Translator: Jay_Samuel

That day after returning to the inn, I made a sigh.

「Ah, I see. I guess with this it's settled」

In the status notation I peeked at, at that time, the mark of a traitor was undoubtedly engraved on him.


Valeria Lv 98

Valeria 58 years Male Whalemen race


HP: 6,882 / 3,882 + 3,000 MP: 4,569 / 2,569 + 2,000

Strength: 2,699 + 2,000 Stamina: 2,357 + 2,000

Endurance: 3,390 + 2,000 Agility: 1,418 + 2,000

Magic Power: 831 + 2,000 Magic Resistance: 1,491 + 2,000


Unique Skills: 「Absolute Auditory Perception*」 (Hearing)

Skills: 『Taijutsu Lv15』『Tracking Lv10』『Presence Concealment Lv5』

『Hand-to-Hand Skills* Lv21』『Body Manipulation Lv31』 (TLN: Martial arts)

『Skinning Lv5』『Enhancement-Type Magic』

『Water Magic Lv8』『Beastification Lv10 (Bestowed)』

Condition: Health / Contract with the Fairy Queen (Hidden)

『Let us act independently today』

Dear brother said that during breakfast the day after we went to the guild.

After a coercive, intimidating discussion, we were able to regain a little composure.

It seems that government work in every world seems to take time, as the conversation was concluded with having to wait for about two weeks, including making the necessary arrangements.

According to dear brother's anticipation, it seems that it wouldn't take that long, but decided to wait for a few days to see their reaction.

From here on out, we may have to be on our toes, so it might be a good idea to take a rest to relieve yourself and freshen up, was the narrative.

「Let me see, maybe I should check out the bookstore. I would like to look for some picture book of monsters……, and maybe fairy tales unique to this world. Since I also have this much money on me」

The sound of large amount of gold coins rubbing on each other was made.

(Fairy tales……, come to think of it, that was the hobby of Yuuto-san's girlfriend……)

Suddenly, the scent of a bewailing wind was coming from Yuuto-san.

The scent of pain, as if the smell of burning bitumen was mixed with the smell of the night forest.

An olfactory empathic ability mediated by the wind, which I acquired while improving my abilities in this world.

「Oh, beware of the books at the secondhand bookstore, because bugs may have hatched in them if you're unlucky.

Only the most important parts will end up having holes in them, and might lead you to having sleepless nights」

「Hahaha, I guess I will have to keep my eyes peeled then」

As Yuuto-san gave such wry smile, he went out to town after breakfast.

「……Now then, dear brother. Dear brother, have nothing particular to do today right?」

This is my first break since coming to this world. Thinking about it like that, they were quite the hellish days.

I know that it is urgent to be able to handle myself in a fight in this world in order to ensure my safety. Notwithstanding, this is that, dear brother has to make up for it right?

「Hm? That’s true, I guess I will just laze around on the bed all day. I am freakin languid from all that cooping up in the dungeon」

Fuaah, dear brother gave a big yawn as he placed the dishes.

I don't particularly dislike the recently wild dear brother, and even his sloven behavior like he did in the past is kinda cute.

「For the time being, I'm going back to sleep. Mai, you too should take your time today and rest well」

「Okay, dear brother」

Dear brother who stood up with nothing but sleep in his mind.

I saw him off returning to his room that is being rented, as I kept leisurely sipping my tea.

If I don't get the timing right, it will fail.

(That being said, though unexpected it'll be just us two……, such opportunity, I would be crazy not to take advantage of it)

While in a daze*, I waited for time to pass, and headed inside the room where dear brother is. (TLN: Absentminded, in thoughts)

It has been about 20 minutes since dear brother returned to his room. Dear brother who got into bed should be dozing off quite nicely, and just about the right time his judgment capability would have dropped.

As I quietly enter the room, I unfasten one button of this world's clothes and loosen my breasts.


Dear brother who regained his memories of this world, has become very sensitive to presences.

Even though he was in a daze, he seems to be aware of the fact that someone has entered the room. However, it seems that he realized it was me who came in, and I could hear the sound of his well regulated breathing.

「Now then dear brother, please excuse me」

And I crawled into dear brother's bed forcibly from his back side.

「Hm? Hey, Mai」

「Yawn, good night……, dear brother……」

I began to pretend to sleep, ignoring dear brother who was a little flustered.

「……Geez, sigh」

At this time, I didn't forget to grab dear brother's back tightly.

Naive dear brother shut his eyes as he gave up.

This is perfect, exactly as I expected.

I had thought perhaps, I might get rejected by the present dear brother. To the extent where I've even prepared myself to cry just in case, but I guess I was thinking too much.

Just like before, dear brother accepted Mai.

I should have known, dear brother is my dear brother.

(That's right, dear brother is definitely my dear brother)

He is mine. No matter what happens, or who he meets, he is my dear brother.

Never separating, dear brother will always be beside Mai.

Which is why, I never jump awake when I dream of dear brother going far away.

(Dear brother, dear brother, dear brother, dear brother)

I absolutely will never, separate from my beloved dear brother.

Absolutely, never…….

「……Absolutely, you will be together with Mai……」

While perceiving dear brother's scent, I closed my eyes without letting go of his back.

「……I see, so in this world, bloodsuckers and vampires are two different things」

I continued flipping through the rough, thick parchment pages.

What I have in my hand, was an ancient-looking book with the title 『Monsters who are the most distant from death』

I thought it wouldn't hurt to learn about the monsters, and if they are powerful monsters like the title suggests, I would like to obtain their abilities some day.

And truly, the book contained some information about the powerful monsters.

The feeling of reading unfamiliar letters so normally still feels quite strange, but it is very convenient.

If only this was the case in my original world…….

「No, I wouldn't need it anyway, this kind of ability」

Shiori-nee* who was fond of collecting fairy tales, her hobby intensified to the point where she began to order books from abroad.

To that end, she was such hardcore to the point that she learned English, as well as Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian just so she could read their publications. This really takes me back to those days of struggling with characters I had never seen.

Which is exactly why I shook my head when I thought, what if, I had the ability to read unfamiliar languages just like this back in my original world.

Because those days when both of us had dictionaries on one hand searching for words that we do not understand in order to proceed, were happy memories of my life.


I looked at the row of books lined up in a corner.

『Wow! That's quite a lot of the different world books, Yuuto』

I feel like I could hear such a voice from somewhere.

Even though I can clearly picture Shiori-nee saying that in high spirits.

But, she is not here.

I can no longer see her smile.

Why? Why is it so?

Why why why why, I, I……!

「……Fuga, whoa, whoa, not good. The old lady will yell at me again……」

I returned to my senses thanks to the voice of the mouse-headed beastkin who seemed to be the shopkeeper of the secondhand bookstore and had been dozing off since I came in.

The blood from the animal side seems to be strong and hard to figure out her age, but apparently she seems to be quite old.

「Hm? A customer? Please keep your window-shopping to a minimum okay」

After making a gesture of rubbing her eyes several times, she said thus, making a snort.

「……Oh, sorry」

I made a faint smile and closed the book.

「Please sell this book and that, as well as that over there to me」

「Hmm? Oho, if you're buying them then, no problem」

After expressing my intentions to make purchase, her attitude took a 180* and became cheerful. (TLN: Complete change)

「This is the cost right」

「Yes, that's exactly……, oh sorry」

The shopkeeper picked and dropped the five coins that I took out, and the coins made a light sound and rolled on the floor.

「Okay then, I will be taking the books」

「Hm, oh sure, thanks for your patronage」

I looked down at the shopkeeper who was on her knees, and then left the store.

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