Translator: Jay_Samuel

「xxx, error, unknown. Unknown. Unknown」

「No traces of divine magic power around the location where it was detected the last time. Possibility of retreat into the pseudo-sanctuary or lying dormant within the body of a life form in the lower world」

「Determining the essence of the action purpose of the target from the intervention record at the time of the inter-dimensional transfer of the visitor number 538 with the lower realm terminal number 6963……, unknown, uncertain. The primary goal of the action is presumed to be the protection of number 538. However, there was no subsequent intervention action, which begs the questions as to its true intention」

「During the spontaneous interdimensional transfer of visitor number 538, there was a trace of repeated interference from the god of dimension coordinate N89B55SJ778. No similar cases in the past. There is a large number of similar events in other worlds, repatriation of individuals back to their original worlds. Request for information disclosure for reference ……, Rejected. Disclosure Refusal」

White, white, white, white.

It has a faint expressions like the sound of a bell, as well as a transparent vocal sound befitting that sound, resounding.

Within an unobstructed feeling of distance in a vague white space, the woman was sitting alone at the center.

No, to say alone is not quite accurate.

A number of fairies floating around are attending to her. From the mouths of the woman and the fairies, flat voices without any emotions overlap as if ignoring each other.

It sounded like a machine, rather than a voice. The fact that all the voices spilling out of their mouths were the same voice, also spurred the spooky inhuman vibe.

「The peculiarity of visitor number 538 is recognized as a prompt response case. The lowered priority from the release of resources by rewinding the time coordinates, combined with the accumulation rate of resources again, it is reestablished as high level」

「Predicting the behavior of visitor number 538. The lack of rationality is determined to be an insufficiency of ability due to the lower world life-form, according to the behavior logs, it is thought to act with the aim of eliminating low-priority 2 unique lower world life-forms」

「The Artifact Removal Scenario has been revised again. Using lower-world terminal number E57, isolating visitor number 538 from the battlefield, proposing the removal of uncertain elements from the lower-world advent sequence, Approved」

「Progress of the lower-world advent sequence using the lower-world terminal number 6965, currently at 58%」

「Observation of a slight delay in progression, predicting deficiency in ability due to the low-synchronization rate of the alternative」

「In order to propel the plan, transfer of the divine-protection crystal to the lower-world terminal number 6963 through lower-world terminal number E57. Thereby accelerating the spread of the seed of the world tree」

A long hair that spreads all the way to the floor even though it's being packed in a bun hairstyle on both sides of the head.

An emotionless doll-like expression, and a well-dressed appearance that can even be said to be overly well-dressed.

Clothes, similar to those of Shinto robes, had a simple but solemn sanctity.

However, even though there were so many notable points, only one impression labeled the woman.

「Possibility that the subject’s traces will be naturally erased by the time of the advent, Minimal. Emergency advent sequence in the case where intentional trace removal is attempted, is running in standby mode」

「The surplus energy is diverted to enhance sensing, connection error during the detection of divine magic power and the emergency advent is less than one point. In the event a similar case occurs, the probability of the apprehension of the local god, Luna, is 73 percent」

That is, white.

Overwhelming whiteness.

Hair, eyes, skin and clothes are all white. The fairies floating around are white as well.

Even though the space in itself is white, no, infact, the whiteness of the space itself appears to be like it's a reflection from the woman, an intense white color as if every other color has been forgotten.

Not just the shade, but a white that doesn't allow even a single impurity.

「Predicting the obstruction from the Earth god in the acquisition of the yet acquired world authority. Intervention through visitor number 538, except the irregular, is impossible due to the pact of the gods. The possibility of a new intervention is denied」

「The number of delays in the operation plan due to the intervention of the god of Earth is 897,561 operations」

「All in all, it is essential to expand the measures to counter the influence of the god of Earth by eliminating the local god」

「Continue making adjustments for the operation execution」

「The divinity, the divinity, the divinity」

「To fulfill the duty of the true god」

In that empty space with nothing, only the white voice reverberates.

「Yo, it 's been a while, Princess-saMA」

The intonation of words, in which only the end was unstable, resonated near the border between the Aurelia Kingdom and Lunaria Theocracy. It was the operation room of a fort in the territory of the kingdom.


「What is the current battle situation……」 「It will take a few more days to organize reinforcements」 「Withdraw from the front line temporarily, and as quickly as possible, with the transformations brought by the seed on the remaining few citizens that are left……」 「That won't make it in time. By giving the seeds to ordinary people who haven't received training, most of them will just become wooden dolls」

In response to the Endymia which appeared without warning, the soldiers turned their spears towards their opponents without any hint of surprise. The commissioned officers who had maps spread all over the table and drawing up strategies for the war against the demons, also, continued to talk as if nothing had happened.

They just continued to perform the role given to them faithfully and honestly.

Everyone in that place seemed like a robot that behaved as if it were a fixed program.

Except for two people, Endymia and the girl.

「Is that Endymia? As usual, such inelegant entrance method」

Princess Alesia looked at the male high elf in his usual gray robe with a cold look.

Alesia, dressed in her usual attire near the battlefield, sits on a soft sofa alongside a person wearing a fine metal armor that hides their face.

「Well well, it's fine isn't it. Aren't the princess and I such good friends?」

「………It's useless, no matter what you say. So, when will you disappear this time? Are you through with that your so called emergency?」

「You're so cold」

A joking Endymia, and an ice-cold Alesia.

「But, true I can’t really relax much. Our god is such a slave driver you see」

「Then, just conclude your business as quickly as possible」

「Ahahaa, don't be so impatient. It's a present from the goddess you know」

It was something like a transparent glass ball that Endymia handed to Alesia.

In the center of the sphere that is about the size of a softball, a pure white feather clad in pale white light was embedded.

「This is……?」

「『Divine-Protection Crystal』, the same kind of object as the 『Sacred Crystal』 the Theocracy possesses」

「Did you say 『Sacred Crystal』? Does this mean that the Great Spirit, no, Lunaris-sama's magic power is contained in it?」

「Exactly. If this is used, the production speed of the seeds of the world tree will be greatly increased. Use it to quickly advance the plan」

「Fumu, has there been any change in development?」

「An Irregular came back to this world again」

「Irregular…… Oh, you mean that ex-hero?」

Alesia replied without any particular interest.

「That’s right, thanks to him I am being worked around to the bone. Even so, you too have changed a lot. At first, you were so obsessed with the former hero*」 (TLN: Ex-hero former hero)

「Well, I'm not interested in that monster anymore. After all……」

Alesia smiles from the bottom of her heart and clung her hand onto the armor sitting next to her.

「Because the me right now, have Elder-Sister Ramnesia-sama with me」

A happy, a really happy enchanting smile.

「……Yea yea, well, the crystal is also useful for tuning that doll, oops」

An iron thorn called out from nowhere attacked Endymia, and Endymia’s magic sword repelled it.

「Doll? If you are going to make remarks that insult my Elder-Sister Ramnesia-sama, I’ll seriously dismantle it this time around」

「Oh, scary scary, my bad, my bad, that thing is a very, very important Elder-Sister Ramnesia-sama afterall」

「Yes, damn straight she is. Ufufu」

The dangerous atmosphere vanished as if it melted, and a soft smile returns to Alesia again.

「Good grief. Honestly, only when it comes to the control of magic power, you're truly first-class. The exact opposite of your sister, who has a high level of empathy, so in a sense, you deserve each other I guess」

Endymia laughed, while looking at the sword in her hand disappearing as something that is neither sand nor dust.

「It's only natural, Elder Sister Ramnesia-sama and I are awesome sisters」

「Now then, I guess it's onto my next appointment then, stealthily stealthily. Fufu-nfu-n」

Endymia smiled brazenly in the end, and disappeared with the light of the teleportation.

「………… Ahaha, ahaha, ahahahahaha!!」

After Endymia disappeared, I raised my voice unable to endure my laughter.

「The good stuff that I had thought I had to get my hands on one way or the other, somehow landed right in my hands this easily……Ufufufuu」

Looking at the so called 『Divine-Protection Crystal』 that Endymia brought.

「With this, all the necessities are ready. Ah, after all, with this, I will, we will……」


「A little more, just a little more, dear sister. I will definitely」

…… Revive you, dear sister.

「Aah-ah, there are no parts I realized, I guess this game too is about to end. Still, I was able to pass the time nicely, guess I was right」

A small sigh showing deep affection.

「Now, please keep it exciting till the end credits. The Last Hero-kun」

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