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The “white soul” spell, as its name suggests, releases a large group of ghosts to attack the enemy. These spirits will quickly approach like the bone maggots, and will be tightly bonded to the enemy’s energy protection. Once this group The Sumered Creature of fierce and unafraid of death sticks to the target, and they will begin to drag space, pull Rule, and finally seriously affect the enemy’s movement speed.

Then … When the Spellcaster who releases the “white soul” feels that the time has come, these groups of Magic Summoned Creatures will also be one by one near the attack target Self-destruction, those released in the explosion are enough to A pale area of ​​light shining over a large area is why this spell got its name!

Therefore, this group of terrifying ghosts is not only an amazing number, they are actually still a large group of feature-rich, general-powered, but a large number of Self-destruction bombs!

Moreover, Aztelan’s command skills for this group of “bombs” are undoubtedly superb.

I saw that the staff accompanied by the white robe Wizard wields like a baton, and every ghost scattered in the starry sky moves like a pouring raindrop in the storm. These roar troops are not at all a brain Rushed to the target from one direction, but dispersed into a state with a certain interval and gathered from all directions to the direction of the enemy.

In this way, the attacked enemy wants to defend only one direction to achieve a “one-off, 10000-off” is impossible. If you don’t want to be struck by these continuous bombs, the Class Holder in passive defense must think Ways to perform 360 ° No-Dead-Angle defense, or 360 ° No-Dead-Angle attack to clean up ghosts.

The response method Punk chose is undoubtedly the latter.

To sum up, these ghosts’ attack methods are nothing more than “close-up paste> reduce the speed of the enemy> let more ghosts stick to the enemy> intensive explosions cause damage.

Due to the memory of Great Arcanist Vedrasia, Punk recognized the “white soul” when Aztl just constructed the spell, and faced with such a spell that combines “control” and “kill”, His defense method is also very simple-first create a relatively strong shield> immediately throw away this shield after being stuck by a few ghosts> run quickly and create a new shield.

In this way, Punk can largely prevent its mobility from being reduced by ghosts, and maintaining high-speed movement can also reduce the chances of ghosts approaching themselves.

Although in theory, releasing the mass killing means to clean up the ghost group with a count of 1000 1000000 is the most efficient “defense” means, but Punk is very clear about the level difference between him and Aztlán, he is perfect for himself There is no confidence in clearing out these troublesome ghosts.

Therefore, the cautious Spellcaster adjusted his fighting style to a very pure “defensive counterattack”. Although he looks chased by a group of ghosts and runs around a bit, but … In order to ensure safety, it does not matter at all.

But … On the other side of the battlefield, Kane’s actions perfectly demonstrated a “textbook” wrong response compared to Punk’s correct response.

No way, this guy must be impossible to know the spell “White Soul”, and Punk did not have time, or slightly intentionally did not remind the characteristics of the crazy Knight, so when Kane first saw a group of ghosts pounce on himself When he came over, his first reaction as Warrior was to clear some of the Summoned Creature closest to him through a quick attack, and then “break through” with a powerful and rapid single attack.

But what he didn’t expect was that these ghosts would actually be Self-destruction, and they were still the kind of close-up Self-destruction posted one by one.

In fact, when Kane ’s knight spear touched the first ghost, the Roar ’s Summoned Creature exploded directly, and even under the intentional control of Aztlán, the ghost ’s Self-destruction also took Kane ’s Knight spear pushed away from the original arc trajectory, and the remaining group of ghosts of course also seized this short empty space and swarmed up.


The intensive explosions like the knife Lingchi blasted the crazy Knight.

Strictly speaking, the power of these ghost explosions is actually very general. Even if Aztran is a 3 Level 15 Spellcaster, it ca n’t increase the explosion damage of the ghost group. However, no matter how small the power is, they ca n’t hold them in large numbers.

What’s more, these endless explosions are not a blast, they are organized, planned, and orderly, fierce and unafraid of death, going forward and succeeding-in the white robe Wizard that covers almost every individual ghost under the control Every explosion has undergone meticulous calculation and perfect planning, and the sacrifice of each ghost will almost certainly have the greatest negative impact on the enemy’s defense or mobile means.

Therefore, after being hit by the first ghost, Kane’s ending seems to be doomed.

One ghost after another was attached to the serial explosion, and the defense and counterattack of Mad Knight were almost resolved under the control of the explosion by Aztlán one after another. It took less than a second, and it was still majestic just now. Yingfa’s Legend Knight was already covered in blood and bruised.

In Legend-level battles, it ’s not easy to overturn once you fall into the disadvantages, because your opponents will definitely attack with all their strength to win the chase, not to mention that Aztan ’s strength is already very strong. Now Legend Knight is due to a mistake in coping It ’s almost normal to have a mess of hands blown up by a group of ghosts. That ’s because he is a Warrior who is far better than Adamantite Golem in order to continue to resist in such a dense Legend explosion. Pale white ghost.

Because it is clear that he does not have any powerful means of lore, so far the White Robe Wizard can still perfectly grasp the essence of the “consumption battle”. Now he does not strive to instant kill the enemy, but concentrate on using himself 3 The massive magic power brought by Level 15 arcane magic presses the opponent to bombard indiscriminately.

Although this combat method is simple and rude, the effect is unexpectedly very good. For example, after a mistake like Kane, he basically has no chance of turning over on his own, because the precise “ghost explosion” is enough to make Crazy Knight is tired of running battle energy defense, and has no time to release his Legend Battle Skill, and the large group of sticky ghosts are like the piranha vortex that tears flesh and blood. It generally surrounds Kane in the middle. These walls composed of continuous explosions He was unable to exert his powerful mobility at all.

On the Punk side, the fighting situation is also not optimistic. Although he was not as bad luck as Kane and surrounded by a group of ghosts, the Spellcaster, who was hunted down all the way, could not squeeze any time to attack.

After all, with the passage of time, the attack frequency of the White Robe Wizard has not only slowed down, but should have become more and more accelerated. When Legend Knight at first was successfully restricted in action, the confident Aztlán also significantly increased. Increased the number of ghost releases.

At this time, the ghosts around him were even divided into a part to chase down Punk intercepted at 4 places in the Astral Plane space. The number of attacks that seemed to be rainstorms was in the white robe Wizard with blood red eyes and crazy support of magic power A hurricane that swept through the darkness was formed.

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