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Directed the two groups of ghosts to rush towards Spellcaster and Crazy Knight like a bee rushing to a dead enemy. The roar in the mouth of the White Robe Wizard seemed to haunt the extreme hatred like a repressed volcano.

“Did you see? Bastards! This is my despair and sorrow! Did you feel it? Sinners! This is my anger and pain!”

Surrounded by a group of ghosts, Aztran’s grimacing expression was like a crazy demon, and even with the violent surge of massive magic power, those Nether Soul of demon group chaotic dance began to become more and more affected by the emotion of the white robe Wizard Furious and angry.

Soon, these fierce and unafraid of death souls were quickly divided into 3 short-cut parts with Wizard’s command. The smallest part still surrounds Aztan high-speed rotation, and the other 2 parts are respectively Punk and frivolous Kane with a cold expression.

So far, the “Pale Nether Soul” who seized the opportunity finally broke out the powerful strength of a 3 Level 15 Spellcaster.

“……… You villains that have destroyed my homeland! You don’t want to feel the” goodness “like spring breeze anymore, because you will feel the flames of” goodness “in my spell storm, because Revenge against evil is also my kindness! “


Pieces of pale Nether Soul formed a tide-like grand army, and they waved their staff in Azteran fiercely, and they all rushed like crazy ghosts that climbed out of Hell. In the Astral Plane space, there are long-lasting energy threads, but in the end, all the threads will gather at the position of their enemies after the irregular aggregation and winding, and those who howl and roar Magic ghosts are coming up one after another like piranha smelling bloody smell.

Just after the blink of an eye, this terrifying attack, which formed such a huge momentum as ten thousand horses galloping, arrived as scheduled!

“Really boast shamelessly”!

The eerie words seemed to declare the existence of destruction, and after seeing that Aztlán had started a general attack of strong wind and swift rain, Punk’s expression immediately became cold.

In his hands, the defensive spell already prepared was immediately released.

Now the defense means on Spellcaster is definitely in the Peak state. The barriers formed by the defense of spells in 17 layers gives him confidence to fight Aztan. After all, Punk can be determined by this time. The white robe Wizard in front of him There is really no Legend spell, so as long as you defend against Aztlán ’s regular attacks, Punk does n’t have to worry about being suddenly hit by the enemy ’s lore.

What’s more … “Whisper of Destruction” combat confidence is more than that.

At the same time as the Wizard tone barely fell in the white robe, Punk had already seen the fact that Aztlán had launched an offensive against himself and Kane at the same time.

I have to admit that Punk was still sighed in relief when he saw this scene. In this battle, what he was most worried about was that Aztlán bite himself like a mad dog, when the time comes Kane and “Smile” would have to go together if they weren’t sure, if they took the chance to get out of the battle without any control and took half of the Magic Tower, then dropped “Whisper of Destruction” and the white robe Wizard “War 300 War” …………

Then Punk is really in trouble.

But now it seems that Punk worry is a bit superfluous.

Because Aztan, who is cursing his enemies aloud, was either blinded by anger or confident in his own strength, he even tried to kill all 3 enemies on the spot by himself. Let go, even in order to prevent Punk or Kane from escaping, his spell was divided into 2 parts by forcibly and attacked 2 enemies at the same time!

Although the source of confidence in the White Robe Wizard gave the cautious Spellcaster a lot of vigilance, at least for now, Punk doesn’t have to worry about being alone.

In this battlefield at this time, unless someone disregards the loss of spoils of war and the risk of being hunted down by Aztlán, otherwise no one will want to stay out of it. The white robe Wizard caught in an irreconcilable hostile state, then no one, including Punk, would dare to get the “half Magic Tower” spoils of war in close proximity.

After all, the enemy they are facing at the moment is a Legendary Wizard with 3 Level 15 and irreconcilable. Whoever messes with small movements during the crazy attack of Aztlán … then it’s really lively and crooked!

So, seeing that the large group of ghosts released by the white robe Wizard was about to approach their shields, temporarily ignoring the Punk of Magic Tower, which was halfway across the distance, and could only quickly channel Kane to Kane:

“The idiot of harming others without benefiting oneself, is that you have lost your original good close advantage because of your stupidity. Now that the brain-damage Wizard has seized the opportunity to fight back, the next battle will be more troublesome and troublesome … ……… I must warn you that if you do n’t want him to actually play a “defeat them separately” battle, then you, Legend Knight, you better know what to do! ”

“Aha, the advantage that this Lord gave up is that everyone who is being forced knows, as for you who want this Lord to know what he should do? Hmph! Only a bastard do n’t stab in the back, this Lord fights Lai Ke has always been “morality reaching up to the clouds”.

After receiving Punk ’s Mental Power communication, Kane also not to be outdone immediately squeezed out a little time to send a reply, although his so-called “morality reaching up to the clouds” and so on is totally blame, but for the glittering For Knight, it is important not to drop the wind on the mouth.

Of course, while fighting, Kane did not forget to fight. Facing the ghosts of a group of baring fangs and brandishing claws rushing in front of him, crazy Knight seemed to vent his dissatisfaction with his knight spear.

Believe that “the craziest attack is the best defense”, the “swift killing gun” really adopted its most confident way of fighting as always

I saw that with the smile of Kane impudent, the shiny golden-yellow battle energy formed a brand new bright star in the dark Astral Plane space, and the spearpoint of the battle energy glory was directly across a Sharp Edge The semi-circular arc line collided with the first ghost.

“Legend Level Battle Skill-Gun Blade Waving”

“hong long long”

In just a blink of an eye, the crazy Knight’s full-speed attack was ahead of Punk’s defense against the miserable white ghost.

Just like the usual attacking style of some publicity guys, the suddenness and swiftness of the “Battle Blade Waving” Battle Skill is absolutely good enough, and this time, this “sudden” and “rapid” are even fast … …

The words that Punk prevented did not have time to say!

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