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Punk’s straightforward statement instantly left Mimi Bezi in front of him. The bloody battle is an endless and never-ending war. Even if the Lesser Demon Lord’s death in groups is impossible, the reality is ruined, but the cruelty of reality is still Not only that, but now that several deep red cracks are widely open, and the unreliable Grand Duke Oakley is getting more and more serious, the only “fool” willing to gallop on that battlefield is actually leaving!

Suddenly hearing this news, even the “Candy Merchant” who likes to smile can only ask with a wry smile:

“Are you really going to end this cooperation?” Mr. Whisper of Destruction “? Hell’s parliament is already discussing increasing the salary income of Guardian in the bloody battlefield. The” foreign aid “that helps the bloody battle will reap the friendship of the devil, and Oakley Dagong’s illness due to infection with “Sorrowful Soul” has also tended to stop getting worse … “

Explaining the bitter words, the small businessman began to repeatedly emphasize the “generous rewards”, “Hell’s friendship”, “a large amount of combat experience” and other resources that can be obtained in the bloody battle to make Punk take it back.

She understands that the person who can really decide to go to stay in Ganatika is not the young avenger who fought for seven or eighty thousand years in Hell, but the Morningstar Wizard with a cold tone in her eyes! And she also knew that for a Morningstar Class Holder, to what extent the value of the bloody warfare rewards given by the Hell Council had been reduced, it was no surprise that Punk decided to suspend the transaction in this case.

But be that as it may, the helpless Mimi Bezi tried to finally save the “honest coolie” that he found hard to find. After all, for the Devil Duke, who is more difficult to suppress the madness in his heart, it is now necessary for someone to help share the battlefield. Important moment of stress.

Unfortunately, expressionless “Whisper of Destruction” does not intend to ignore the request of the “Candy Merchant”:

“Ganatika has fulfilled all the provisions of the Eye of the Judgement contract, and now he has the right to leave the battlefield to suspend cooperation. This is a good thing that has been decided. The compensation given by Hell is not enough to change me. Thoughts ………… By the way, where did you know the term “sorrowful soul”? And how did you determine that Mr. Oakleys was infected with this special Legend disease? “

Finally, I emphasized that I did not intend to change the attention, Punk also logically ended the topic of cooperation.

But in the end, he also noticed a somewhat surprising situation in Mimibezi’s statement-how did this small businessman who was not a member of the “executor” know about the existence of “Sorrowful Soul”? Isn’t that what the “President” just announced at the 4th “Executors” meeting?

“Are you referring to my intelligence source? Of course,” President “told me, in today’s Multiverse, the existence of the soul of mourning is still confidential information?”

Explaining his source to Punk quite normally, the “Candy Merchant” does not seem to feel anything wrong with the fact that the “President” will give himself an answer.

“……… Nothing. Is this the news that the” President “actively told you”?

Hearing Mimibeiz’s normal tone, Punk realized that although the “legislative president” had additionally established a special Legend organization called “executors”, did he still care about “Alliance” What is the nominal identity of “the highest leader of the Silencers”?

Perhaps for a Lawful Alignment Wizard, the leader ’s identity not only represents a large number of rights, but also a certain obligation, so if he gets some vital news, it will be announced to those who do not listen to his own orders. , “Nominal subordinates” is not too strange, anyway, “President” has always been famous for its generosity, and the name “Sorrowful Soul” will be heard throughout the Multiverse soon …

However, Mimi Bez’s second answer denied Punk’s guess …

“No! This is the information that I learned after I made the inquiry, and I think that other” silent ones “that did not ask the relevant questions should have not been notified by Mr.” President “… at the meeting of” executors ” , Was such information actively informed by the great crown of Brilliant Sun? “

Looking at Spellcaster’s projection with some confused eyes, the “Candy Merchant” quickly guessed why Punk asked this question with his keen “businessman” instinct.

And in this simple discourse, the concepts she wants to express are also contained in the euphemism-yes, although everyone is a member of the Alliance of the Silencers, but now you as the “executor” you can I get a lot of information from the “President”, and other silent ones can only get a little confusing noun explanation after asking … What do you think as a wise Morningstar Wizard?

Although there is no clear question, between unconsciously, the candy merchant ’s clear projection of dark green has put all the questions and helpless emotions into a simple statement.

“……… No comment, Ms.” Candy Merchant “, it is not a wise move to talk about the Brilliant Sun throne in vain. You should now be thankful that you have received a little information, rather than trying to unsatisfied my words.”

There was no positive answer to the obvious question of the small businessman. Punk, who already had a conclusion in his heart, directly blocked Mimibez’s mouth with a pair of official voices.

It must be admitted that there is no need for more evidence and phenomena to explain what, and the attitude of the “President” nowadays is enough to explain many problems.

Whether it is a core member of “executors” as vested interests or a marginal person such as “Alliance of the Silencers” like Mimibez, it can be clearly felt, as the “chairman” the “right of the highest leader” becomes more and more Unrecognized, the throne of Brilliant Sun, who is not a philanthropist, has finally begun to pervert many of his obligations as a leader. He began to invest a lot of intelligence, resources, and energy on the “executors”, and other people tend to hide. The silent ones fully implement the “stocking regardless” strategy.

If someone asks, you can answer 2 sentences. If no one asks, you do n’t need to say a word—to this day, the noble position of the “President” in Alliance of the Silencers has really entered. In the embarrassing situation of In name only, but no one has pierced the last layer of thin window paper that’s all yet!

“It seems that under the throne of the powerful Brilliant Sun this is to start from the beginning. It is no wonder that the original private fire has burned the entire Alliance of the Silencers, but for the current” President “, there are many What do silent ones stand for? What do the few executives stand for? “

Narrowing his eyes and thinking somberly, Punk had probably understood the real thoughts of his boss.

All Legend members are not stupid. Everyone knows what strange state the Alliance of the Silencers is in. After all, orderly and orderly, but the “president” only observes his own order, most of the silent ones When the members began to disobey the call of the Brilliant Sun throne, perhaps the lawful “president” had no longer paid attention to their life and death!

Now ……… “Alliance of the Silencers” that once shouted “Reproduce Netheril Era Wizard civilization” slogan is really bad … In name only!

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