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“It looks like … that unknown” first mover “has once again eliminated many pitfalls for us.”

Using Mage Hand to slowly stroke the fragmented ground at the bottom of the crater, feeling the traces of rune and Energy of Rule that have been embedded in the Alchemy ground, Spellcaster’s pupils can’t help but a little light purple’s brilliance flows slowly.

In fact, after seeing this empty space, Punk had vague guesses about the reason for “no attack coming”.

After all, Great Arcanist has no reason to dig a huge hole in his Magic Tower that is useless at all, and the Energy of Rule that is still raging and raging in this hole is not like it was deliberately made into this pair. Looks like.

Then, combined with the Magic Trap that has been cracked before in the Alchemy channel, the answer to this strange situation is coming.

“It seems that this” Mr. Forerunner of Bad Luck “successfully drove all the” mines “past. He should have come to this space through the sudden brilliance or his own pace, but at that time , This space should not be empty and empty, but has a lot of magical Trap with amazing lethality, but this “pioneer” detonated all the traps, so it was created to be enough to fit at least a dozen The empty crater of this city ……… I do n’t know if this “pioneer” can survive the attack after such an attack. “

While thinking about the entire process of development of the event, “Whisper of Destruction” silently looked at the darkness in the distance.

The spell made by Legendary Wizard is dim and swaying. Because the chaotic Energy of Rule distorts the speed of light propagation, except for a small piece of ground under his feet, even Punk ca n’t rely on vision to see the farther direction. For anything, this feeling of being imprisoned in the dark is too vividly and thoroughly displayed at the bottom of the Alchemy crater.

“Then … the reason for the formation of this empty area has been explained very logically. The next step is to find a space channel destroyed by the explosion and go to the next room. If the space channel has been damaged and cannot be repaired … … then you can only try to dig a hole in the Alchemy wall … “

Secretly, he made a new plan without emotional fluctuations in his heart, and Punk began to release his senses and extended to the deep darkness of death.

Now that we have reached the location of the Magic Ruins, the difficulty of leaving the ruins is no different from the difficulty of going deep into the ruins, and now most of the dangerous “mines” have been “done without doing good deeds.” The forerunner of “Fam” was solved, so Punk was not willing to let the wealth of Morningstar powerhouse pass away in vain.

Even in the face of a dead and eternal night, the first idea of ​​”Whisper of Destruction” at this time is still how to continue to penetrate into the mysterious ruins, and then get the rich treasures and greedy Wizards that are crucial to his early development. It won’t let go of any resources that belong to you.

Of course, greed does not mean losing caution … In the next second, the thoughtful Spellcaster suddenly thought of a place where this relic is not very logical.

That is … why the space formed by the entire Alchemy wall has been blown into a deep crater, but the “tide of glory”, the spell that does not know where it is attached, can still fully take effect?

Could the explosion of Magic Trap deliberately avoid the “brilliant tide” that exists as a “transporter”?

“It’s really strange, if it’s a coincidence … All Magic Array has collapsed, and only one” Glory Tide “is still in effect. It’s a bit too coincidental … No, I have to find this” Glory The tide “where exactly was attached?”

Thinking so, Punk squinted slightly and blessed himself with a “Legend Flying Skill”.

Next he hit the plan to fly around the edge of the crater first, and then look for Attached Spell rune that may be hidden in the fragmented rock.

But before putting his ideas into practice, the expression cold Spellcaster also needs to deal with the crazy Knight who looks like hair stands up in anger, and … the “girl God” who follows a bit stiffly.

“Ah, this Lord Respected Wizard Lord, you seem to have discovered something terrible ~ secret, if you don’t mind, tell this Lord about your great discovery.”

Sure enough, before the Spellcaster took off again, Kane’s vulgar voice came from behind Punk, and the mad Knight’s tone of asking questions was still as full of to shame as it should be by rights.

“There is nothing special to discover. The vacancy here may be because the creators of Magic Tower want to build a bigger swimming pool. Anyway, I think this crater is very suitable as a swimming pool foundation!”

Answering casually, Punk didn’t turn around to look at the “Blink Kill Gun” behind him.

In order to get a little valuable information, Legendary Wizard now uses the Divination spell to try to obtain some obscure information. How could he give Kane precious “wealth” in vain? A perfunctory response equal to no answer is Punk’s only response.

Of course, for the answer that Spellcaster is not able to fool, Kane It’s definitely impossible accepted, and the expression slowly became serious. Knight did not continue to use a joke tone for dialogue, and he immediately began to clenched according to his own ideas. After knight spear, and then naturally wrapped around the “natural ally” continued to ask:

“Punk, you have applied oil to the soles of your feet twice. Now you should show some sincerity. This Lord and” Smile “are confused by the white light. It’s not for you to find your way. As a participant, it is also time for you to reveal some valuable information. “

Staring at the silhouette wearing a light purple robe before him, Kane’s voice began to haunt a bit of coldness, and at the same time, he also gave a smile to the “Smile” behind him indifferently.

The meaning of crazy Knight is obvious. He himself is hardly able to obtain too much voice in the face of Punk, but if there is one “ally” among the 3 people standing on the same front line with him, then his advantage is much greater.

“Hmm … oh, yeah, this mistress is the first time I feel the pain of a torn pupil, Punk you don’t give a little explanation, this mistress will be very unhappy.”

Seeing the look that Mad Knight hit himself, unconsciously had reached the “girl God” behind Kane and soon understood the other party’s so obvious intention.

Immediately afterwards, “Smile” quickly followed Kane’s words and continued to say “Forcing the Palace”, except that … her reaction speed was slightly slower, and the language sounded a little weird tone. .

At this time, with the “Smile” slow pace that didn’t stop from beginning to end, “Your Majesty the Queen” at this time looks really weird!

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