Night Ranger

Vol 3 Chapter 185: Tune the tiger away from the mountain

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The structure of the moss dungeon is very solid, and these alienated giant mosses are not only the best materials for imprisoning prisoners.

At the same time, they are also part of the evil spirit world. They are a kind of living body with perception.

According to Marvin's experience, their perception of non-evil creatures is very strong. Even if they are disguised, they may not be able to hide these terrible mosses.

So he stopped moving forward about half a mile from the moss dungeon.

He was kneeling on the meadow, with a rugged trail ahead. To the west is the edge of the moss dungeon.

A sinister knight rides on the same abominable horse and whistle, they are responsible for the safety of the inspection.

Of course, the meaning of their existence is generally internal, preventing prisoners from escaping.

foreign? Who would believe that there will be visitors to the evil spirit world?

The power of the entire evil spirit world was drawn by Di Gaogeng to deal with the legendary squad of six people, but there is nothing here.

Di Gaogen is very embarrassed. Although the moss dungeon is very strong, there is always a way to break it.

The Holy Spirit White Deer Lorante is not like the kind of jade-burning character. He can't give up his children. Therefore, Di Gaogeng believes that there is a force on the moss dungeon to rescue those cute white deer. We.

It’s just that they haven’t appeared yet.

He has always been vigilant, so the forces guarding the moss dungeons have not been taken away. Instead, a lot of elite evil spirits are stationed in a rotten town nearby.

This makes the difficulty of forcible breaking directly overturned.

"Hey Di Gao Geng..." Ma Wen thought silently.

But he is ready for this!

No one knows more about Di Gaogeng's style of acting than he does. He is embarrassed enough, but he is also arrogant enough!

What he identified. It will definitely be the way to the end.

This is his life.

Thinking of this, Ma Wen could not help but gently take out a thousand paper cranes.

It is the belly of this thousand paper cranes. Also loaded with the body of a red dragon!

However, this precious paper crane has other functions.

"You can do it. Hey adults."

Ma Wen said softly.


Fernan. As one of the seven legends, the shadow thief is the only one who did not enter the colorful tunnel.

But this does not mean that he will not participate in the cruel world.

In fact, according to Marvin's plan, he did not need to work with Lorante and others.

Six legends, enough to withstand the powerful Di Gaogeng. The shadow thief is used to attract Di Gaogen’s last attention!

He sat on a stone and bored with a thousand paper cranes.

At this time, the voice of Marvin came from inside.

He stretched out a lazy waist, and the paper crane suddenly disappeared into his palm.

"This little Ma Wen. It is really tossing when he is younger than his grandfather..."

"A younger person has to go against the evil spirits, and Laozi’s luck is enough!"

He muttered, the next second, the body suddenly disappeared in place!

Shadow thief legendary ability - [shadow journey]!

This ability is different from the short-term [shadow], which can only use the shadow plane for a short time to achieve the displacement in the world of Fernan; and the journey of shadows can be truly and completely integrated into the shadow plane!

The shadow thief walks through the shadow plane.

In fact, he is among the seven legends. The only one that can reach the evil spirits without the help of props!

There are also many overlaps between the shadow plane and the decaying plateau.

With the shadow tour, you can find the gap between the decaying plateau through the shadow plane and then drill in!

of course. If it is temporary, it is very difficult to find such a gap. After all, the shadow plane is also a dangerous place.

But different, this guy is experienced. When he was young, he also went north in the south, and he was explored in many places by the shadow plane.

He knows the gap between the world and the lower world. Thirteen places!

It is still very simple to enter a decaying plateau.

From Feinan to the lower world, it is much simpler to enter Feinan than the lower world.

Awkwardly, his figure finally disappeared into the endless shadow.

The next second, greet him is endless rot!

"There is still a legend! Actually a shadow thief!"

On the frontal battlefield, in the face of the six legendary joint attacks, Di Gaogen actually used only two avatars to easily resist.

His deity is still perceiving the whole world.

When the shadow thief appeared, he was instantly captured.

A smug smile appeared on his face. Perceiving the world also requires a limit.

Di Gao Geng decided that this group of people must be legendary. If it is not a legend, no one should dare to rot the plateau and die.

Therefore, when he perceives the plane, he conducted a simple breath screening and fixed the strength on the legend.

This is more efficient.

Sure enough, the appearance of the shadow thief completely confirmed his thoughts.

"This thief must have come to save those cute little white deer. Hehe..."

"It's naive."

Di Gaogen silently raised his hand, and another avatar suddenly appeared!

This avatar, the breath is weaker than the other two, but it is more than enough to deal with a shadow thief.

At the same time, the evil spirit messenger who guarded the moss dungeon also received the order of Di Gaogeng.

"Take most of the evil spirit knights, and go with me to encircle the sly thief!"

Di Gao Geng’s voice is extremely majestic.

The evil spirit messenger can only respond immediately: "Yes!"

In the next second, a large number of evil spirits knights left the station where they were stationed, and rushed to the place where the shadow thief appeared!

However, I am doing a very difficult move to make Di Gaogeng.

He did not go to the moss dungeon, but instead changed direction and added.

This makes Di Gaogen very confusing:

"Don't he come to save people?"

"Wait... that direction is my treasure hole!"

"How did he know?! Mom*. It turned out to be a bonfire!"

Di Gao Geng suddenly realized. His squeaky teeth tickle, and the commanded to keep up and keep catching up.

And his deity. Still feeling the legendary atmosphere that may appear in the decaying plateau.

As for the legend, he was completely ignored.

There are so many legends that have appeared today. Even if he comes up a few more, he won't feel very strange, he will only be excited!

Because of these legends, they are destined to be inseparable from this world.

I have the power of the whole plane, and [that thing] is constantly providing strength to myself. How can these people be their opponents!

Thinking of this, he just wants to laugh out loud!


The shadow plane, two twisted shadows appear quietly.

"Hey, the road is narrow."

The man with a soft face whispered: "It seems that today you can be ashamed of snow."

The anger in the eyes of Glanes is almost spurting out.

Because at the limit of their vision. A shadow thief is constantly moving, and in the blink of an eye, he disappears into the shadow plane.

Although it is within the field of vision, because the shadow planes are distorted, they are even gods, and they cannot violate the laws of time and space to pursue each other.

In fact, everything in the shadow plane is distorted, here the enemy you killed. Maybe he is still alive in the main material world.

This is also because the shadow prince saw that the shadow thief did not immediately start.

"Are we still not doing it?"

Looking at the sneaky sneak into the cracks of the decaying plateau, Glenorus asked gloomyly.

The man around him shook his head with a smile: "As an assassin, your patience seems to be worse than before."

"Don't forget where you came from."

"This way you won't lose yourself."

The shadow prince snorted, but did not respond.

The other party said it was right. Since my success, my patience has been a lot worse.

The previous kind of forbearance is gone, replaced by a arrogant and mad assassination - this is not to say the style of acting. It is the mentality.

The pride after becoming a **** makes his mind become extremely impetuous.

So much so that he mixed in the realm of God. I finally had the opportunity to express myself in the parliament of the gods, and the result was still messed up.

"You are right." Glanors said silently: "It is an ancient god. Although there is not too much power in power, the understanding of this world is not comparable to me."

The feminine man smiled and his eyes flashed a little dissatisfaction.


Moss dungeon.

Seeing that the evil spirit knight disappeared at the end of his vision, Marvin finally took a long breath!

The plan worked!

First, the legendary squad of six people, and then the shadow thief who looks like a smashing robbery, two waves of action attracted Di Gaogen's attention!

The emptiness of the defense of the moss dungeon.

It's time to take it yourself.

"It must be decided."

Ma Wen looked at the evil spirit knights who were kneeling on the edge of the moss dungeon. After thinking about it, he finally sneaked and slowly touched the past.

The distance between the two sides is very close.

The remaining seven evil spirit knights are dedicated to their duties and stand in their posts.

Who knows that at this time, the alienated moss suddenly turned red!

The fine particles on the moss, constantly rotating, eventually point to a nearby location.

All the knights looked at each other and pulled the reins and rushed to the place together!

They are extremely fast, and they are fan-shaped immediately, enclosing that location.

The evil spirit knights raised their rifles and pointed them in that direction, and they would stab them.

Who knows a space twist, an innocent elf appears in the same place!

Storm Elf!

哗啦啦, a whirlwind of wind blowing knights of the knights not only shifted their direction, they almost slammed into each other.

The next second, the storm elf flew up.

Without waiting for the knights to react, a fierce gunshot sound came from less than 15 meters in front!

With this gunshot, Marvin’s figure also emerged.

The bright and sly fire screamed out from the shotgun's gun, and it covered seven knights!

"No. 4 holy water plus shotgun, this is the first time in the world that someone is playing this way?"

Marvin smiled and watched the body of the evil spirit knight begin to collapse under the purest force of the Holy Spirit, and he did not hesitate to collect the gun.

In the next second, he crossed the seven knights who were still struggling, and they rushed to the moss dungeon!

... (unfinished search, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: The second is sent!

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