Night Evolution

Chapter 1216: True Void Sky Demon Banner

Level 1216

In the depths of the Siyuan Sacred Realm, Zhao Mu created a lost city of time with countless information and data.

This is the real Time Lost City. When Time Lost City merged with the Origin World into the Origin Saint Realm, it has left a complete data backup. He only needs to use a small part of the Origin Saint Realm to generate the past time. The lost city and the heavens and realms inside.

The countless beings in the heavens and worlds will never realize that they have been stored as data for hundreds of thousands of years.

Zhao Mu looked at the corpses of ancient wild elephants in front of him, and selected a Yuanzu fruit bracelet to feed him.

After eating the corpse of the ancient wild elephant, Yuan Zu Guo quickly recovered a little strength.

Zhao Mu immediately reversed the future through Yuan Zu Guo, and cooperated with Yin Yang Tianren to return himself to the state of Origin Insect Egg.

Continuously hunting 25 ancient savage elephants, and directly using the final ice wolf's fighting method, made him lose a lot of the original source of power, so he chose to feed these ancient savage elephants to the original ancestor fruit first, and then continue to use time Backtracking allows the source of loss to re-accumulate.

By the way, during this process, he will also integrate the excess Origin Power into the Origin of the Holy Realm.

The origin world itself is transformed by the origin of origin power.

The upper limit of his eternal sacred stage is nine times the same level, no matter how much he can't bear.

But now he has transformed the First Source World into the First Source Sacred World, which is not only the carrier of the Source of Source Power, but also the core talent of the First Source Insect, and it is also a culmination of a wild ancient sacred object. The upper limit, as a desolate ancient sacred object, can bear more of its origin.

Time flies, two hundred thousand years later in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Mu experienced ten rebirths again, of which nine times a little more than merged into the Origin Sacred Realm, and the more one was to supplement the consumption of the Ice Wolf at the end of the change, thus increasing the Origin Power of the Origin Sacred Realm to ten times. Eight times.

This is already the limit in the limit, and a little more will cause the collapse of the Origin of the Holy Realm.

At this point, his foundation is already very strong.

In the same two hundred thousand years, the holy emperor has reached the critical point of eternal sacredness and can try to break through at any time.

On the contrary, it was Hong Linger, always a little bit worse.

The reason is that the ancient barbaric elephant is too suitable for the emperor. The saint emperor’s fundamental is an eternal indestructible body, and the ancient barbaric elephant is a wild and ancient sacred with the most powerful flesh. This allows the emperor to get more benefits from it. Know that he is enough. It consumed ten ancient savage elephant corpses.

He didn't hunt it himself, he couldn't digest the spoils.

So Zhao Mu took a clever, completely enslaving the Holy Emperor from the body to the true spirit and making him his own puppet.

Other sacred ancients can actually do the same, but who wants to be a slave?

Hong Ling'er is the same, except that she has self-awareness compared to Shengdi.

After digesting the last corpse of the ancient savage elephant on this day, Zhao Mu was ready to end the retreat and arrest the ancient sacred again.

After two hundred thousand years of accumulation, he has accumulated a lot of origin power.

Using data to modify, he can completely capture some of the ancient sacred alive.

I dare not say in other places, he wants to capture all of the sacred and ancient sacredness here in the Antarctic Glacier of Beast Market for analysis.

Only in this way, the remaining five final ice wolves might not have enough source force to enslaved them.

Three thousand years later, Zhao Mu captured the ancient elephant alive.

Six thousand years later, Zhao Mu caught the toad in the snowy area alive.

Nine thousand years later, Zhao Mu caught the starry bear (female) alive.

Twelve thousand years later, Zhao Mu caught the god-turned penguin alive.

After 15,000 years, Zhao Mu caught the emperor bird alive.

After 18,000 years, Zhao Mu captured the eternal iceberg alive.


Sixty thousand years later, led the wild ancient sacred alive to divide and siege the five final ice wolves.

Sixty-five thousand years later, the last ice wolf fell at Zhao Mu's feet.

The entire Antarctic glacier in the beast market had already been killed by him.

It’s not that he is better than a dozen of the ancient sacred team, but because he can capture the ancient sacredness of the animal market alive, he can change the final ice wolf to have terrible fighting power in the Antarctic glacier, if there is no final ice wolf change at all Swept the Antarctic glaciers in just 65,000 years.

By now, he has killed more than one third of the ancient sacredness of Antarctic glaciers.

There are thousands in total and hundreds of species.

The rest is not incapable of killing, but continuing to kill is just a waste.

Because he couldn't digest the existing corpses, he continued to hunt and kill the previous ones before digesting them because of the rules of the beast ruins.

After such a hunt, he has already obtained ten barren ancient reincarnation stones.

It stands to reason that there should be more, after all, ten of a thousand sacred ancients should drop.

But in fact only five were dropped. Zhao Mu guessed that there is a limit to the number of ancient reincarnation stones in the Antarctic glacier. This thing should be a drop from the beast market itself. The Antarctic glacier has insufficient power to generate new ones. Wild ancient reincarnation stone.

The most obvious evidence is the rapid decline in the rate of rebirth of the ancient and sacred Antarctic glaciers.

To put it simply, he has almost bald the Antarctic glacier.

He frantically hunted a thousand wild ancient sacreds, of which less than one percent was used by him to integrate into the Origin Sacred Realm, and all the rest was used by him to refine the wild ancient sacred Void Sky Demon Banner.

There are only nine Void Sky Demon Banners in total.

Each one alone is a desolate ancient sacred object, and each one is integrated into a desolate ancient reincarnation stone.

It consumes nine times as much as the Siyuan Sacred Realm. Of course, it is impossible to be nine times as powerful as the Siyuan Sacred Realm. After all, the Siyuan Sacred Realm is integrated with the Siyuan Sacred Realm, but the set of nine does not lose to the Siyuan Sacred Realm. The second thing in the hand has become the treasure of the top sacred objects.

[Void Sky Demon Banner: Set of Wild Ancient Relics]

[Power One: Void Sky Demon Sea-Void Sky Demon Banner can transform a piece of heaven and earth into Void Sky Demon Sea, from which countless Void Sky Demons are bred]

[Power Two: Void Sky Demon-The body is transformed into crazily distorted but controllable information data]

[Power Three: Void Sky Demon Mind——The true spirit transforms into the Void Sky Demon Mind, and the Void Sky Demon Flag is immortal. The Void Sky Demon Mind will last forever]

[Power Four: Lord of the Void Sky Demon-Freely control the Void Sky Demon bred by the Void Sky Demon Sea]

[Power Five: Void Sky Demon Reincarnation Array-It can transform all the Void Sky Demon bred by the Void Sky Demon Sea into the Void Sky Demon Banner, and can use the Void Sky Demon Flag to arrange the Void Sky Demon Reincarnation Array to pollute the endless void world]

Simply refining the Void Sky Demon Banner, there are dozens of ancient and sacred corpses more than enough.

In the end, a total of more than 900 sacred corpses were consumed because the Void Sky Demon Sea was generated with the help of the Void Sky Demon Banner, and all the sacred corpses were transformed into the origin of the Void Sky Demon Sea, and the energy that could be manipulated was bred in it. The Void Sky Demon that changed into the Void Sky Demon Banner.

It is conservatively estimated that hundreds of Void Sky Demons of the ancient and sacred level will be born in the Void Sky Demon Sea thousands of years later.

Even now, there are already more than one million eternal sacred level Void Demon.

If the power of the formation formation will be improved according to the formation formation, he is already sure to kill the three brothers of the Origin Insect in cooperation with the Siyuan Holy Realm.

The sacred ancient sacred who kills wisdom is different from the sacred ancient sacred who kills the animal market.

Regardless of the dangers of the animal market, many sacred and sacred people have no way to go to heaven and earth.

But in fact, the five fingers of the ancient sacred that have died in the animal market all the time are insufficient. Unless they encounter a powerful existence that has no time to escape, the wise ancient sacred can use various methods even if the beasts of the animal market cannot escape. escape.

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