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Even for Legendary Powerhouse, the necessary relaxation is still very important. Basically, only those Spellcasters who really love Magic will want to devote all their energy and time to research. If it is replaced by Warlock or who wants to vent more It is Warrior who likes to be immersed in fine wine. Even if they reach the Legend level, various relaxation and entertainment projects will still be addictive “life adjustment products”.

For example, in the bloody Hell, if the high-level devil as a nobility has participated in the war or battle, then whether they are triumphant or defeated, holding a grand banquet is generally an essential “reservation program”, magnificent And the grim palace will be decorated with many decorations symbolizing blood and evil, the head of the enemy will act as a lamp hanging on the ceiling, and the breath of blood will burst from the wine glass, and those beautiful devil maids are even more I will dance in all lithe and graceful clothes …

This luxurious and dark banquet often opens for a few weeks, and will not stop until the host and guests have all enjoyed themselves.

Even during the bloody battle, even if the materials on the edge of the battlefield were barren and the air was dirty, the banquet specifications of a devil’s public opening could not be too low.

After all, because the number of Demon is endless, sometimes a bloody battle can even last for a few thousand years. The Legend of the Devil Grand Prince, who has an obligation to guard the Abyss rift, often has to be on the battlefield of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. The sleepless battles are long and long. In this case, every battle interval will be very valuable. How can grand banquets and relaxation programs not pay attention?

So next to the current Abyss rift, a luxurious palace temporarily built by spell started a grand celebration project against the background of Demon’s corpse and mountains.

Perhaps as a private dinner for Legendary Powerhouse, a scene hurriedly arranged on the edge of the scene is still a bit too simple, but for Grand Duke Oaklis, the initiator of the banquet that does not pay much attention to this, this simple banquet is barely able to It will be, besides, there is only one guest at this banquet, that is Legend Warrior Ganatika who fought side by side with Archduke Devil during fifty-sixty thousand years.

Maybe after fighting for too long, after all, there is still a little friendship. Now the conversation between Oakley and Ganatika has a lot of “Old Acquaintance” meaning, even if the young avenger has gone through 10000 years The process of “fighting with words” didn’t open up and became more and more reticent, but this did not affect the optimistic Oakley’s rare expression of his happy mood.

For example, now, the devil Grand Duke sitting in the “master” position, embracing a beautiful maid with a big mouth bite the meat steak, just like a normal hospitality host, throws a beautiful bottle of fine wine bottle to the Ganatika silently chewing the dried fruit.

“Taste the latest brewed Hell shochu. The temperature is 10000. The taste is smooth. A little of the soul of Lesser Demon Lord is added. When you drink it in your stomach, you can even hear the sad Demon Lord still roaring in anger … ……… in a ghost place like a bloody battlefield, such a spirit is a rare specialty wine. ”

Praising the scarlet wine made by himself, Oakley’s performance today is like a vulgar and depraved drunkard. It must be admitted that compared with the gentle “nobility boy” of 10000 years ago, it looks like today. The devil Grand Duke, who has not changed a bit, seems to be contaminated with a lot of “dunk” tastes. For example, he finally gave up the use of exquisite Mithril knives and forks when he ate steaks. For example, he also became more and more rude to his servant maid.

It’s not been a few minutes since the banquet was held, and the body of a devil girl who was embraced by Oxley was drenched with blood under the friction of the sharp claws.

“I said that I don’t like this kind of spirits … and, is it time for a banquet? The Beliceus fissure doesn’t seem to be stable yet.”

frowns took the wine bottle thrown over by the devil grandpa, and the young avenger who swallowed the dried fruit still did not try the taste of “Hell spirits”, he just put down the flask with the wailing face painted, and then Some were stunned and some helpless looked towards Oakley, who looked up and drunk.

After such a long time in the bloody battle, although not much improved Class Level was lucky enough to reach 2 Level 14, Legend Warrior has witnessed the whole process of the fall of a Legend Class Holder.

He did n’t know what kind of plight this devil Grand Duke faced as his own “employer”, but he knew very well that there was already too much Grand Duke Oaklis and that Grand Duke Oaklis 10,000 years ago Too many differences. With the passage of time, the mood of this drunkard has already become very tyrannical and temperamental. Sometimes he even shows a serious tendency to self-destruction during the battle.

Of course, in order not to let himself lose his business, each time Ganatica properly stopped the mad mad Warlock, the young avenger even clearly remembered that he had woke up this unreliable employer thousands of times.

Now, Ganatika, who has been staring at Archduke Okris, is actually guarding against the sudden dementia of a self-paralyzing devil.

“Having a banquet and eating and drinking merrily, the battle is getting less and less … you are not like a Legend at all, Oakley, you are more like a poor lunatic than me now, what do you have now? What about the idea? “

frowns expressed helplessly with emotion, and the numb expression of Ganatika didn’t know what to say. Seeing what Oakley looks like today, the young avenger didn’t know why immediately thought of himself …

How confident and determined was the Devil Duke, who was actively looking for solutions to problems? Now how drunk and dazed the drunk sitting on the throne?

Ganatika did not know if he would become that way one day, but he always felt in his heart that it was sooner or later … because even after 10000 years passed, he pulled his sword in a brainless battle. Young avengers who were thinking about their “heart” still didn’t get relevant answers.

Only the once-burning fire of hatred seemed to dim and sway as the blood washed away …

“The influence from chaos is indeed inevitable. Maybe in the past 10000 years, I will become the same as Oaklis, but before that day comes, such a meaningless battle still needs to be. When will it end? “

Picking up a new piece of dried fruit and putting it in the mouth, feeling the sweetness and spiciness on the tip of the tongue bursting together, Ganatika suddenly felt that she didn’t want to go and bother the drunkard Oaklis and go crazy.

He now just wants to taste this very ordinary dried fruit quietly.

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