Night Evolution

Chapter 1218: Enemy Trap

Chapter 1218

Zhao Mu flew to the three brothers of the Origin Insect in the void and left a void spaceship to meet him.

Before he could get closer, a space gap with a very unstable needle tip suddenly opened.

"Fourth brother... the farther you escape, the better..."

From the cracks in the space, the spiritual ideas of Brother Siyuan insects spread.

Zhao Mu instantly caught that it turned out that the changes in Yin-Yang and Heavenly Humans had greatly increased the strength of the Primordial Insect, which led to the lurking in the Desolate Ancient Sacred. Some of the Desolate Ancient Sacred that had been under the control of the Void Demon's secret pollution had directly attacked in the previous years.

In the end, he combined with the trapped Void Sky Demon Li Ying, directly injuring the Origin Insect family.

Now the remaining Primordial Insects, all have escaped to the spiritless void.

At the entrance of the beast market, the servants of the three brothers of the Origin Insect are just fakes controlled by the sacred slaves who betrayed the ignorance of the ancient emptiness, waiting for him to leave the beast market and take the initiative to pass him.

Brother Siyuan insect gave him a coordinate, hoping that he would do everything he could to escape to the inanimate void alive.

Zhao Mu did not escape, but smiled weirdly.

If he didn't have the Eye of Origin, he would really believe it if he could not.

After all, that voice can be faked, but he didn't know any means of fakery for the true spiritual aura of the ancient sacred level of Big Brother Siyuan insect.

However, he has the Eye of Origin. The moment he left the Beast Market, he had already observed the vicinity of the Beast Market and the frontline battlefield. There were so many Primordial Insects fighting the Void Sky Demon on the frontline battlefield, and there was no ambush around him. .

Obviously, someone was lying to him just now.

I want him to take the initiative to leave the Void of Origin and the Sea of ​​Void of Creation, and take the initiative to escape into the Spiritless Void.

If he really believes it, waiting for him will definitely not end well.

This is simply trying to trick him away and then do it again. As for why you don't just lay ambush at the entrance of the animal market, it is because there are all the warning methods of the ancient and sacred arrangements hidden around the entrance of the animal market.

I just don't know, which sacred ancient sacred can actually disguise the true spirit's mind just like Big Brother Siyuan insect.

Zhao Mu knew that the danger was probably due to the Yin Yang Tian Ren incident.

There are more Yin-Yang celestial and human changes in the origin insect family, but the Yin-yang celestial human did not leave the front line when the yin-yang celestial person appeared in the wild fish tide. His origin insect who returned to the race would naturally become the first target of suspicion.

Through the Eye of Origin, Zhao Mu was ready to directly tear the space through the three brothers of Origin Insect.

However, at this moment, Super Dimensional Intuition is warning.

For so many years at the Beast Market, the energy in the early years was spent on creating the ancient holy techniques of the three true spirit levels.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, he has mainly created killing and assisting ancient holy techniques.

Among them, the most attentive aid to the ancient sacred art is the super-dimensional intuition, which combines the power changes obtained from several kinds of ancient sacred bodies. The new super-dimensional intuition he created can not only generate the danger warning perception directly against his own maliciousness, but also directly pass through it. The Eye of Origin reads the inner void information data to predict the danger.

Tearing the inner void, will it feel dangerous?

There is only one answer, just pretending that the ancient sacredness of Siyuan Insect Big Brother has twofold intentions.

In the first type, he was tricked into going to the Inanimate Void.

Second, he was not deceived.

Although the hidden ancient sacred camouflage was seamless, he definitely didn't know whether the Three Brothers of Origin Insect had any secret agreement with him, and if there were any lies, it would be easy to expose them.

In this case, he has a high probability of directly tearing the void to find the Origin Clan.

This happens to fall into the second trap, the trap arranged in the void inside.

After understanding this, Zhao Mu directly tore through the space cracks to locate and transmit.

The danger is not terrible, the terrible thing is not knowing.

Knowing it wouldn't be scary, and even use this to find out who wanted to kill him.

If you don't take the trick but avoid it, the sacred sacred shot can easily erase all traces. At that time, it will not be easy for him to find the black hand behind the scenes, so he would rather step into the trap to face the danger.

Leaving aside the defensive ability of the Origin Sacred Realm, his transformation into the Final Ice Wolf will surpass many sacred ancients.

Even if he encounters the top powerhouse in the ancient sacred and is really invincible, he still has eighteen yuan ancestor fruit.

The eighteen yuan ancestor fruit that has been completely restored, if faced with the Void Demon, it would be the eighteen peaks of the ancient sacred. Even if the ordinary ancient sacred can’t be restrained, the eighteen will not be afraid of any ancient sacred when they work together. Retreat strategically at any time.

With so many favorable conditions, what reason does he have to flee?

Zhao Mu passed through the inner void, and the avatar information data shuttled through the space.

However, only a few thousand light years after leaving the entrance of the Beast Ruins, a net suddenly appeared around, pulling the surrounding information and data together with Zhao Mu out of the inner void, and falling into a cage made up of the corpses of the Void Sky Demon in the surface void.

The Void Demon itself is a taboo-like existence.

Except for a small number of the corpses of the Void Sky Demon, most of them must be destroyed.

Here is a prison made of the corpse of the Void Sky Demon. Even if it is a sacred place, it will be a little bit polluted by the Void Sky Demon. Zhao Mu perceives the seals on the inside and outside of the prison, and sees a hand held outside the prison door. Silhouette of fishing net.

This figure is not someone else but Siyuan insect eldest brother.

If it hadn't been for the Eye of Origin to see Big Brother Siyuan Insect on the front line, he wouldn't be able to see that this one was fake.

To achieve this level, Primordial Insects' methods of change must be resigned.

Because the Primordial Insect can change perfectly at the physical level, but the true spirit level cannot reach such a perfect disguise.

Seeing Zhao Mu's desperate face, the sacred sacred outside the door laughed wildly.

It can be seen that he is very happy, and he is still the kind of happy that he can get revenge.

Could it be that the Three Brothers of the Origin Insect offended this person, and then they couldn't provoke the Three Brothers in the Origin Insect, so they took revenge on him?

It is not impossible, of course there is another possibility that this person is in collusion with the Void Demon.

Because of Yin and Yang, he is suspected to be related to Yuanmu ancestor tree.

Both of these possibilities could be the reason why the sacred desolate stared at him.

"Don't be afraid, you will die very happy."

The sacred sacred outside the door said with a grinning I will only torture you for a few hours, I will not torture you forever, you will be the happiest one of your brothers who died, and I will be wearing you Pi killed your three elder brothers one by one, leaving your family of six neatly organized. "

"Why not a family of eight?"

Zhao Mu asked curiously, his fear disappeared instantly.


Outside the door, the ancient sacred saw that Zhao Mu was afraid that it was a disguise, but he couldn't believe it.

Because in his opinion, this little thing in front of him is simply a bluff.

Not to mention that he is only eternal and sacred, even if he has become an ancient sacred and fell into the prison of the demon, there is only a dead end.

Whether it is true fear or false fear, he will soon know how desperate it is to live.

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