Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 184: Moss dungeon

On the calm and rotten plateau, the evil spirits perform their duties.

Di Gaogen sat idly on the supreme throne, seemingly thinking about something.

The guards beside him were silent. Since he followed Di Gaogeng, he has never seen the grownman leave the throne, even if he is half a step.

He sat there all the time, motionless.

Near the throne, it is a restricted area. If someone dares to approach, no matter who they are, they will only destroy one.

Evil spirits are not curiosity, they will only obey, and Di Gaogen’s orders are the highest command for them.

No one dares to break his rules.

The fraudster is the first in history.

But she is not an evil spirit.

"She must still be looking for her brother, although I don't know what happened, but since I know this, it is still very easy to find her."

Di Gao Geng's eyes flashed a glimmer of color, he closed his eyes and began to try to contact some of the evil spirit messengers in Fernan.

However, at this time, the sky suddenly broke a colorful gap!

"The Holy Spirit White Deer Lord!"

Di Gao Geng slammed his eyes open, revealing a conspiracy smile!

"You are finally here, welcome."

After the colorful passage was opened, Lorante first came out from the inside.

The pure heavenly power of his heavens has opened up a fresh field directly on the decaying plateau.

This is the unique ability of the Deer of Heaven!

However, this ability makes all evil spirits feel uncomfortable.

They are the product of negative energy. Especially resistant to the power of order.

Di Gao Geng's face is cold, but he does not care about Lorante's attitude.

After all, in his opinion, this proud celestial deer will soon be reduced to his own mount. By the time. The heavenly power of his body will be transformed into the purest power of filth!

Positive energy and negative energy can be transformed by fixed rituals. Di Gaogen, who is the lord of evil spirits, is clearly proficient in this.

"Give me your stone, I will return your child to you."

Di Gao Geng squeezed out an ugly smile.

However, the next second, his face was in the same place.

Because of the colorful passage behind Lorante, he even came out alone!

It was an elf, and it exudes a mouth-watering potential!

In the eyes of Di Gaogen, thousands of blessings on the elf prince. Each item is one of the most precious blessings of this universe.

"You seem to have violated our agreement." Di Gaogen looked at the two people with a good intention: "But I don't mind."

"Since I came to the rotten plateau, as the master. I will definitely treat you well."

Ibrahim shrugged: "I hope so."

"But we are still talking nonsense!"

The body of the Elf Wusheng fell steadily on the ground, slamming into the ground, and the whole person was like a cannonball, slamming into the Di Gaogen on the throne!

The evil spirits along the way. It was actually his life to use the brute force to fly!

Countless evil spirits mourn and scream, Ibrahim alone, killing a **** path and directly killing Di Gaogeng.

The latter laughed at Ibrahimovic with a laugh: "Stupid elf."

"Do you think that you alone can defeat me who sits in the whole world!?"

Di Gao Geng’s body trembled, and the two avatars suddenly appeared before the throne!

His deity is still sitting on top of it, motionless.

Ibrahimovic faced a powerful evil spirit lord, and did not fear, but only pulled a long sword backhand!

This long sword is extremely delicate. The above is engraved with a particularly unique pattern.

Under normal circumstances, Ibrahimovic rarely resorts to powerful weapons because he does not need it. However, this time the cross-plane challenged the evil spirits. This guy seems to be indifferent on the surface, but actually took out the strongest weapon in his body!

This is the treasure that his mother left to him before his death, and he has been with him ever since.

The high elf left the ferry before Fernan, named [Wind Yao].

"Elves nine swords?" Di Gaogen squinted his eyes slightly.

"Congratulations, you guessed it." Ibrahim shrugged. "But... I actually took out the sword, just to attract your attention."

The voice did not fall, and a meteor suddenly spurted out from the colorful tunnel. He slammed into the Di Gaogen deity on the throne.

Ibrahim rose up and slammed against the two avatars of Di Gaogeng.


Di Gao Geng on the throne was shocked and angry.

The meteor is falling. Di Gao Geng gently lifted his left hand, the evil energy was continuously released, and the three dark green barriers were formed around him.

[Meteor falling]!

Legendary monk's super offensive skills.

The fiery meteor carries a blow as a result of the destruction of the land, and slammed it on the barrier.

However, the big bang that was expected did not happen, and the power of Di Gaogen was not deep. The hot meteor turned out to be the first barrier and was stopped outside the second barrier!

Strong as Inheim, but did not even threaten Di Gaogen!

The evil spirit lord reveals a cruel smile: "Good, you dare to come to my world!"

"Lorante, I really want to thank you, hahahaha!"

The Holy Spirit White Deer stood in the same place and said with a blank expression: "Do you think you won?"

"No, let me tell you, today is your death!"

In the center of the rotten sea behind him, a terrible life suddenly erupted.

The power of this life continues to thrive, and in the blink of an eye it has grown into a towering tree!

"The seed of the world tree? Great Druid?"

Di Gao Geng’s face was finally a little dignified.

He can feel that the power of the entire rotten sea is deteriorating.

The world tree seeds, such precious treasures, continue to grow under the activation of two great druids.

It grew into a big tree. The filthy air around the big trees was all expelled. The whole piece of rotten sea began to be purified!

"I dare to try to purify my world." Di Gao Geng was crazy.

One of his avatars broke through Ibrahimovic's defense. He rushed to the big tree, and the two big druids on the big tree that were constantly casting spells!

We cannot let the seeds of the world tree continue to take root in this plane!

However, at this time, a gust of wind rolled up from the ground and quickly turned into a gray storm!

In the midst of the storm, there is a shadow of a woman.

Di Gao Geng's avatar is so powerful that he can't resist the attraction of the storm and is forcibly sucked in!

Ashes storm!

Everything that is involved in it. It will be destroyed into an ashes. This is the most powerful legendary witchcraft developed by Hathaway, and Di Gaogen’s avatar is powerful. But under the hood, it was still torn into pieces!

The world tree seeds continue to grow. This big tree cannot last for too long. After all, it is not a real world tree.

But in a short time. It can give terrible damage to the decaying plateau, especially in terms of limiting Di Gaogen's power, nothing else is better than it.

After Ibrahim and Inheim attracted attention, they immediately retreated and came within the glory of the world tree.

Within this range, they receive a steady stream of healing and power bonuses.

Lorante also restored the ontology and began to cast one spell that was good at one another!

The evil spirits on the rotten sea are all gone, and thousands of evil spirits are defeated like a mourning dog!

And at this time, that colorful tunnel. It was finally closed.

Di Gaogeng stared coldly at a group of legends:

"The monks, elves, wizards, druids, and the deer of heaven."

“To tell the truth, since the establishment of the decaying plateau, there have not been so many legends visited.”

"Not because they are not interested. But because they dare not come. This is my world, I have endless power."

"You are killing yourself."

The next second, he raised his hand and shouted: "Douglas, my knight, calling my army!"

The rotten knight came from the sky. He squatted on one knee: "Follow, my adult."

He holds a horn. It sounded loudly.

Shake it!

The whole world of evil spirits began to tremble. A powerful summoning power resounds through the body of every evil spirit.

They fought in every corner of the world of evil spirits.

One giant, also from the distance of the rotten sea, came on foot.

Seeing these giants, Hathaway immediately changed color:

"Not good, it is corrupting Titan!"

"Oops, our plan is dangerous."


"Looks like they have already started!"

Ma Wen hid in the dark, watching countless evil spirits rushing to the east like medicine, and his heart was clear at a glance.

This is Di Gaogeng calling all the evil spirits.

This is his home, he controls all the power of the world, the pressure faced by the legendary team is infinite.

In fact, if Marvin did not know that the migratory bird parliament had the seeds of the world tree, he would not propose this plan.

The temporary world tree is the only hope that the legendary team can drag Di Gaogen.

After all, this is the evil spirit lord, the strength is equivalent to the **** of weak divine power, but also the deity!

Even if the seven legends are all on, they may not be able to kill him!

Not to mention the world in his.

In the decaying plateau, Di Gaogeng is always in an invincible position, because the entire plane is sending power to him, he is the king of the plane!

He can't be killed.

Therefore, the task that Ma Wen gave them was only to drag them.

The task of truly destroying the decaying plateau is actually in Marvin himself!


However, as a matter of urgency, I will quickly release the little white deer and say After spending the mushroom bridge according to his own memory, he followed the rotten plateau to the west and escaped the scouts of evil spirits. .

I finally saw my goal on a rather hidden mountain.

It is a piece of moss that has changed!

Every moss is as tall as two or three people. They are glued to each other. The only gap is to imprison people.

Moss dungeon.

Di Gaogeng was specifically used to imprison important prisoners.

There are heavy handles on the top, and there is a fourth-order quasi-legendary evil spirit messenger stationed.

Ma Wen took a deep breath and began to get close.

... (to be continued)

Ps: The first is sent, the outbreak, starting from the early hours. Thank you for your fire support! Seek continuous monthly ticket ammunition delivery!

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