Night Evolution

Chapter 1217: Beast ruins

Level 1217

At the deepest part of the Antarctic Glacier in the Beast Ruins, Zhao Mu gradually approached here under the leadership of the final ice wolf.

It was already very cold here. If it weren't for him to become the final ice wolf, I believe that even the sacred ancient and sacred would be frozen to death here, because the unknown cold here completely surpassed all the cold in his knowledge.

He will find this place entirely because of the Eye of Origin.

After a period of exploration, Zhao Mu discovered that the cold here can directly freeze matter and true spirits, and even freeze the surrounding space and time.

As far as the ancient sacred is concerned, space is okay. No ancient sacred truly masters the power of time.

On the contrary, the eternal sacred masters a lot of time power, because the stronger the existence, the harder it is to be affected by time.

To open up a world, one of them is waiting for a few thousand years.

However, the only time force known to be effective against the ancient sacred in the ancient void is the time regression of Yuanzuguo.

And he saw time freezing here, which was the second time force of the ancient and sacred level.

Once mastered the power of time mind, Zhao Mu certainly knew the benefits of mastering the power of time.

However, when it comes to the ancient void, the power of time is too rare.

The power of time thinking of the heavens and worlds can be said to be worthless in the ancient void.

Now that he encounters a power that can freeze time, he will of course come over and try to control this power.

Zhao Mu watched the misty cold air in the glacier ahead, and released Siyuan Holy Realm quietly to cover it.

Of course it’s best if it can be swallowed, and if it can’t, it’s best to seal part of it. Try to see if Origin Power can be transformed into this kind of chill. If it can, of course it’s best, if it can’t, there’s no way.

The Siyuan Holy Realm was exposed to the cold, and it was visible to the naked eye that part of the Siyuan Holy Realm was frozen by time.

Zhao Mu immediately integrated the five powers of the Final Ice Wolf into the Origin Sacred Realm. The Origin Sacred Realm was slightly free from the freezing of a little bit of cold, and immediately began to seal and suppress this cold, and tried to control it through the power of the Final Ice Wolf. .

A few years later, the first chill was suppressed.

Zhao Mu immediately tried to swallow and merge, and the instantaneously changing ice wolf that fell into the body began to metamorphose.

It seems that this kind of cold air originally belonged to the ice wolf of the end, but these cold air is the same as the original source force left by the fallen primordial insects, in which there are remnants of the true spirit of the dead, and he has successfully integrated this cold air into himself After the real spirit's thoughts, it was immediately refined.

Even from the cold, Zhao Mu vaguely perceives some blurry pictures.

This seems to be the incomplete memory contained in the Real Spirit's Missing Thoughts left by the master of Cold Qi, but there is too little cold to see any incomplete memory, it is not bad to see a vague picture.

Such a strong cold air, and the special position of the Final Ice Wolf in the Antarctic Glacier of the Beast Market.

It is easy to make associations, and here must have fallen a powerful final ice wolf beyond imagination.

If you completely control these cold air, you might be able to know a little bit of the secret of the ancient reincarnation.

Zhao Mu released the Void Sky Demon Banner and deployed a formation to protect himself.

The Eye of Origin strengthens the true spirit to the limit, transforming into the final ice wolf to suppress and absorb the cold.

The first thread took a few years, and the second thread only took a year...

The more fusion control, the faster the refining speed.

Only after more than six thousand years, Zhao Mu has completely integrated and controlled all the cold air.

By sorting out the incomplete memories of the True Spirit Cannian, he also knew that these cold air turned out to be the original source cold air, which was the cold air produced by the first cold force born in the ancient void, and from it gave birth to the first final ice wolf in the ancient void.

From the broken memory, we can see that the final ice wolf is powerful and terrifying.

The three brothers of Siyuan worms joined forces, and they were not enough to handle it easily.

The final ice wolf did not surpass the ancient sacredness, but reached the apex of the ancient sacredness, and mastered the top sacred artifacts, mastered the top sacred art, and even created a lot of ridiculous ancients in the race created by itself. sacred.

In the entire Antarctic Glacier of the Beast Market, all the ancient sacred except the starry sky bear were created by the final ice wolf.

The ancient sacred power can bless the power of life created by itself.

The final ice wolf created thousands of lives, among which hundreds of life races gave birth to a life of the ancient sacred level. All these powers are superimposed on themselves. Although they have not yet surpassed the ancient sacred in qualitative breakthrough, the amount is enough to hang. Fight the entire Origin Insect family.

There are not many memories of the final ice wolf during his lifetime, but many memory fragments when he fell.

Zhao Mu saw the final ice wolf fighting the Void Demon suppressed by the Void of Origin, and finally gathered tens of thousands of ancient sacred creatures with several other existences of the same level. In the final battle, the Void Demon was severely damaged by the same means.

In the end, all fell and died in the void, and then there was no memory.

Zhao Mu now wonders whether the entire Beast Market was formed by some overlord like the Final Ice Wolf, with tens of thousands of ancient and sacred corpses. The Beast Market is basically the tomb of the last deserted ancient reincarnation. The beasts in the Beast Market are clones Not because of this deity.

The deity has fallen, and the clone conceived from the corpse after death certainly has no wisdom.

As for why the hybrids can give birth to new ignorant ancient sacreds, why are there special hunting rules?

For this question, the answer may be to ask the builder of the Beast Market.

Leaving the depths of the glacier, Zhao Mu entered the Siyuan Holy Realm and began to devour all kinds of sacred flesh and blood.

All are the most valuable parts. He has fully explored the Antarctic glaciers. As for the sea outside the Antarctic glaciers and other continents in the animal market, even if he wants to explore, he will have to wait for the next time to enter the animal market. He cannot cross the sea to enter other continents.

Because the sea of ​​the beast ruins is a forbidden area, it can truly threaten and kill the ancient sacred.

Since the good things in the Antarctic glacier have been raided, of course he does not need to continue to suppress the breakthrough.

So he has to continue to eat until the body evolves to the critical point of ancient sacredness.

Then he left the animal ruins and transformed into the ancient sacred in the ancient void, and was recognized by the ancient void to become the new ancient sacred.

Hundreds of years later, Zhao Mu couldn't eat it anymore.

The remaining sacred corpses were thrown to the Void Sky Demon Banner, transformed into the sea water of the Void Sky Demon Sea and stored.

Activate the information that appeared in the body when he entered the animal market, the surrounding space began to warp and transmit him out of the animal market, and the transmission ended. Zhao Mu saw a huge ship not far away constantly wandering, from above he felt the Origin Insect III The breath of the holy race created by the brothers.

They all created the holy race, but the holy race was relegated to the sin race.

Since then, they have also created their own prefix saints. Although the prefix saints are not as good as the saints, they are not much worse.

Obviously, this was a servant sent by the three Siyuan insects to wait for him to come out.

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