Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 44:

For the only remaining human population in Fernan, the news from the North is absolutely stormy. ?壹???小???说???

Most people feel shocked and wrong, because as one of the few remaining human forces, the Baihe Valley and the North Town seem to have not much suspicion.

And in the case of the coming of the gods, should the two forces not join hands?

This is the most confusing thing for people.

Of course, smart people have already seen that the Northland seems to have been prepared for the advent of the gods.

Eve strong standing on the side of the morning light and the guardian god, making the morning light son of the first pope, has already explained a lot.

In the eyes of many people, the relationship between Marvin and the gods is almost incompatible.

This juvenile from the Baihe Valley, from the very beginning, provoked the bottom line of the heavenly kingdom with a gesture of nowhere.

He never seems to know what it means to be a god.

Even in the terrible Cataclysm, he was the first to stand up and slaughter the first woman who had publicly sealed the gods since the Third Age.

Under such an explanation, the breakup between the North and the South seems to be explained.

However, only a handful of people know what secrets are behind Eve's decision.

Of course, these people do not include Marvin.

But since the Battle of Tongtian Tower, he knew that Eve became his enemy.

He doesn't know the reason, but he only needs to know the status quo.

Northland and the Kingdom of God have joined forces. This is something that has not been born in the history of the game.

Obviously, when the timeline moves to this point in time, because too many things have been changed by Marvin, many things in this world are completely different from the game.

It’s not the same.

Therefore, Ma Wen can no longer inspect all of this with his original eyes.

He accepted Eve's announcement calmly, but in these days, the White River Valley did not claim anything.

Because of the existence of absolute shelter, no one can enter the White River Valley except for a very small number of people.

People are very curious, and the strong Ma Wen will use what kind of gesture to face Eve’s declaration of war.

According to Anna’s intelligence, the North Town of the Northland will conduct a settlement of the surrounding chaos in the near future.

And after that. They will send an army to the south to attack the White River Valley. The goal is to kill Marvin.

Whether the information is true or not, it is just the announcement. It is enough to make the Baihe Valley up and down nervous.

joke! ?

What was the newly established Rose Principal actually threatened to kill the lords of the White River Valley? The great hero Ma Wen, who has repeatedly saved humanity?

Residents of the White River Valley first disagreed!

The same is true of most people who later migrated to the White River Valley.

Because as a community of interests, they and Ma Wen can be said to be on a boat, and they are all honored and damaged.

As soon as the announcement came out, many people had wiped the weapons silently and began to prepare for the war that came sooner or later.

However, they did not know. The protagonist who was proclaimed by this pass was still leisurely hanging around in some corners of the White River Valley.


"Your [stealing person] has hidden a black sheep], I didn't guess wrong?"

In a small house in the northern mine, the strange trio played Rock.

Long-lost Lola smiled and beat a truth card in his hand, eventually proclaiming Marvin’s death sentence.

Ma Wen smiled helplessly and finally nodded.

His talent in Locke is really not as good as this clever female liar.

But he did not think that the girl he had saved from the coyotes had now played such an important role in the operation of the White River Valley.

What I didn't even think of was. Despite this, she was exactly the same as the girl who was somewhat talkative and awkward.

She is still wearing a favorite plaid skirt, likes to bully and slap the honest little halfling, likes to use some little-known hands and feet while playing the Rock card. At the same time, she controls the financial power of the White River Valley.

It is difficult for many people to connect these two people. However, in the eyes of Marvin, Lola is Lola, she is still the same.

This is a very gratifying thing.

Everything has been so rushed since the crossing, so many friends have no time to contact.

However, after all, there are many people. Standing behind him from beginning to end. Anna is naturally one, and Lola is also.


"Do you really have no idea?"

Lola gently collected the cards of the Rock card, and the big eyes fluttered and looked at Marvin: "Although I don't know anything about the battle, this time it seems. It seems very serious."

The small follower on the side nodded hard.

Like most people, they have some concerns about the situation in Marvin and the White River Valley.

After all, fighting this kind of thing is what most people call fear.

Marvin shook his head gently and smiled. "Nothing will happen."

Lola grinned. "With my understanding of you, when you say this, most of them are prepared to solve it yourself?"

Marvin haha ​​smiled. Did not deny anything.

Pooh also fell asleep in the tower.

Constantine and Sophie have returned, the night pedestrian headquarters as a whole, and the White River Valley officially completed the alliance agreement with the Rock Hill.

In addition to the attitude of the migratory bird parliament in the high jungle in the south, the present is actually a unified meaning.

Because the owner of Chiba Mori is a good friend of Marvin, so the wood elf is not a concern.

So from the perspective of war, Marvin is really not afraid.

In the north-south battle, the south is much stronger.

But he didn't want to pick up the war.

He doesn't want to let so many people die for himself.

Eve wants to kill, only himself.

And with the dust of the fate slate settled, more and more flies will be eyeing the White River Valley because of Marvin.

This place where Marvin swears to guard, now has a huge trouble because of him.

He has long thought of a good way.

That is to leave Lola is very smart, she has already guessed this, but she did not break. She only asks tentatively, and at the same time she is worried about Marvin's way forward, just like worrying about an old friend's hiking.

But she knew that she couldn't stop Marvin, or that the only person who could stop Marvin was still asleep in the tower.

"So, when do you go?" Lola blinked. "Don't deny my guess, otherwise I don't think you can take time to play with me, accompany Anna's sister to handle government affairs...say again, the White River Valley It is a normal phenomenon that the lord is not at home."

Ma Wen is amazed.

In my own territory, I really don't manage how to manage it.

However, in the face of Lola's question, he still seriously answered:

"After the seven days of absolute asylum is over, leave."

... (to be continued.)

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