Night Ranger

Chapter 5: Behind the scenes

Three-level professional!

A little trouble!

But for Marvin, it's just a bit of it. Now there is only one person left, and his pressure has been a lot easier.

With choppers, gang members, agility and strength are not low, most of them are [gangsters]. This special first-order occupation is a variant of the warrior, but it is more inclined to attack and has a normal constitution.

Ma Wenfei quickly glanced at the data panel, just killed four Akron gang members, he gained 59 killing experience, and the second level ranger needs 50 points!

Quickly assigned 50 killing experience to the Ranger, he passed a hot stream and immediately became a second-level ranger!

With the increase in rank, his health increased by 13 points, a total of 50 health. At the same time, the new professional skill point is 24 points, without any free attribute points. The free attribute point is a valuable resource to upgrade two occupational levels.

At 24 o'clock, he assigned four points to the stealth, and the remaining 20 points were temporarily reserved.

The gangsters are coming to the forefront, and they are so powerful!

He wants to break the horse into two!

Ma Wen was unmoved, calm and calm, a relaxed and easy-to-follow, and went around the back of a big tree.


The knife backhand is a knife! Ma Wen jumped backwards, the knife was cut directly on the book, the bark was broken, and the sawdust flew!

"Give me to die!"

The knives screamed at the face. He violently exerted his strength and pulled out the machete. Who knows that at this time, Marvin suddenly rushed into his arms!

The knife hand was caught off guard, and was hit by Marvin's collision. He stepped back a few steps, and the chopper in his hand almost broke hands!

It's now!

Even under high-speed sports, he can quickly make various battle-related judgments, which is a fighting instinct.

The cold light flashed, the curved knife crossed and cut to the waist of the knife!

In the next second, a sharp pain came from Marvin's right hand, and the knife smirked and grabbed Marvin's wrist with both hands.

"I thought it would hurt me?"

Marvin did not speak, he ignored the pain, and ignored the frequent flashing battle records:

[Ordinary attack failed, the right wrist was taken, against the identification...]

[Power is suppressed, can't break free! 】

Just as the knifeman was proud, Marvin’s left hand seemed to be the coldest snake, appearing near the knife’s neck.

He held a dagger in his left hand. This is something that the thieves left behind in the spoils that they could barely use.


A scream of screams broke through the night sky, and Marvin slashed his throat mercilessly!

The knives and hands were released, and they fell to the ground in horror.

Blood rushed, and in a short while, the gangster knives died.

Ma Wen smashed the painful wrist, and the heart of the knife handed the power to see more than 16 points. Unfortunately, his combat experience is too weak.

It’s not awkward to die in the hands of the former night master.

He searched a little, the gangsters were quite wealthy, a total of 29 silver coins, and some scattered things, but the value is not high.

It is a pity that Marvin did not find information on why they wanted to kill themselves on the bodies of these Akron gang members.

Why should a gang have to go to a poor and white aristocrat?

This is illogical.

You must know that the murder of the nobility is a very serious crime. As long as it is exposed, the Akron gang is definitely the end of the annihilation. Even Marvin is just a lonely aristocrat who lost his territory.

And killing him doesn't get anything. The risks and benefits are not proportional, which is too strange.

The grass and grassland dealt with the bodies of these five people, and Ma Wen did not think about catching the crabs. He is going to return to the river beach town to figure out who wants to kill himself.

It was at this time that he suddenly noticed that the task of the soul binding had changed in the taskbar.

In the task description column, the following text has been added:

[...The chasing around the Songzi River beach makes you suddenly wake up, this is not right. Someone wants to kill you, and this is most likely to be related to the group of wolves who are strangely appearing around your territory. In the river beach city, there is a mixture of fish and dragons. However, no matter who he is behind the scenes, as long as he still wants to achieve his purpose, there will always be a day of falling out. 】

At the same time, this main task has added a branch task [black hand behind the scenes], the idea is to let Marvin find the behind-the-scenes behind the scenes.

The reward for the squad is also not thin, 100 points of general experience, anyway, Ma Wen must also find the truth of the matter, this 100 points of general experience is almost white.


On the way back to the city, he carefully chose a secluded and safe path to avoid other members of the Akron gang.

As he walked, he flipped through the battle record. This is a good habit. You can fight back after the event, calculate the gains and losses, and summarize the problem.

In the long run, the level of combat will definitely improve.

What surprised him a bit was that he found several in the battle record:

[You repeatedly use a standard technical action in combat, and the Phantom Assassin's professional skills cut the throat more than 98%, spend 500 killing experience, you can turn it into your personal skills. 】

[You use a standard technical action repeatedly in combat, and the Phantom Assassin's professional skills are more than 95% similar to the Shadows, and you can turn it into your personal skill by spending 2000 killing experience. 】

[Because you repeatedly use the technical moves of other professions in combat, your personal expertise will move closer to this. Personal expertise to form progress: 9/100]


“Using the skills of other professions, can you turn them into your own personal skills?”

Ma Wen was a little bit stunned. He had never heard of this before.

But then he will react, I am afraid it is not that simple. It is very clear in the battle record that it is necessary to repeatedly use a "standard" technical action, and the similarity exceeds a certain level, in order to convert it into its own personal skills by spending the experience of killing. Individual-specific skills cannot be increased through skill points, and can only be slowly tempered by slowly tempering.

Marvin also noticed that the higher the similarity between the standard technical movements and the original skills that were used repeatedly, the less the killing experience that would be spent. Cut throat and shadow cut are the signature skills of the phantom assassin, but the killing experience of the two is different.

"500 killing experience..."

To be honest, Marvin has some heartbeat, but it is also bitter. The killing experience is very difficult to obtain and is one of the highest level of experience. If the killing experience is spent on this aspect, then there is no doubt that he will delay the speed of his upgrade.

However, this issue has not yet reached a time when it is impossible to solve the problem, because the undistributed killing experience on his hand is only 39 points away, far from the 500 mark.

What makes him more concerned about that personal feat. When he was alive, he had not heard of any expertise that would be formed by repeated use of other professional skills.

You should know that there are three kinds of personal expertise, which are innate, acquired, and acquired. Ma Wen’s body is quite wasteful, and there is no personal expertise that he has acquired. He can only increase through acquired training. For example, the current personal expertise that is being formed is mostly of this type.

As for the last one, the personal expertise of the acquired talents is quite rare. Marvin never expected this, although his race clearly stated "human/?", which means that he has a lineage of other races, but it is very thin.

In any case, it is a good thing to be able to form expertise. Expertise is a good thing that can help the adventurer in addition to attributes and skills.

At this time, it was already late at night, and the river beach city implemented a semi-curfew system. Although the gate was closed late, after 12 o'clock, no one was allowed to walk on the street. The gates are closed and you have to use some very good means to get into the city.

When Marvin was the master of the night, with the flying scorpion expertise and some special magical devices, it was a breeze to turn over the city wall into the city at night. As for now, he can only find some loopholes.

He knows that similar to the city of Heba City, there are not too stubborn monsters in the surrounding area. There are usually some places where the walls are repaired. Looking carefully along the wall section, he found a suitable gap. His body is small and barely squeezed.

After entering the city, you must be careful to patrol the guards. These guys are not so patrols sent by the city owners in the middle of the night have made them grievous. If they are caught, the consequences are unimaginable. As for resistance, please, these guards are at least second-order professionals. The leading public security officer may have a third-order, far from being able to resist the newly-recommended rookie.

Avoiding the avenue and walking in the middle of the night, he managed to avoid the patrolling guards and the unknown dangers in the city, but when he went to the back door of the horse hotel, he found a sneaky Figure.

"Someone is stalking?" Ma Wen’s heart was moving, which is not common. The owner of the Lima Hotel is said to be so scary that no one dares to scatter on her site.

He whispered around the front door and found two dark whistle. However, these dark whistle is too unprofessional. Although they are professional thieves, they will hide some three-legged cats, but in the eyes of Marvin, they are full of loopholes.

He repeatedly checked and finally determined that a total of three thieves were staring at the Lima Hotel. The front door has two rear doors.

What they have in common is that they have a **** dagger embroidered on their cuffs. Although the painters did not dare to compliment, at least they did the same.

Marvin saw this sign just an hour ago.

Akron gang.

"Mom, want to kill me, still playing Anna's idea?"

Ma Wen’s heart fired, holding a machete, and sneaked, slowly approaching the thief who was stalking at the back door.

(Sorry for the update is half an hour late, yesterday was too tired... By the way, I would like to recommend a ticket)

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