Night Ranger

Chapter 4: Killing night

The thief was a god, and he did not expect that the lonely aristocrats could still calm down and make the most correct judgment in this situation.

The Songzi River beach is very open. If you are on the river beach, Marvin will definitely not be able to escape the killing of Akron gang members.

Only one side of the sparse grove is only a chance.

"Is it slamming?" The thief snorted and was not in a hurry. He greeted the gang members who followed, and quickly followed.

His agility is very high, and he does not believe that a nobleman who does not even have a fighting career can't clean it up.

What's more, this piece of wood is actually not so complicated in terrain, he can't run.

Marvin took the lead and rushed into the woods. Under the cover of the dark night, he quickly approached a tree with lush foliage.

"I don't even use stealth, it looks very confident."

Ma Wen leaned back against the pine trees and watched the thief chasing his head with a dagger and sneered in his heart.

I still have an advantage.

After seeing the Akron gang, Marvin was surprised and confused, but he never lost his calm. Jokes, as a former night master, his combat experience is extremely rich, these little gangsters are barely a professional, although the strength is higher than him, but sometimes the combat experience is very important!

Especially in complex terrain!

When Marvin succeeded in working as a Ranger, he was very careful when wearing the Ranger badge and put it in a very hidden position, so those gang members should not react, Marvin has become the same professional as them!

This is a huge advantage.

"Want to kill me? Then don't blame me."

He silently pulled out the whiteboard machete from his waist, revealing a hint of coziness. Since these scums want to eat themselves, they must be prepared to be killed.

Yes, since Akron’s gangs appeared, he didn’t want to escape. He wanted to figure out the truth.

He is going to leave these people here!

Thinking of this, his blood faintly began to boil, this feeling has been long gone - the last time he was so excited, probably when the task of closing the gods was completed, one person faced a dozen and a half gods When is it?


This wood is actually very small, and Marvin can have little room for circulation.

You must take the lead to kill the thief before the rest of the people approach. Ma Wen believes that the rest of the gang should have no thieves. This guy who does not sneak is their only thief. He is also the most threatened among them. The thief's perception and agility are high, and it is easy to find his hiding place.

As long as he killed him, the rest of the people, Ma Wen has a way to deal with it slowly.

Thinking of this, he gave his body a slight glimpse and was closer to the pine tree.

[Skills hide and launch! 】

The Ranger's signature skills are naturally extraordinary. Marvin's body is faintly integrated with the pine tree with the help of the night. The thief did not realize it, and walked over to the side. Marvin clenched the machete and held his breath.

The 41-point hiding skill, plus the +9 provided on the sika deer badge, is just enough to trigger the hidden effect of the 50-point hiding skill [night blessing].

[Blessings of the Night]: When you use the hiding ability, if it is at night, the effect is increased by 5%.

Don't underestimate this 5%. Many times, even a 1% improvement is enough to change the situation.

As a PK master, Ma Wen’s past life is not only very good at thieves’ professional proficiency, but also well-known for other professions. So he will get the hiding skills to 50 points in the first place.

It’s just that he didn’t expect it to come in handy so quickly.

The thief's perception seems to be lower than Marvin expected. He can become a thief because of years of edification and training in the market, not because of his talent.

He walked carelessly past Marvin, and at this time, a sudden shout came from the entrance to the woods:

"Jack, you*hes? Where is the mother? What about the noble?"

Jack turned around impatiently and shouted at the entrance: "I am here! The little aristocrat is nearby and can't escape!"

Marvin silently waited for him to finish the sentence, and then a clean and tidy step, ghostly came behind the thief.

The left hand slammed the thief's mouth, and the right-handed machete blade slid through the throat of the thief!

In an instant, the blood is arrogant, and the thief’s body begins to struggle fiercely!

However, Ma Wen's face grabbed his mouth with no expression, and the other man's struggle before his death could not hurt him.

[Ordinary attack is successful! 】

[Hit to death! Ordinary attacks turn into lethal attacks! 】

[Target death! Get a killing experience of 18 points! 】

You don't have to look at the flashing battle records. Marvin can perceive from the softer body of the other party. This guy is dead.

"The action is too slow." Marvin shook his head in dissatisfaction.

Limited to the body and profession, the power he can play is not very strong. Just this set of movements is the iconic sneak peek of the Phantom Assassin [Shadow Cut] + [Cutting Throat], this even stroke will have a very high killing bonus on the skill, which is suitable for killing the opponent.

Although Marvin is not a thief now, he can still accomplish these two technical actions with his memory and physical instinct. Although he is very dissatisfied with the completion of the action, the two actions themselves do not have a super high attack bonus like the skill, but correspondingly, his opponent is not a powerful character.

A level 2 thief with 42 health points, if not killed by the fate, Marvin is still very hard to deal with. However, the first-order occupation is not resistant to death, and once it is killed, it will die.

This thief is obviously the opposite textbook for junior professionals. He probably thought that Marvin had no resistance, but he did not expect that the object of their pursuit, suddenly turned into a assassination expert.

Ma Wen quickly searched the thief's body and touched a purse and some materials for making traps.

"Poor ghost..." There are only five silver coins in the purse, which is very dry.

Those materials are useful. Ma Wen took advantage of the rest of the people who had not yet found it, pulled the thief's body to a hidden place, and found a big tree to open the hiding.

He looked up and saw a cloud of dark clouds on the moon, and his vision was very poor.

Tonight, it is destined to be a night of killing.


The thieves' companions also had four people. They rushed into the woods with a torch, and the fire was shining. The originally sparse woods suddenly appeared bright.

With torch lighting, Marvin's hiding skills will undoubtedly be greatly discounted. To make matters worse, they will soon find the thief's body, because time is tight, he did not have time to handle the body, just a little cover.

By then they will be alert and know that their prey is not without a fight. As a result, Marvin’s continued success is greatly reduced.

"Mom, **** Jack, didn't stop the little aristocrat from running into the woods." One of them screamed in a snarl: "Now don't respond to us, what is this kid doing?"

"Maybe the little aristocrat ran faster, he chased it first."

"But he didn't leave us too many traces, so it was a waste of time to find it. We must ensure that the boss's orders are enforced. Tonight, the little aristocrat named Marvin must die!"

The fire shone, and Marvin leaned over and listened calmly to the enemy's footsteps. Without professional listening skills, his perception became somewhat passive, but these people were as savage as the thieves, and they did not deliberately control the footsteps when walking, so he could still judge their direction through footsteps.

A total of four people, two tall, one fat, have a sissy.

Even without looking at his eyes, he can make such judgments.

The four came to him and there was a dispute between them. What makes Marvin happy is that the four guys have been quarreling for a little while, and actually made a decision to let Ma Wenle go to heaven: a split search!

It seems that they are very confident in their own strength, and feel that it is still a hand to deal with a small aristocrat who does not have a combat career.

The four were scattered, the other three left in three different directions, and the fourth person searched nearby.

Marvin cleverly uses the shadows to avoid the search for the other three people - he has had too many such experiences, alone chasing a whole well-trained team in a complex cave group or in the jungle. . These little punks have not experienced professional training, otherwise they will not leave Ma Wen so many search blind spots for him to hide.

The fourth person is in the same place, Ma Wen is waiting for the rabbit, waiting for an opportunity in less than half a minute.

Just the same as the thief's action, just cut and cut the throat.

[Ordinary attack is successful! 】

[Hit to death! Ordinary attacks turn into lethal attacks! 】

[Target death! Get 11 points of killing experience! 】

This is a level one stream – one of the most common occupations in urban gangs. The flow *氓 profession has expertise and special bonuses in the street fighting, but in the wild they have no advantage.

The threat he brought to Marvin was far less than the thief. The only thing that satisfied Marvin was that this guy was a little richer than the thief, with 12 silver coins on his body.

A faint **** suffocation spread through the woods, and Ma Wen sighed and killed two people in the same way.

The two men provided Marvin with 26 silver coins and a total of 30 points of killing experience. However, unfortunately, when killing the last person, because the other person's size is a bit high, Marvin's hand did not make him sturdy, although the cut-throat technique has always been effective, but the unlucky guy still gave a sound. Scream.

This suddenly awakened the last Akron gang member, who rushed over in a few seconds with a torch.

Marvin didn't have time to escape.

"We looked down on you." The tall man looked at the body at the foot of Marvin, a little surprised.

He held the torch in one hand and clenched a machete in one hand, revealing the color of the cockroach: "But tonight, you are dead."

Marvin lost a reconnaissance calmly.

[Reconnaissance (35) skills are starting...]

[Passing through relevant verification...]

[Reconnaissance failed! You can't get more information! 】

Reconnaissance failed!

This means that the opponent has at least three adventure career levels!

The tall man licked his lips and strode over the meteor. The machete in his hand was lifted up as if to make the horse meat into a meat sauce!

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