Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 166: Start again

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East Coast headquarters of the Southern Wizards Union. Ministry of Finance, in the conference room.

"What do you think about the huge loan application of Baron Marvin in the White River Valley?"

One of the members whispered inquiries.

The other four are silent.

After a while, some people laughed and said: "The 10,000 witch gold coins? Since the establishment of the alliance, have not let such a huge loan?"

"What does he take to guarantee?"

The first member to speak was a woman. She is the minister of the finance department and her name is O'Connor.

She glanced at the ridiculous person and said, "Mr. Peter, if you haven’t read the assessment report, don’t you talk nonsense?”

Peter had some words.

At the conference table at this time, everyone has a thin piece of information in front of them.

These are all evaluation reports on the exhibition potential of the Ma Wen and the Baihe Valley.

The Southern Wizarding League is also very strict when lending money, and has been reviewed by a special person.

"As far as I know, the territory of Baron Marvin does not have enough short-term solvency, but in this war, Baron Marvin succeeded in exploiting the wild."

"He wiped out an entire ogre tribe, and it is said that there is also the shadow of the legendary ogre."

"And on the Baron Marvin, we have a lot of old acquaintances."

When O'Connor's words were not finished, Peter's exclamation came:

"how is this possible!"

He held the information and looked at the familiar names. Can't help but whisper: "The demon hunter Constantine..."

"Elf Wu Sheng Ibra..."

"And the solitary O'Brien?"

Peter swallowed: "Please tell me, is this information forged?"

The rest of the people looked at him with the look of an idiot.

They were so silent because they were shocked by the names of several people in the data. They are thinking. What kind of person is it, can bring so many powerful people together.

Not to mention the information on the previous pages, Marvin seems to have joined forces with several other legendary powers to eliminate the red-red animal husbandry that even Anthony did not have the chance to kill.

Undoubtedly, from this report alone, Baron Marvin is a very promising person.

Oh no, after this wild pioneering campaign. The league is already ready to award the title of Viscount Ma Wen, and the corresponding rewards are being prepared.

Southern Wizards League. It has always been encouraging the capable aristocrats to expand their land outwards—not like the northerners, who like to fight on a piece of land and fight for a little bit of resources to live and die, preferring to avenge each other for generations. Nor will they take steps to the unknown wilderness.

It’s just that the league is caught off guard. Marvin’s reward has not been released yet. This guy came to the door to make a loan.

The number of loans is still amazing as never before!

A wizard gold coin!

This is equivalent to 10 million silver coins!

This number is equivalent to half of the one-year lending target of the Finance Department of the Southern Wizards' Eastern Headquarters!

If they give the money to Marvin, and the rest of the territory borrows money from them, there will be a stretch of situation.

From this point of view, Marvin’s request is a bit ridiculous.

However, direct rejection does not seem to be a good choice.

Because Marvin’s loan application is very stimulating.

Ten thousand gold coins were returned in half a year. Pawn. Two gold mines.

After the end of the wild pioneering campaign, Marvin immediately sought someone to explore the veins in the belly of the Ogre Mountain.

The result made him overjoyed.

According to the father's notes, there is a gold mine there. However, the survey results are not the case. Not one, but two!

The two veins are parallel to each other and do not interfere with each other, one south and one north. Marvin gave the priority of one of the gold mines to the Silver Church as part of the deal, but the ownership of the gold mine was his own.

According to the survey report. If the two gold mines are to be mined at a certain intensity, it will take about 20 years to fully mine.

The overall value is added together. Over 60,000 wizard gold coins.

It is the emergence of these two gold mines that make the people in the Union Finance Department somewhat embarrassed.

Minister O'Connor has sent someone to verify that Marvin's survey report has no problems. No one thought that there would be such a treasure in the vicinity of the barbaric land of the Screaming Mountains. But now there is no way, and the mountain, along with the coast there, has become the private property of Marvin.

Moreover, his wild pioneering order is still in force. As long as he continues to develop within half a year, the effect of the pioneering order will continue.

God knows what this ambitious young man will do.

In the view of the top management of the league, Marvin is a very potential lord and worthy of support.

In addition, his long-term solvency is still very strong, and it seems that there is no hidden danger in lending this money.

But after all, the number is too large, so the Finance Department needs to hold this meeting.


"You, the information about the Baihe Valley, everyone must have some understanding now." O'Connor looked at everyone, righteously said: "Come now to vote."

"Right, if you are worried about the guarantee, an hour ago, the Hathaway adults of the Sanhuan Tower came to the news that she was willing to guarantee the debt for Marvin in her own name. It was only a short time, she had not had time. Formally filed a guarantee document, but the credibility of Hathaway’s adults is impeccable."

After O'Connor finished, he took the lead and said: "I agree to let the loan go."



Even Peter, who was the first to ridicule, shrugged his shoulders: "Agree."

Only the last person, silent for a while, sighed and said: "Abstain."

Everyone looked at him with sympathy.

This guy is a member of the unicorn family. They also heard about the little grievances of the unicorn family and Marvin.

It is said that the unicorn is preparing to clean up Marvin, and the result is the catastrophe of Taikoo Red Dragon Earl.

Today's unicorn family has long since fallen apart. As the only remaining member of the team, although the adult is in the high position in the Southern Wizarding League, there is no way to create too much trouble for Marvin.

Four to zero, perfect pass.

Half an hour later, the Port of Salmon, in the lobby of the Southern Wizards Eastern Office.

"Congratulations, Miss Anna. The application of Baron Marvin has been approved."

O'Connor personally handed a document to Anna, and then looked behind her: "Now as Baron Marvin shows his Baron Medal. Then sign it."

Anna took out a medal and smiled and said, "He didn't come, but the medal I brought."

"No problem?"

O'Connor stunned, such an important thing. Actually let a female butler come over?

She couldn't help but ask: "Where is the Baron Marvin now?"

"He..." Anna signed her heart and said helplessly: "I don't know."

Lola behind her is nodding her head and saying:

"Ma Wen's adult is notoriously running around, and after setting a lot of tasks for us, I slipped."


Yes, as Lola said, Marvin left the territory again after completing the planning of the territory and assigning long-term and short-term tasks to the public.

This time, his direction is westward. Except for Isabel, the rest of him did not bring it.

When the lord is actually not his strength, he knows a little about basic management knowledge. But how to build a strong territory quickly, he basically has only a general concept.

It was at this time that Daniela showed amazing talent.

Marvin was very confident in handing over the construction of the territory to her. Of course, in the days when Marvin was absent, the ultimate agent lord was still Pooh.

The loan in Hetao City is very simple and only requires a letter. Mediterra will send everything and money.

After all, the sixth page of Naru's book is still in her hands, she is still in the process of enlightenment.

Before the promotion legend. Hathaway can take back the book of Naru at any time, she dare not do it.

When he borrowed money from the Southern Wizarding League, he thought twice and gave it to Anna.

With such a heavy sum of money, the rest of the people are not at ease. Only the female butler who has been silently supporting him behind him has made Ma Wen peace of mind.

As for Lola, he was sent to purchase supplies and slaves.

He has officially appointed Lola as the financial officer of the White River Valley, mainly responsible for procurement and financial budget; the real financial power is still in the hands of Anna.

Daniela is mainly responsible for the construction of the territory, and the rest of the matter does not matter.

However, her existence is also an insurance for the Baihe Valley after Marvin left.

Although there are dark guards who guard the current Baihe Valley all the time, if there is a strong person, there is no way to contend.

After all, Constantine and O'Brien left the White River Valley. The former is because the red dragon's body - the southern part of the band, does not seem to know how to dismember the dragon's butcher, in order to maximize the value, Constantine is ready to go out to find an old acquaintance. The guy is said to have dissected more than three dragons by hand, and his experience is quite rich.

Fortunately, there is no problem in the existence of the dragon's body in the thousands of paper cranes. As for the dragon blood bath, Ma Wen once consulted Konstantin, and the latter reprimanded it as a violent thing.

Every dragon blood can make a good medicine for bathing, although it can improve certain attributes, but the price is too low.

After Ma Wen knew it, also decided to wait for the butcher's arrival, and let Constantine pay attention to help recruit some master-level potion alchemists.

In addition, Ibrahimovic followed Anna and Lola north to the Port of Salmon, in order to ensure the safety of this fund.

The rest of the territory is being carried out in an orderly manner.


Three days later, Marvin took Isabel and boarded a mountain in the west of the dead hills in the northwest of Hetan City.

What is presented to them is the desert that is innocent.

Sacred Desert.

"Let's go, our road is still growing."

Ma Wen took a breath and took the lead.

... (to be continued)

Ps: Thanks to the book friends [丷 Do not laugh cats] reward! Note that there will be a burst tomorrow~

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