Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 167: White deer in the desert

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In the long yellow sand, one tall and one short two figures, struggling to move forward.

The wind is very strong. Every step of the way, their legs and feet may fall into the yellow sand, which seriously hinders the speed of their progress.

Especially the little girl behind her, her face was stained with some sand, but it has dried up.

It can be seen that she is struggling every step of the way.

But she still looks blank and firmly follows Marvin.

For her, Marvin asked her to do anything, she would not hesitate.

Marvin also did not lend a helping hand to Isabel.

From the little girl who had only 18 years of life, he saw the shadow of his former friends. Her front road is very rough, and she wants to save her from the road of extinction. Even if it is Marvin, it is difficult to go to heaven.

But she is so convinced of herself. She looked at her own eyes and made Marvin feel a responsibility.

He must find a way to save her.

So this time I left the White River Valley, he did not bring anyone, only brought Isabel!

In Marvin's vision, he arranged a road full of thorns for her.

That road is far more difficult to walk than the current desert, but it is the only life.

"I hope this child can stick to it."

Ma Wen looked back and saw Isabel clearly no strength, but she still insisted on Marvin's embarrassment: no longer use the [shuttle] ability.

This ability will burn her endlessly, and she has only a few lifespans. Ma Wen orders her, and she can't use it when she has no choice.

Every step of her life is extremely difficult.

As if this is the fate of the Harmons.

Marvin stopped and waited for a while, Isabel slowly chased it up.

In fact, they have been away for three days since they left the dead hills.

Ma Wen has a compass in his hand, and the direction is not wrong.

"There is almost an hour of footwork, how are you?" he asked with concern.

Isabel nodded lightly.

The two continued on.

After an hour and twenty minutes, the sand finally looked a little smaller.

The two walked into a sand dune, and some people smoked in the distance.

The little girl blinked and thought she had an illusion.

Marvin gently stroked her head, and spit out the sand that accidentally blown into the mouth:

"It's here."


This is an oasis. The most famous town in the eastern part of the Sacred Desert [Cassaire] is built on this green oasis of grass.

The desert people believe that this is a land that God has cared for.

Because with the passage of time, many oases in the desert will disappear - only Kasem will not.

It has stood here for an era.

Among the sages, the most are the Bai people. As for the Sha people, they are only a small part of the stone forests in the northern part of the Sacred Desert, studying their gunpowder and firearms.

"Cassell in the language of the Bai people is the meaning of 'pearl'."

"The place I said before I wanted to bring you here is here."

Marvin took Isabel's hand and walked on the oasis.

The towns in the distance are getting closer.

The town is no stranger to Marvin. He has been here for quite some time in his previous life. He also has a high reputation because of some coincidences. He almost became the chief of the Bai people.

He knows a lot about Kassell.

The town does not actually have it to show that it looks so calm.

The dark undercurrent in its darkness is invisible to others. The shadows of those horrors should still be in the dormant period, but once they erupt, they will make the entire sage desert feel fear.

But now Marvin, here is not to solve the hidden dangers of Kassell.

In fact, his only goal of leaving the White River Valley this time is only one: get the order fire.

Only when you get the order of fire, can you resist the impact of chaos and magic during the Cataclysm, and open up a place in the world that is temporarily unaffected by the chaos of magic.

The reason why the rocky mountain of the year was able to establish the country was because there were order fires in the hands of the three sisters.

They ignited the order and blessed the world.

Although Marvin did not know where the order fire of the three sisters came from, he knew that at the beginning, they actually had three orders of fire.

The first was stolen by the shadow prince Glenos. The second one was annihilated directly by the gods with a powerful power when it was lit.

Until the third, the boss of the three sisters - the singer who can tear the black dragon personally shot, destroyed several gods and avatars, was able to let the flame of order burn.

Despite this, the rocky mountains that have been ravaged by the gods have not existed for a long time.

Marvin needs order fire, he knows the gods' tricks, so he only needs one.

But if you can get more, it is better.

So this time he left the goal of the White River Valley, naturally the kingdom of the Warlock - the Rock Hill!

As for the sage desert, it is just passing by.

Kasemir is a transit station, and if it is not for Isabel, Marvin doesn't even have to come here.

It’s just that Marvin’s frown is that it’s not the time for himself and Isabel to come.

Because when they worked hard to get to the town, they found that it was in a state of martial law!

People without proof of identity can't enter Kasam, and may even be caught by the guards of the Bai people.

"What happened?"

Marvin looked curiously at the crowd of people gathered next to a billboard outside Kasemir.

He took Isabel's hand and scraped it together.


In the endless desert, there is no one in the air.

A few lonely cacti slanted down on the side of the road.

A hungry and thirsty traveler fell to the side of the road, and he seemed to be lost.

His lips are cracked. It should be too much water. If there is no help from others, I am afraid that he will not be able to overcome this difficulty.

Who knows that at this time, in his vision, a flexible white deer suddenly appeared.

A white deer appears in the desert?

The average person sees it and only feels that he has an illusion.

However, this traveler seemed to be attracted by the strangeness and stood up.

The white deer stayed in place without moving.

He slowly leaned back.

The white deer stood there meekly, its eyes filled with kindness.

However, at this time, the traveler suddenly revealed his fangs, his face suddenly sunken and turned into a horrible tooth!

White Luk was shocked!

However, everything was too late, and the traveler rushed up and bit the white deer's neck.

The latter fell on the ground and struggled for a while, eventually being sucked up by the travellers and died in the desert.

The traveler smiled and erased the blood and restored the appearance of a normal person.

It was at this time that a woman in white clothes descended from the sky.


"Continue to hunt the white deer, but be careful, there are people who have noticed our actions on the side of Kasem."

"We must be careful about the revenge of the Bai people."

The woman whispered to say.

Travelers don’t take it for granted: "Do not worry, the fraudster is an adult."

"Those stupid Bai people can't tell the difference between humans and evil spirits."

The white woman nodded. "This is fine."

"According to my investigation, in the legend, only the killing of a certain number of white deer will lead to [the Holy Spirit White Deer] anger."

"This is the only opportunity for the White Deer Cave to open. Only by getting the treasures inside can we build the door to disaster."

"You continue, don't let the Bai people's sacrifice know your actions in advance, otherwise the Holy Spirit White Deer will not leave the White Deer Cave. Do you understand?"

The traveller nodded.

In the next second, the wind and sand swept through and the woman disappeared.

Travelers continue to move forward.

And the poor white deer was buried in the sand.


In front of the bulletin board, Ma Wen looked at the content seriously.

Unlike other people who are busy, he fully understands what it means behind this notice.

"The bad events of hunting white deer on a large scale?"

"No wonder the Bai people want to block Kasem."

"The Holy Spirit White Deer, but the Holy Beast of the Bai people."

Marvin’s mind revealed information about the biological white deer.

Legend has it that when the ancestors of the Bai people were forced to migrate to the desert, they were very uncomfortable with the life of the desert.

They can't find water and can't find a place to live.

At this time, the Holy Spirit White Deer appeared, and it led them forward and eventually found an oasis.

The Holy Spirit White Deer is the **** of the Bai people.

It has a lot of scorpions, these magical white deer have the ability to stealth, they are distributed in every corner of the desert.

Usually, you can't see their existence.

Occasionally, if a lost traveler falls on the side of the road and his life is in jeopardy, the white deer in the desert will appear.

At this time, just follow its footsteps and you will find the source of water and then live.

Similar legends are constantly being played in various places in the Sacred Desert.

These white deer are the protection targets of the Bai people and the savior of the travelers in the desert.

But now, the angry Bai people have found a large number of white deer corpses.

Someone is hunting white deer.

This made the Bai people angry, they blocked all the oases and began to investigate the matter.

This is what is on the bulletin board.

Others may only wonder why someone is hunting white deer. But Marvin knows the seriousness of the matter.

"The slaughter of white deer is just to bring out the Holy Spirit White Deer. Because only then, the legendary White Deer Cave has a short opening time."

"That artifact can establish a plane channel... Who is doing this?"

There are a lot of optional places in Marvin’s mind.

Similar events have occurred in the past. But Ma Wenji is not sure who is the hand.

After all, several planes closer to Fernan can open the temporary passage through the evil spirit plane, the near abyss plane, the near **** plane...all possible.

Aside from the conspiracy behind this incident, Marvin now faces a problem.

If he can't enter Kasam, he can't achieve his plan.

This made him feel very tricky.

However, at this time, a bunch of people suddenly cheered: "The saint is back."

"She went to investigate the situation in which White Deer was killed. Now, there must be a result."

When Ma Wen looked back, he saw a woman in white and slowly came back from the desert.

When he saw her first sight, there was a different feeling in his heart.

This feeling is very similar to when I saw Daniela.


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