Translator: Jay_Samuel


The intense sunlight pouring down as if stabbing me burns my skin, and I feel like the overly dry wind scrapes off the burnt skin.

『Ahahahahaha, Really?』『It's very cheap, very cheap, madam, how about this Galasha Frog meat that can give the master* great vigor as dinner tonight』 (TLN: Husband)

『Did you hear the story of the hero of the Kingdom? Unbelievable right, he single-handedly orchestrated the annihilation of the Demon army』『Hey, give me another drink!!』

The voices of the monsters, is almost like a ringing in my ears.

I feel like I would be engulfed by this uncertain world if I don't stand firm on my feet in awareness.

「Honestly, a world like this……」

A world that devoured Shiori-nee's life.

I wish everything would just perish.

「Like I thought, I just can't understand this place Kaito. It would have been better to just kill anyone and everyone」

I only see the silhouette of the creatures around me having fun chatting while trampling on the people that are precious to me.

「The denizens of this world that sacrificed Shiori-nee……, every one of them should just drop dead」

All of it was unbearable, so I altered my path avoiding contact as if trying to escape.

It was much easier for me when I was fighting in the dungeon.

I just couldn't cease the curses spilling out from my mouth.

Which is why I know that this, is my turning point*. (TLN: Lit. Parting ways)


「Nn oops」

Dang, as I stumbled forward from the impact of the collision.

The other person was also able to hold his ground without falling over.

「Oh, I'm so sorry」

Looking up, there stood a fair-skinned man clad in a gray robe.

(……An Elf……, this is my first time seeing one)

A long and thin stature, and pointed ears peeking from the back of the hood.

The mysterious tinge of eye color that is neither gold nor grey or even white seemed somehow creepy.

「Hm? Oh oh, could this also be guidance from the Goddess-sama?」

A slightly elevated voice of a young man as if sticking to the eardrum.

And even faster than I could figure out why, the voice sounded ominously in my ears.

He was a man who is the very embodiment* of the word "Shady". (TLN: Lit. Personification of the word using his own body)

「Hey bro, do you mind hearing me out for a bit?」

「……I'm sorry, I have things to do. You also don't appear to be injured, so please excuse me」

「Whoa whoa whoa whoa, just hold on a bit bro」

(This guy)

The man grabbed my arm as I was about to leave.

In that moment, a chill from gooseflesh ran down my spine. Somehow, the hand felt as if it was directly in contact with the bones of the dead.

An alarm* instinctively resonates in the back of my head. (TLN: Warning going off)

「Leave my……!!」


「Say bro. Isn't there someone you would like to get back?」


Hearing those words, I reflexively halted my movement.

You mustn't listen, something inside of me desperately cries out.

However, even that cry as well as if sneering at me, capturing me.

「Good, good, how honest!」

「So what if I do……」

「What if I told you that I would get that person back for you?」

The man smiled like a devil and whispered thus.

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