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The liquid pale white brilliance perfectly wrapped the three adventurers and quickly left the Alchemy channel. Then, the rushing liquid Rule directly entered a vast space.

Immediately after that, Guanghua arrived in an instant in an unknown space, or even waited for Legend Knight ’s Battle Skill to complete its release. The amazingly fast rays of light again disappeared in the broken space.

It can be seen that Guanghua itself does not have the ability to maintain for too long. After bringing the target to the set position, its task has been completed. The Liquid Energy of Rule, which tightly wraps up the 3 Legendary Powerhouse, now throws travelers in place without the slightest hesitation.

Then, the magnificent tide of light before this piece turned into a hazy mist and disappeared, leaving only the Legendary Wizard, Legend Knight, and the girl God looked at each other suspended in the guard posture. motionless in blank dismay …

Unlike everyone else ’s imagination, the expected continuous bombing not at all came, and the rays of light seemed to really just throw the three Legend Class Holders in a safe place, at least at this time Punk ’s foothold was only A vast expanse of silence, in the darkness of the dead, not at all but the seemingly fragmented Alchemy wall.

There is no Magic Trap waiting to be launched, there is no aggressive Golem, there is no full Magic resources, and there is no Legend Level Alchemy equipment!

Some are just a huge pothole that is so deep that you can hardly see the bottom.

“So … is it over? Isn’t this light curtain prepared for the most efficient attack? Blind the eyes of this Lord just to send an unfathomable mystery” courier “?”

Unscrupulously releasing battle energy, looking around empty and all around, Kane’s tone was full of disbelief and deep surprise.

No wonder, the person who is surprised now is not just Kane. Even the “experienced and knowledgeable” Spellcaster feels that this sudden light curtain envelop seems strange in all aspects.

Looking at the Legendary Wizard that has just left “Time Imprison”, the means of immediately enveloping the enemy and shielding perception like the “Glory Wave” just now should exist as a pre-attack of Magic Trap no matter how it looks. It exists. The meaning is to drag the unexpected enemy directly into the trap, not to scare the enemy like a prank.

But now, let ’s say that Punk ’s location is under attack, and even he does n’t even feel the obvious magic power fluctuations. The entire world seems to be so silent, even the light curtain just seems to be nonexistent once. Hallucinations.

But Punk is very clear that the light curtain that envelops him here is not an illusion, and the silence he is currently facing is by no means a “gift” that the Magic Tower builder is preparing for the intruder. There must be some information that he does not know. Secretly plays a huge role, and it is even possible that some things that I have not noticed have happened in the “blank time” that was just blocked by the “rays of light”!

“That light curtain is obviously a Morningstar Level Evocation spell-the tide of brilliance. This spell is not a low-level trick. Its role is absolutely impossible, and it only exists for the rapid transportation of the” guests “of Magic Tower. It stands to reason. When the “Glory Tide” receded, the endless Magic Trap strikes should be right, but the situation is so quiet … Isn’t it … “

The little-known frowned, once again lowered the hood of the Spellcaster, decisively fell slowly from the air.

Just a short moment of observation just now, Punk has already thought of a reason most likely to lead to today’s scene.

“Hello, despicable Saian, do you guys have anything to say about the shameless act just now? Is your guy’s skin finally comparable to Alchemy city wall?”

Seeing that Punk landed silently in the direction from the gravity of Magic Tower, Kane, who was also confused, quickly turned and chased.

Even after being pitted twice, Legend Knight carefully weighed the pros and cons still had to follow behind Punk. There is no way who can let only a knowledgeable Spellcaster to crack the dangerous Morningstar level Magic Array and get those unknown. What about covert intelligence?

Moreover, to put it bluntly, the insidious Knight and the trailing God who had not explored the relic capital have actually been following the “Whisper of Destruction” to pick up cheap. Now, being pitted should be regarded as fair “rewards and exchanges.”

Of course, even if there are some meanings, Kane still has to pretend to carelessly complain about the two sentences.

Although the crazy Knight who is almost used to knowing this kind of complaint will not even get any answer from Spellcaster, even in an environment where he can never turn his face, he is in a very bad mood and is extremely selfish. Still nothing can happen when nothing happens.

Although he looks full of smiles, in fact Kane suppresses the burning anger in the heart, but Legend Knight, who has great self-control ability, has not revealed his inner heart-now it is accelerating into the deep darkness The mad Knight who landed has made up his mind. After waiting for a while to land to the end, he will definitely ask the Spellcaster who is unwilling to talk about the strangeness of this Magic ruin even at the risk of turning his face.

Otherwise … the ongoing “one-way intelligence blockade” will one day let yourself be killed by the sinister Wizard pit in this dark Magic Tower tomb!



Behind Kane who quickly lowered the height, the slim body looked a bit stiff, and “Smile” also adjusted the direction as soon as possible and followed the silhouette of Wizard and Knight to land directly down.

At this moment, “her” behavior does not seem abrupt, because “Smile” has always followed closely from behind after the actions of crazy Knight and Spellcaster.

It’s just this time … Because Kane and Punk have almost landed at the bottom of this space at this time, beware of the crazy Knight of Legendary Wizard at any time is to lock all the perception ability to Punk in front of themselves. So, no one sees it now-in midair, the slowest moving “God Girl” suddenly has a greasy, inhuman smile on the face …

It was a grin sneer filled with madness, like liquid creeping, and the long crack even extended to the edge of the ear of the “girl”, but its existence time is too short, so short as just in an instant, this The face of “Smile” changed from the tearing smile to the beautiful face of the character of Allure!

When the beautiful girl landed on the ground, “she” was still the “new Red Sand God” with high temperament. The Wizard who was observing the energy wreckage and the Knight who was staring at the Wizard did not cast “superfluous” on her. attention.

In this way, “Smile” walked at a moderate pace from the rear to the 2 Legendary Powerhouse not far away.

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