculous nature of Knight’s ridiculous nature than serious opinions. He also felt that it was better to keep enough vigilance and awe in the face of an unknown new area. heart.

Even if the “Whisper of Destruction” arcane magic level has reached 2 Level 16 between unconsciously … but it is still absolutely undesirable to take it lightly.

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