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Punk’s plan was executed perfectly. All the Golems he released have already taken to the streets of White Rock City. According to the feedback from rabbit dolls, the children’s magical sticks and cute Donald Duck characters There is also no resistance.

Those impatient “use Magic” Brat only need a few seconds to use up the 3 “secondary deformities” stored in the magic wand, and then, the children who have used up the magic wand will chirp chirp twitter twitter Got a brand new magic wand from the rabbit doll and continued to play.

Anyway, those stuffed rabbits standing on the street seem to have endless magic wands. No matter how many children take away, the big smiling rabbits can “change” a bunch of magic wands in a place where no one can see them.

However, the “Brat” who is playing with the beautiful little sticks and playing happily is not known, every magic wand they use, every “Donald Duck” they change, every rabbit doll they meet Will occupy Azteran’s perception ability.

When the White Robe Wizard has to mobilize his limited perception ability to track all Magic toys in the city of White Rock at any time, the efficiency of his surveillance of a Legendary Wizard will naturally be reduced inevitably.

It is thanks to the busyness of Aztlán that Punk can use Formal to develop his own plan on the research of Magic fan lock …………

Of course, the research of “Whisper of Destruction” is also very busy. He must be careful not to be locked by the monitoring spell, but also to experiment with his key theories. At the same time, he has to take time out from time to time to make up for the rabbit doll that consumes the magic wand. goods”…………

speaking of which The current “secret mastermind Archmage” is really busy, maybe in the White Rock City at this time, only Kane, who looks very aimless, is the most leisurely life.


Perhaps from the beginning of observing the fan lock immediately, Punk’s research has been quite smooth. After carefully observing this Magic fan lock, the careful Legendary Wizard soon found a little surprise, but it was not unexpected Things.

It was because of this discovery that Punk determined that 80% of himself was capable of cracking this puzzle, and it was precisely because of this that he made this short-term plan to confuse Aztan.

Spellcaster’s discovery is actually very simple. At this time, Punk is basically convinced that the Magic fan lock in this Morningstar level ruin … there is a back door!

That ’s right, what Punk discovered is the backdoor program of the fan lock. That is an artificial vulnerability directly embedded in the core array sequence of Magic fan lock. It can also be said to be a cheating code input port intentionally left by the producer, as long as Enter the correct password, Magic fan lock can be directly cracked!

Some people may wonder, how can a Legendary Wizard tolerate such a critical backdoor vulnerability on its most important defense equipment? Is it possible that the Magic Wizard who made the lock and mastered the control authority has to worry about being locked out by his lock?

However, if someone has enough knowledge about some of the secrets of Netheril Era, then he will understand a very important fact-at the end of Netheril Era, almost all the new Morningstar powerhouse use the same, Magic fan lock with backdoor program! These Magic fans are strictly speaking and are “mass-produced” by the Great Arcanist Parliament. Moreover, the new Morningstar Wizard of overwhelming majority Netheril Era only has the right to use the fans, but does not have real control.

In other words, this sturdy fan lock is simply what they “rent” to guard against their nest!

Do n’t forget, it ’s a resource-consuming and time-consuming thing to make Magic fan locks. Even if Netheril Era ’s Morningstar Wizard is ruined, it ’s difficult to build a fully functional Magic fan lock within a few million years of promotion. .

Maybe in a peaceful age, a Morningstar Wizard does not have the extremely powerful defensive equipment “Magic lock”, but as the battle situation becomes more unfavorable to Netheril Civilization, the battle line is getting closer and closer to the Magic Tower that should not be on the battlefield, even Wizard, who is in the logistics position, also had to defend himself with a fan lock in his nest.

At this time, the overwhelming Great Arcanist Parliament urgently launched this somewhat criticized “Magic lock rental service.”

The result of this resolution was that several Great Arcanists of the cream of the crop mass-produced a large number of “mass-production” Magic fan locks with “average” attributes in all aspects, and then they took all these fan locks at a very cheap price. The price is rented out indefinitely.

At the same time, in order to compensate for this kind of “free delivery” behavior, the Morningstar Wizards who have rented the fan lock must also endure an extremely harsh condition, that is … A fatal backdoor program will be left on the Magic fan they have Lock it.

And those new Morningstar Class Holders obviously don’t have the ability to patch a Magic fan lock …………

These backdoor programs all have protection functions that only recognize magic power while denying access to any energy except magic power, and the key to cracking the program was initially in the hands of the Great Arcanist Parliament.

Later, after a long and unknown political confrontation, this key became the mastership of the Great Arcanist Parliament, the Avengers, the Guardian Action Community (hidden faction) ………

In summary, this is a profitable from somebody’s misfortune behavior in which “Great Arcanist Parliament has controlled the lifeblood of many Legend Class Holders through this” lease (free delivery) “behavior while greatly enhancing the security of the logistics base.”

For the nonsense of “Magic lock rental service”, the overwhelming majority of the newly-emerged Morningstar Wizard at that time could only choose to receive it silently while foul-mouthed.

Although no one wants to be controlled by others, considering that if there is no magic lock, the enemy may enter the door of their home at any time … Many Morningstar Wizards who have not accumulated enough wealth can only accept “good intentions” from Netheril. .

Of course, these Wizards who do not know whether the line of sight is short or long will certainly not have the opportunity to regret or rejoice because of their choice. The reason is very simple, because Netheril Civilization is defeated, I do n’t know how many Wizard Towers armed with Magic fans are destroyed. Before losing its owner.

To this day, the locks left by them have successfully dealt with a large number of later tomb robbers … At the same time, the backdoor programs that Great Arcanists forced for their own selfishness have also cheapened those very few brave adventurers.

Well, okay, Punk is obviously this “individual brave adventurer”, because Vedrasia was one of the members of the League of Decisivemen at that time-and I am afraid that even the Great Arcanist Parliament and the Guardian Action Community at that time did not expect it. In order to quickly attract more members, the League of Finalists, which suffered heavy losses in the battle, one of the key conditions they promised is to reveal the unique key to Magic fans for all “insiders”!

At that time, the Great Arcanist Parliament, which had always existed as a ruler, was already fragmented and on the verge of extinction.

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