You can search for “Netheril’s Glory” ( in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Punk inherited the memory of Great Arcanist Vedrasia, and Vedrasia was a member of the Allied Alliance, so now Punk should have the core key to crack the magic fan lock.

He even speculated vaguely that the reason why the League of Finalists allowed Vedrasia, a non-core member, to get the key so easily, they probably already considered that this part looks tasteless at the end of the war “Fortune” may have an impact on the “Netheril” who inherited the spirit of Netheril.

It is precisely because of this that the extremely secret information about the key will appear in Vedrasia’s memory and become a wealth inheritance with that huge amount of knowledge.

Perhaps as early as the moment of defeat, countless lost “Nest” of Netheril Spellcaster has been unilaterally identified as part of “inheritance” by “Avengers”.

However, it is estimated that the avengers who have arranged a lot of inheritance not at all thought that they were the least favored and the most despised “hidden factions”. Several powerhouses survived, so will the “heritage” they left It ’s not easy to say that it was dug by the “peer” …………

But in any case, these past events that have been disappeared in history have little to do with the current Legendary Wizard. Perhaps they are full of tales of song and tears, and they entrust a lot of rare and sincere emotions, but at this time, In the view of a “Nese relic” locked in the magic lock, only this key is the most useful asset passed down from that secret.


After confirming that his ruins were built by a Netheril Era late Morningstar Wizard, and confirmed that the magic fan in front of him was the batch of “mass production” fans that the Great Arcanists had rented out “generously and generously”, Punk knew he was saved.

Next, even the “Whisper of Destruction” with a little half of Enchantment level can only take at least 2 3 years and at most 3 40 years unremarkable time to find the back door program interface of Magic fan lock. After a second of data entry, this powerful cage that has trapped Aztan for more than 200,000 years will be shattered like a torn piece of paper under the operation of the automatic decomposition program!

Now, it ’s just a matter of time for Punk to find the data entry port of the backdoor program. All he has left and what he needs to worry about is that he should not be hit by Aztlán in any way in less than a second of entering the Magic key. Break.

After all, I do n’t dare to underestimate any Magic Spellcaster. I do n’t want to try this amazing Magic creation to release what kind of terrorist attacks on those who have lost the wrong key …

But in summary, as long as Aztan continues to submit to humiliation for a period of time, and then monitor the force to continue being dragged down by Punk for a period of time, do n’t make any mistakes when entering the key … then this uses the “cheat code” to pass Magic The lock lock approach is almost certainly successful.

“Think of it this way … Aztlan deserves to be the good-hearted Legendary Wizard of Good Alignment. It has been 2 or 3 days since the mass distribution of the magic wand. This guy has not yet come to the door to quarrel, but it is a good deal Time, the follow-up impact of the magic wand event will almost anger the silly old good person. “

Standing in front of a three-dimensional three-dimensional projection model full of complicated calculation formulas, Punk with confident expression continued silently in the heart while continuing to adjust an energy circuit cautiously.

The sharp-eyed “Whisper of Destruction” has always been very accurate, especially when contacting good people such as the White Robe Wizard, perhaps because the Legendary Wizard who pursues hermitism is too used to revealing his heart. Well, the observant Spellcaster can always discover the true character of the other party’s active or passive display.

Anyway, after three days of light or dark contact, Punk already believed that he had touched Aztlán’s personality and temper.

In contrast, the White Robe Wizard, who treats people sincerely from beginning to end, is probably not yet aware of the key information about the Legendary Wizard of a Chaotic Neutral Alignment.

It is not surprising that Punk was able to anticipate the arrival of the Baipao Wizard after such huge disparities in information and calculations.

As expected, three adventurers descended on the 3rd day of the city of White Rock. Just after Punk just adjusted a few details of the three-dimensional array model in the heart while talking to himself, the communication from Kane full of ridicule sounds directly Passed into the “laboratory” temporarily built by the spell barrier:

“Hey hey hey, Punk Young Master, the guests you are looking forward to are here. This Lord can’t stop this aggressive guy. Please give yourself a courtesy.”

“Pour him a cup of coffee and let him wait patiently.”

“Hey you Punk, you really think of yourself as the Young Lord and this Lord as the door ……… but this Lord reminds you in advance, although you are sure that this guy will not turn your face, but you are the most Okay, do n’t make the honest people hurry, it ’s not a fun thing for a 3 Level 15 Wizard to go crazy. “

Speaking of this sentence, Kane’s joking tone was already disappeared, and a rare seriousness and warning appeared in his voice.

But even so, Punk’s answer is still an emotional statement:

“You think too much, Kane, honest people will not be rushed easily. Before an old dog is rushed, any of us can bully it without worrying about being bitten …”

“You are always so confident, Saian, if you always pull a bald hair on the dog from time to time, then even a honest puppy will be unable to bear to show his fangs before being pulled clean hair!”

“Relax, before the dog completely loses patience, the blade has dug its heart out!”

After coldly speaking the last sentence, Punk pulled down the hood and hung up the communication decisively.

Now Aztelan has come to the door to inquire as if he is not as expected, but … how about that?

Punk had already prepared enough rhetoric for the arrival of this moment, perhaps as Kane said, if the insidious Spellcaster has been “fucking things” uninterruptedly in White Rock City, then Aztan will be patient even Sooner or later, there will be an unbearable outburst.


Taking a look at the complex Formation model that has been formed with energy, Punk’s mouth could not help but evoke a dark smile.

What he needs is not to let Aztlán submit to humiliation for hundreds of years. The Legendary Wizard, which has made great progress in the research of Magic fan lock, only needs the “cowardly” kind person and honestly a small section time is enough At that time, it is estimated that before the Baipao Wizard reacts, all the troubles have been solved.

So … will Aztlán choose to continue compromising such a small section of time?

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