Remus was nervous.

Harry could tell that just by looking at the man's countenance.

Harry had no idea what the old man had told the werewolf about him but he doubted that it would be something good.

If he had to guess then he would guess that Dumbledore would have told the werewolf that he was an emotionally unstable child who needs all the protection he could get.

He might also have told Remus to ask him to attend his classes.

And in the off chance that Dumbledore decided not to interfere and did not tell anything to Remus, he must have still known about his Parselmouth status.

Something that none of his parents or their parents were.

So Remus must have suspected something. After all, despite his lack of confidence in himself, he was a rather smart guy.

Which would explain all the nervousness.

Or maybe Remus was nervous because of the icy cold glare he was sending toward the man.

Who could tell.

"Have a seat." He said, bȧrėly withholding a sneer.

Remus didn't even have the time to widen his eyes before Harry applied a few paralysis charm on th werewolf, just to stay on the side of caution and took away his wand.

"Harry. What are you doing?" he asked, not looking afraid in the least but still a bit worried.

"Interrogating you. I thought that was clear enough to you. What with the rope and all that." Harry said with a blank expression before he pointed his wand at the werewolf and fired a dozen or so bug removing charms.

And yes, there were a few charms placed on him that would allow the caster to eavesdrop on them.

Harry didn't know if Remus knew about these charms or not but if Werewolf didn't then Dumbledore was probably even more powerful and dangerous than he had initially thought.

He performed the dozen or so charms on himself as well but thankfully there were no charms placed on himself.

Still, he knew needed to be sure and he turned to the magic revealing expert.

"Selena. Is there any other kind of magic on or around our body."

Remus visibly flinched at his liberal use of Parseltongue and shivered a little as Selena came out of his sleeve and started flickering her tongue around in the air.

Why had he not thought of that before.

Whelp… at least he now had one more thing to try in his research of the Mage Sight.

Maybe this would work.

He jotted it down in his mind and after Selena gave him a 'Clear' he pulled her back in his sleeves and sat down on the chair before performing a dozen or so privacy charms.

"Nonverbal casting. You're very advanced at charms Harry. I can see why people would think of you as a prodigy in that subject. Even your mother was not that good in that subject when she was of your age. Your parents must be very proud of you." Remus said with a warm smile though there was a little bit of wariness in his expression as well.

"No." He replied "I don't think they would. Especially if they knew that ypu came to have a private conversation with me while have a bunch of tracking and eavesdropping charm on your body."

Remus's expression fell at his words and a look of hurt and betrayal cross his face and Harry realized that yes, the man did not know about the charms placed on him.

Or maybe he was just that good at acting.

Maybe he was in truth Albus Dumbledore himself who had polyjuiced himself into Remus in order to talk with him.

So Harry performed a charm to check and no, this was no Albus. Though that situation would have been fun as well.

"I guess now that we've purged you off all the outside influences, we should start with the interrogation." He said and sat down on the chair once again.

"Tell me Remus. If you had a son during the last war and you died during that war, then do you think that my parents would have taken care of your son."

Remus calm facade turned guilty at once but he remained silent.

"Give me an answer Remus. Would my parents have taken care of your or not?" he asked once again but with a bit of steel in his words this time.

"They would have." Remus admitted trying to find solace at the lace of his shoes.

"They would have." Harry admitted with a nod"I never knew them personally but from what I've heard of them, I can safely say that they would have raised your son to be a proper wizard no matter what."

"They would have." Remus repeated, still not looking up at him.

"And yet you left me in a muggle house with my abusive relatives where I thought my name was a Freak until I was 5 years old."

"Harry I… I wanted to raise you. Please believe me. I did. But…"

"But Dumbledore told you that leaving me with my abusive relatives was for the greater good and you followed his words without a second thought. Is that what you're trying to tell me."

"Harry… I know you're angry." Remus said while looking up at him "And I wanted to raise you. I did. But I couldn't do it even if I wanted. Not with my condition."

"What condition?" Harry asked, fully knowing what Remus was talking about but wondering if the Werewolf would admit to it.

"Harry… I…"

"What condition Remus?" Harry snarled and Remus flinched before he lowered his gaze and said.

"I'm… a werewolf Harry. I was mauled by Fenerir Greyback when I was a child for something that my father did and survived those wounds and turned into a werewolf." Remus admitted, looking like he was expecting some kind of scorn from him as well but Harry just shook his head at the Werewolf's antics.

"I know Remus. I already knew that you were a werewolf. I just wanted to see if you would hide that fact from me or be man enough to admit it. But don't worry, I don't hate werewolves. They're just people who lose their sanity for two days in a month because of their condition. Nothing more nothing less."

Remus looked slightly hopeful at that news before he frowned once again.

"That is… good. There are few people in the wizarding world who know about us werewolves and still don't hate us. But Harry… how did you come to know that I was a werewolf?" Remus asked suspiciously and Harry gave Remus the look.

"That is a secret Remus. Do you really want to know?" Harry asked, laying out the bait for the trap.

"Yes. I know that Dumbledore wouldn't have told you about it. And besides Dumbledore, very few people in the school currently know about my… condition. Wait… it wasn't Snape was it?" Remus snarled but Harry shook his head.

"No Remus. It was not Snape but a friend of yours that you trusted very much."

"Friend?" Remus asked, looking confused.

"Yes. A friend that betrayed you. A friend whose betrayal killed my parents."

"You met with Sirius." Remus almost shouted while looking pale. "Harry… When did you… How?"

"You want to know?" Harry asked and Remus nodded sternly.

"I want to tell you." Harry admitted "But how do I know that I can trust you."

"Harry… I would never betray your trust. Never." Remus said seriously.

"So you say." Harry said with a wave of his hand "But Sirius must have said the same thing when he was made their secret keeper. So you must understand when I say that I still don't believe you. I do not trust you Remus."

"I… I can understand Harry. But… this is serious. I need to know who told you about my condition. That person might pose a huge threat to your life." Remus enunciated.

"Maybe. But I still don't trust you enough to tell you any of my secrets."

Remus sighed at that. "Harry… I know I've failed in my responsibilities toward you as one of the best friend of your father. And I know that I don't have your trust right now. But at least tell me what I can do to earn your trust."

Harry went silent at that inquiry and looked outside the room for a long moment before he said "You must make an Unbreakable Vow Remus."

Remus eyes widened for a moment but before he could say anything else, Harry continued "You must make an Unbreakable Vow that you'll never tell my secrets to anyone else. That you'll never betray my trust. Can you do that?"

Remus looked worried about his conditions and remained silent for a long moment and Harry's face fell.

"I see… So you were planning to betray me from the start. I hope I could say it was nice knowing you but it really wasn't. I hope we don't meet ever again."

Harry got up from his chair and turned to leave for the door.

5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

"Harry… Wait! Wait Harry… I'll take the vow." Remus shouted and Harry smiled without looking back.

Hook, line and sinker.

And there goes your trusted spy Dumbledore.

By the time Harry turned back, his expression had turned somber once again and he looked at Remus suspiciously for a few moments before he said "We would need a witness for the Unbreakable Vow."

"Yes." Remus admitted sadly "I'll call the Headmaster and we could…"

"No." Harry denied "Not Dumbledore. I don't trust the old man."

Remus looked like he wanted to berate Harry for disrespecting the headmaster but he stayed quiet and Harry almost laughed at how similar Remus and Hermione were.

Both were die hard book worms and worshipped the teachers to a blind degree.

"I'll call a friend of mine to act as the witness."

Half an hour later Daphne had witnessed the Unbreakable vow and left him and Remus alone. But the performance had not ended.

Not in the least.

For he still have to shake the blind trust that Remus had for Dumbledore.

With the wave of his hand a Pensieve came out of his Bottomless purse.

"Now that I know that I can trust you. Let me show you how I captured Peter Pettegrew and interrogated the truth of out him." Harry said while taking a memory out of his mind and Remus' eyes almost popped out of his eye socket at the news.

Harry spent the next few hours telling Remus about the truth behind his parents betrayal. His life at the Dursleys and how he suspected that he had Voldemort's soul in his scar which was the only reason why Dumbledore was keeping him here.

He also told Remus about the prophesy about him and Voldemort and how Albus deduced the

And the best part was that everything he said was the truth.

By the end of it, Remus was looking more pale than ever.

Of course, the news that the son of your only friend was a living horcrux and that he would have to fight Voldemort in the future might have given the Werewolf a big shock so Harry gave him some space to think about it.

Harry knew that he was taking a bit of a risk in telling Remus all these things but he had a good reason for him.

Werewolves are natural occlumens and Veriteserum didn't worked on them because of their different physique so no one would able to take the information out of Remus's mind forcefully.

And if someone captured Remus and tortured the werewolf for information regarding him then the vow would kill him before he could give out any information.

So yes, his secrets were safer than Mcgonagall's vɨrġɨnɨtƴ.

And now Remus not only trusted him, he his faith in the old man was also shaken.

And now if he wanted someone to contact the werewolves for him, then Remus could definitely help him in order to abate himself off the guilt he felt for leaving him with the Drusleys.

Win win.

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