Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 197: Crazy

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Mediterra is very proud now.

She worked hard for many years and finally reached the legendary realm! Although she has acquired legendary expertise and legendary abilities, it is not much compared to other legendary wizards in the records.

But in any case, she is already a legend!

How many legendary wizards are there in the South?

The legendary wizard is even qualified to occupy a seat in the House of Lords of the Southern Wizarding League.

In this era, no one will easily provoke a wizard - and the legendary wizard is even more sought after.

Unlike other legendary professions, legendary wizards mean supreme.

After all, this is the era of the wizard's supreme!

When she separated from Marvin and returned to her wizarding tower, she suddenly had a heart.

She immediately opened the book of Naru and began to seek a breakthrough.

Sure enough, in less than two weeks, she magically completed the promotion.

Although she hasn't opened her own half-face yet, she hasn't started to study her own legendary witchcraft – but she can't wait to get back all the losses she had eaten before!


Ma Wen is dead!

This news is still a little regret for Mediel.

The sly little guy, who forced himself to sign such a humiliating law contract, actually died so badly without experiencing his revenge.

This made Mediterra's heart a little uncomfortable.

But what makes her happy is. In this way, she has a better reason to recapture the resources that have been passed by Ma Wenkeng.

She was originally a ambitious person, and she could not be blackmailed by Ma Wen for the rest of her life.

Use the beach city to change the book of Nalu. That's just a matter of expediency. Both sides are verbal agreements, although there is Hathaway to testify - but now Medier, is not afraid of Hathaway!

Both sides are legendary wizards, why should they be afraid of her?

As for the legendary friends of Marvin who are madly revenge for the double-snake teaching, Mediel is also slightly heard.

This made her more vigilant.

Although Marvin is dead, his friends are still a lot. He can't take back too much way to recover the Baihe Valley.

So she used the alliance's relationship. Let the Alliance issue Ma Wen’s death certificate early.

In this way, the Baihe Valley became a land of nowhere.

To know. The Southern Wizards Union stipulates that the official heir of the lord must be over the age of thirteen.

When Marvin’s father, Jean, died, Ma Wen was just thirteen years old. Therefore, it is logical to inherit the position of the Lord of the White River Valley.

However, Pooh is only nine years old. He can only be a preparatory heir.

No one other than Pooh is qualified to inherit the lord status of the White River Valley.

At this time, Mediterra made a lot of hard work and found similar precedents from a lot of red tape:

When the lords of the nearby territories cannot formally inherit the territories, higher-ranking nobles are eligible to merge the territories and manage them on their behalf.

In other words, let Pooh become his vassal.

In this way, the Baihe Valley and the River Beach City are completely integrated into one.

There is no problem with the federal legal process. Those legends are not good at saying anything.

After all, Marvin is dead. Their feelings are also limited, and it is impossible to help manage the Baihe Valley.

In the opinion of Medir, the only possibility is to continue to intervene in this matter. There is only the three-ring tower of Hathaway.

But this thing she only needs to do beautiful, the surface is hard to do, even if Hathaway can't say anything!

This is the abacus of Mediel.


Just let Medirly feel angry and annoyed, the attitude of the White River Valley.

Tough, cold.

Whether it is Vinnie himself or those ordinary territorial residents - although some of them are heart-wrenching. But I still don't want to believe that Marvin is dead. They believe that [magic Marvin] can continue to create magic, and then say. They also don't want to be annexed by the river beach city.

The appearance of Daniela is something that was not expected by Medier.

This lady, but the princess of the royal family of Lavis in the north. Now she is alone, but God knows when there is a pile of northern wilderness knights in the castle of the White River Valley to protect the car. Not to mention the White Tower Wizards, which is to make the Southern Wizards League § the enemy.

Must be decided.

This is the thought she made in her heart.

So in the face of Daniela, she will never kill her, but she will not be merciless. She must be allowed to lose her fighting power as soon as possible.

This is not difficult for a legendary wizard.

After all, Daniela is stronger, she is still a fourth-order powerhouse in the form of ice angels.

Fourth and fifth, mortals and legends have an insurmountable gap!

Daniela's Ice spells do not cause much damage to Mediel.

Because of her legendary expertise, there is a long resistance to the elements!

On the contrary, the demon abilities of Mediel's demon pedigree can easily subdue Daniela!

The flames in her hands are constantly waving. Every long whip is consuming the power of an ice angel.

Soon, the body of the ice angel became scarred.

She even scratched a small piece on her face.

Daniela gritted her teeth and was not convinced. She is actually a very self-willed person, and what she does is in accordance with her own wishes.

She likes this white river valley, and she promises Pooh, it will not take a step back!

This is her principle.

The horrible snow and ice breath suddenly brewed in her body.

Mediel's face changed.

"What do you want!?" Her figure flashed continuously and kept a certain distance from Daniela.

"Oh...Medirly." Daniela lowered her head slightly, and blood ran down her neck. She didn't know it: "You want to get the White River Valley. It's a dream."

"I would rather ruin it and won't let you get it!"

Mediel's brow wrinkled.

Daniela's spell does have quite powerful power. She can destroy the entire White River Valley in a flash!

Will this piece of warm land. It becomes a barren land where ice spreads.

This is the strategy of jade burning!

Daniela stared coldly at Mediterra.

This is her last card.

She bet that Mediterra will not go any further.

Otherwise, she would not get any benefit at all.

Who knows that Mediel suddenly sneered: "Is jade burned?"

"Have you ever thought about it, have you done this, have they agreed?"


Daniela stunned.

I saw a group of people rushing in the official road.

Under the embrace of the Dark Warriors, the old blacksmith Sheehan, Anna. Pooh, Andre and other Guard team members. The necromancer Federer, even the unnamed alchemist came!

They stood in front of the army of the River City and stood behind Daniela.

"Of course we agree."

Pooh looked at Mediel coldly and clenched his fists: "I have evacuated the residents of the White River Valley."

"If you want to use force to seize our land. We will not give in."

Mediterra's face is blue.

She couldn’t think of it, how could this group of people be so troublesome!

I clearly believe that in the name of protection, the means of action are still moderate, and I still don’t know how to do it!

Lost Marvin's White River Valley, even if you don't take over, sooner or later will be swallowed up by other lords! ?

Meridian's eyes flashed thick and gloomy.

Suddenly, everyone was amazed, and a strange rune appeared in her eyes.

"Sure enough... or am I acting too gentle?"

"Let you think that a legendary wizard is so easy to play?"

"I originally looked at the friendship with the Viscount Ma Wen. I am prepared to treat you kindly and treat the residents of the White River Valley."

"You have successfully provoked my anger!"

Behind her, a lot of shadows have been condensed. That is a panic force!

Pooh bit his teeth. Anna took his hand.

Daniela took a deep breath and the spell in her hand could burst at any time!

At this time, the old blacksmith suddenly stepped forward and said loudly: "Medile Li Daren! Are you not afraid to repeat the mistakes of the double snake teaching?"

Meridel’s head was suddenly blown up by the wind, and she laughed wildly:

"Stupid blacksmith. You actually compare me to the double snake teaching?"

"Who will be right for a dead man and a legendary wizard!?"

"Ma Wen is not killing me. Everything I do is in accordance with the rules of the Union."

"I don't know what to do. Since you insist on disobeying me, I will let you see the anger of the legendary wizard!"



When the strange rune appeared in the eyes of Medier, Ma Wen, who was disguised as a member of the guard team, already understood the essence of the matter.

Mediterra is just trying to find an excuse.

Even if she stands up now, she will not give up, she may kill all of them!

Because she is crazy!

Book of Naru.

This is a maddening object. In the past life, Mediel has no promotion legend, because she does not have such qualifications!

This world, although Hathaway kindly gave her the sixth page of Naru's book instead of the third page.

This allowed her to successfully promote the legend. But Naru's book still casts a shadow in her heart.

She is actually crazy.

That rune is proof.

The power of Naru's book is constantly eroding her reason.

"This woman is full of ambition and *, and her willpower is not strong enough."

"Although it has been promoted to the legend but the signs controlled by Naru's book are quite obvious."

"In this case, there is nothing to behold."

Thinking of this, Ma Wen’s eyes flashed a hint of killing.

Legendary wizard?

I have not killed myself!

Most of the fourth-order and legendary are immune to lethal damage.

But the legendary wizard is not!

In the past life, also in the fourth order, Marvin successfully assassinated a legendary wizard.

In this world, Ma Wen is even more unlikely to miss.

... (to be continued)

Ps: The second one is sent. At the same time, the character card has been updated in the works related to the public chapter. If you are interested, you can check it out.

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