Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 43: Rose Principality

The return of Marvin and Pooh naturally made everyone in the White River Valley happy.

After all, they all know that this time the Lord and the young Master Poney participated in the battle for fate slate.

The focus of the battle is that it is said to be the tower of the gods left by Lance!

Although they did not know the specific results, the connected towers were moved back by the two, and it is natural that they do not have to say more.

The morale of the Baihe Valley is quite strong.

Only at this time, Marvin made a strange order.

Within seven days, no one is allowed to enter or exit the White River Valley unless he has his permission.

The adventure squads that were hunting wild beasts were summoned back by Ma Wen.

Although everyone was surprised by this order, but Marvin’s prestige in the White River Valley is naturally no one dares to reverse.

He is the owner of the refuge. In this land, everything is his decision!

However, only some people at the top of the Baihe Valley have vaguely known, and things don't seem so good!

Anna is the clearest truth.

After being smashed by the **** of war on the seal of the world, the arcane energy in the Pooh's body was vaguely reflexed.

In that case, in order to protect Marvin, he forced everyone out, and then sent the Tongtian Tower to the Baihe Valley, and finally used Lance to solidify the witchcraft on the Tongtian Tower to open a seven-day period. shelter】!

Pooh certainly knows the temptation of the fate slate to others.

He can't give those people a chance to get in.

Because of this absolute asylum, Marvin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But Pooh itself has been greatly traumatized.

In the next period of time, he can only enter a state of semi-sleeping and half-meditation - in the Tongtian Tower.

And Marvin himself is not much better.

This is the most serious trauma he has ever suffered.

The early release of the form of the addiction made it difficult for many of his internal injuries to recover, even though the next day, the shadow thief came from the north, bringing the goodwill of Daniela - a special secret medicine from the Principality of Lavis. There are miraculous healing drugs for the blood of the Clyland family, but the injuries in Marvin are slow to recover.

Fortunately, according to Marvin’s estimate, wait until the seven days have passed. His injury should barely recover.

By then, it is time for him to implement the plan.


In these seven days, Marvin rarely chose ease.

He spends a lot of time every day with Anna to handle government affairs, and from time to time to look at Pooh in meditation. Or go to visit the chief financial officer of the White River Valley - Lola's Rock card skills to impress Ma Wen, and the dwarf's honesty makes Marvin feel interesting. People in the White River Valley always carry the goodwill, including the Sha people who later migrated. Under the leadership of Constantine, they have always been convinced by Marvin.

The only pity is. Some people have left the White River Valley. For example, the pair of live treasures that often quarrel in the alchemy lab. The necromancer Federer is said to have waited for the saliva to restore the flesh. The two went together in the far north; the unknown alchemist changed his hand when Marvin handed the alchemy box to him.

From a turkey male to a mortal old man. According to Anna, he once called a person's name in the fields of the White River Valley in the middle of the night.

The name was pronounced very hard and Anna could not imitate it.

All in all, it is very likely that the greatest alchemist in the history of Fernan left a letter to Anna and quietly left the White River Valley.

He said he would come back, but I don't know when.

And the pair of goblin brothers.

Their departure was even earlier, when Ma Wen recalled it. It was discovered that the goblin brothers who brought back from another continent had already succumbed to themselves when they went to the battle for fate.

Although they can't bear the mechanical Titan in the Baihe Valley, things seem very urgent.

In combination with the performance of the butterfly, Marvin has vaguely guessed something.

This era may be about to usher in a real big change.

After the catastrophe, since humans have survived, they must continue to live.

No matter how difficult, you must live. This is one of the supreme rules inscribed in the blood of all things.


Constantine and Sophie set up the night pedestrian's headquarters in the White River Valley.

After all, the northern fortress has fallen, and the respectable O'Brien has already sacrificed. The leader of the new night walker is Marvin.

When Constantine handed the Everlasting Paradise to Marvin. He couldn't help but feel awkward.

Because of this half artifact, he is too familiar!

Yong Night Paradise is the artifact that he grabbed when he played the night master. It was not obtained from O'Brien at the time, but was snatched from the hands of a **** lord.

I want to come to that time. O'Brien in the game has also been martyrdom, but he did not have time to hand over the artifact that passed down from the king of the night.

With the Everlasting Paradise, Marvin’s strength has been greatly enhanced.

The legends of these two night walkers have also settled down in the White River Valley.

Because of what happened next, Marvin officially announced that Constantine became the second governor of the White River Valley.

After Marvin left, Anna represented Marvin's position, and Constantine was the second-in-command of power.

After all, Marvin believes Anna's ability. But at the top of management, it is better to have a trusted legendary strongman to suppress.

After all, Medierli manages the river beach city, and the tomb thief is completely unsuitable for managing a territory.

Isabel recovered very quickly, and in these days, she was as usual, and Ma Wen was inseparable.

Marvin has no idea what to do with this gimmick.

The Hamon's persistence is also famous, but he feels a headache when he thinks about what he is going to do next.

Because that is too dangerous, he can only be alone, and it is impossible to bring anyone.

"Let's talk about it later."


On the fourth Ma Wen, who has been paying close attention to outside news, finally got an explosive news:

[Northern three towns joined hands with the morning light and the guardian church, officially announced the establishment of the Principality! 】

The Principality is named after the Rose Sword in the hands of the female Valkyrie Eve.

Eve himself became the first female grandfather of the Rose Principality, and the morning **** of the morning became the first pope. In the three towns of the northern land and the surrounding area, the morning light church began to spread.

On the day of the founding of the Rose Principality, the female Grand Duke Eve officially announced to the entire Fernan:

[Ma Wen of the Baihe Valley is the deceased of the destiny. 】

[Anyone who prevents the Rose Principal from eradicating Marvin’s actions will be considered a heresy and an enemy]

As soon as this announcement came out, the whole piece of Feinan was completely plunged into the storm!


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