Harry landed on the uninhabited island and dropped down on the grass.

This island was about 450 miles away from Hogwarts and he had to spend the last 4 hours on a broom flying above the sea in order to reach here.

And he was not disappointed.

This particular island named Litfa Dimun was one of the island in the Self Governing Archipelago known as Faroe Island which was situated about 400 miles up north from Britain.

Litfa Dimun was the smallest island in the whole Archipelago which consisted of about 20 islands.

This island was so small in fact that you could zoom in the world map five times and still not see it.

The whole island was nothing but a small mountain that was surrounded by sea from all the sides and had an area of less than 1 sq km in total.

The cold wind of the night made him shiver a bit before he cast another warming charm on himself, the last one having run out some time ago.

It was a bit difficult to see the whole mountain because of the darkness but a simple wave of his wand and everything became crystal clear to him.

Jesus, there was not even a single tree in the whole mountain/island.

That might have something to do with it's rocky structure.

If he had his facts correct then no one owned this island and only a dozen or so tourists ever visited this island every year.

Which meant that if this island were to suddenly disappear from the face of earth, then no one would particularly miss it.

The problem was that putting the whole Fidelius charm would take a lot of power.

So much power in fact that even Dumbledore and Voldemort combined would not be able to do it.

So he would have to make a few changes in that charm so that he would be able to cast the charm in the island one small bit at a time.

He knew that even with that, this whole project of making the island his own personal property would take a lot of time and magic just like with the Basilisk hide robe Project but when had he ever been afraid of such adversities.

So with one last look at the island and capturing the place in his mind so that he could apparate here the next time he wanted to come here, he apparated back to Hogsmeade.


"Harry. Did you know that Quirrel left the school?" Hermione asked "Dumbledore announced his departure at breakfast in the great hall and said that the professor went out of the country for some personal reason."

"Yes Hermione. But Quirrel did not leave the school as Dumbledore claimed." He said.

"Huh! What do you mean?"

"I meant that I killed Quirrel last night in the forbidden forest." He admitted while working on the runes of the Miniature Pensieve.

"What are you talking about Harry?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"Just what you heard. I killed Quirrel last night in the forbidden forest."

"What? Are you serious Harry? Why would you do such a thing?" she asked, looking a bit worried now.

"He had was possessed by Voldemort." Harry said with a shrug "Had the dark wizard's face sticking out from behind his head and what not. It was bad business but I had to take care of him or he might hurt innocent children in the future. I do not regret it."

Hermione looked at him incomprehensibly for a long moment before she picked up her book and started hitting him in the shoulder with it.

"That. Was. Not. Funny. Harry" she said with each hit and gave her a smirk.

He always got a kick out of it when he told people the truth and they didn't believe him simply because the truth was just that unbelievable.

"Alright alright." He said with a smile "You people really don't appreciate honesty you know."

"Yea sure." She said with a huff and sat down beside him and started studying the runes he was working on.

"How far had you come to creating a miniature Pensieve?" she asked and he laughed.

"Creating a miniature Pensieve is not a problem Hermione. I could just enlarge a dish, write all the proper runes and cast the proper charms and then remove the enlarging charm and there you have it, your miniature Pensieve."

"But we don't simply have to create a miniature Pensieve." He said "We have to make a pensieve that could show the memories without someone having to put their face inside the dish and we have to design it in such a way that it would fit inside the Magical Phone."

Hermione nodded at that and asked "And how is that coming along?"

"Not very well. But we've just started and I knew that this project would take a few months at least before we even started so not making any progress so soon was something that I expected." He said and she gave a nod.

"You need to sleep a bit more as well Harry." She said "I can see the dark bags under your eye. Did you even sleep at all last night or did you kept working on the Project."

"Nah." He said, waving away her concerns. "Yesterday, after I dealt with Quirremort…" Hermione's scoff "…I went flying in oder to find myself a nice private island where I could make my own secret base in the future. My own secret lair where I could experiment on my human test subjects and work on all manner of depraved experiments. The flying itself took me 4 whole hours which was why I am so tired right now."

Hermione just rolled her eyes at his words "Harry. You can just admit that you have been working on the project all night long you know. I'm not going to berate you for it."

He gave her a look and she flustered "Okay. I may have berated you for not looking after your health a few times but you don't have to come up with such outrageous lies. I am just trying to look after you, you know." She said with a hurt look and he patted her head gently.

"There there." He said with a smile "Alright. I spent the last night working on the runes. Happy now."

"Yes." She said "I mean no… You did not sleep at all last night. And you cannot give it your best if you're so tired. You need to sleep." She said while crossing her arms and huffed her cheeks and he felt the intense dėsɨrė to pinch her cheeks.

And he gave in to his dėsɨrės.

"Harryyyy…" she complained as he pulled her soft cheeks and he gave her a large grin.

"You've such soft cheeks Hermione." He smiled as he stepped back and she mock glared at him in return.

"Come then. Let's put you to bed." She said and started pulling her to the next room where he had set up his bed.

To say the truth, he was indeed feeling rather tired after all that adventure last night. So he did not resist at all and allowed himself to be pulled away by her.

"Would you join me in the bed?" he asked slyly and grinned inwardly as her face turned red at once.

"Harry." She shouted and mock glared at him once again before stomping his foot with her own.

"Ouch." He cried and hopped in one foot for a few moments as she smirked at him in return.

"Serves you right." She said and pulled him out of the room but he couldn't help but notice the smile on her face.

Such banters had become a common thing between them and even though he saw her as nothing more than a little girl at this point, he knew that eventually she would grow up.

And grow up rather well at that.

And when she does… Muhuhahaha ~creepy laugh inside the head~

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