Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 198: King's return!

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A horrible cloud is gathering.

Ma Wen looked at the sky with a serious look.

Mom*, it’s a burning fire... Why are these legendary wizards not creative at all?

Must a large-scale legendary spell be selected for the burning of the city?

In addition to Hathaway's own ash storm, the rest of the legendary wizards that Marvin encountered, basically started to burn the city!

Daniela opened her hands and a lot of ice and snow burst out of her body.

This is the power of the ice angel.

The violent snow and ice scatters some of the dark clouds.

However, this time, Mediel seems to be determined to fight against Daniela.

When Daniela was able to disperse the fire of the Ogre Wizard, it was because the other party paid a lot of money for the fast and far-reaching spells and reduced the spell power.

This gave her a chance.

However, Mediterra will not.

Her magic is surging, the dark clouds and the flames blend together, and the ice and snow that rushes into the clouds seem so small.

It was quickly melted and turned into hot and humid rain, hitting everyone's face little by little.

No one is going back.

Daniela's complexion is blue and green, and it's enough!

However, the effect is minimal. The dark clouds are still gathering slowly.

Mediel's smile is getting more and more stunned: "Want to fight the legendary wizard? Wait until your blood is completely stimulated!"

"Now, you are no different from those ants in my eyes!"

Marvin in the crowd took a deep breath. Ready to shoot.

Who knows that at this time, behind them, there was a lot of footsteps.

That is a large group of people moving silently.

Everyone looked back with amazement.

I saw the official road in the distance. A familiar figure is constantly appearing.

These are the residents of the White River Valley.

According to Pooh's order, they should have been evacuated! Just as the White River Valley faced crisis in the past few times, they will be arranged to enter Qingcun and other places to temporarily take refuge.

However, this time, they did not leave.

They are all coming.


"Little Rota..."

"You are going!"

Anna suddenly changed her face and shouted in a hurry.

For the first time, these honesty residents did not follow Anna’s orders.

They stood silently behind Vinnie and others. There are about seven or eight hundred people in this group.

"Old people and children. We have already let them go to Qingcun first."

One of the seemingly honest uncles said: "Every time the Baihe Valley is in trouble, we are all hiding. They are all the lords, and Miss Anna, you are screaming for us. The number is too many. How can you not say it?"

"I heard that the city of Hetao wants to forcibly annex the Baihe Valley, let us come and see."

"We don't know what we can do, but we believe that Ma Wen must not die. He will come back."

The people nodded silently.

These are the most inconspicuous residents of the White River Valley. They quietly cultivated and executed Marvin's orders.

They believe that Marvin will lead them to live a stable life.

They also like this place in the White River Valley.

This is their hometown.


More and more people appear at the end of the official road.

They watched Medierly quietly and looked at the army in the city. Everyone is very consciously not talking.

However, every time someone appears, the anger in the eyes of Mediel is one more point!

In her eyes, these ants are daring to unite. Rebellious her meaning!

She is a legendary wizard on the top!

These small human beings are unwilling to accept her blessing, but believe that Marvin, who has been dead for a long time!

Why? ?

"What I want to get. No one can stop it."

"Since you believe in Marvin and believe in a dead person, then go with him!"

"Give me death!"

Mediterra screamed in anger: "All the knights obey my orders."

"Kill them!"

Her fingers point to unarmed civilians.

In her eyes, the strange rune is getting richer and thicker.

The book of Naru has completely blinded her mind!

She has completely lost control.

However, the next second, the thing that made her feel crazy is born -

The army of the river beach city did not move!

All the knights are silent.

Some of the members of the patrol team. More than half a month ago, he also fought side by side with the White River Valley.

They looked at the civilians. No one is waving a whip.

"What are you doing!"

Medier's head danced wildly and roared.

The Cavaliers looked down heavily and said: "The urban masters, they are all unarmed civilians."

"I do not care."

Mediel looked at him coldly: "I let you kill them!"


The Cavaliers abandoned their swords and bowed their heads: "It’s hard to die."

The spirit of the Cavaliers made it difficult for him to start with these unarmed civilians!

Although he once vowed to loyalty to Mediel, but this completely violates the principle, the Cavaliers feel that they can not do it.


In the next second, all the knights silently abandoned the sword in their hands.

They whispered in a whisper: "It's hard to die."

On the side of the silver church, Collins frowned. "The city owner is a bit wrong. It’s a bit strange that the order is unpleasant."

The action of the Knights of the River Beach City completely made Mediel into a madness!

"You dare to betray me!"

"Good! You don't do it, I will clean up your garbage by myself!"

Mediel's body flew high, and in an instant, the dark cloud enveloped everyone!

Including the Baihe Valley and the riverbank city army!

Everyone's face changed dramatically. Even Collins of the Silver Church. Also scared to let the power of the silver church back!

It’s not like this before, and it’s not like this. Everything is done according to the rules of the alliance, so it won’t be alive.

Who knows that the current Mediterra, seems to have changed a person.

Where did the savvy riverbank city owner go before?

Collins instinctively felt a little wrong!


The dark clouds on the sky are assembled.

Daniela's frosty scent is quickly extinguished by the clouds!

She "wow". Spit a red blood, the whole person is soft on the ground!

The ice angel form began to automatically degenerate into a normal human form.

This means that she has done her best and suffered a very serious trauma!

Anna and Pooh quickly went to help her up.

However, in the eyes of everyone, there was a sorrowful color.

No one can stop Mediel.

All the legendary friends that Marvin knows are fighting in the North and the Double Snake. They are said to be even ready to challenge the self-sealing of the Azure!

Pooh bit his lip. He whispered: "Before I was born, I had contacted Hathaway. But she didn't reply to me."

Anna smiled and shook her head. Looking at the gradual condensation of the rain on the sky, turned and advised everyone to run!

However, no one is moving.

They just stood there silently, using their own small life to express their protests to Mediel.

They are the most meager mortals. Greed is afraid of death, and does nothing.

But there are things that give people the courage to ignore life and death.

Some beliefs are worthy of defending with life.

The White River Valley will not be part of the River Beach City. It is their homeland, the territory of Marvin, not Mediterra.

This is their common belief.


The flames in the dark clouds have begun to burn, but at most ten seconds, the horrible burning of the city is about to come.

In fact. If it weren't for Daniela's efforts, the burning of the city's fire would have already arrived.

Daniela smirked: "I didn't expect that I would die in the hands of this crazy woman."

"No, you won't."

A dull voice came over from her side.

Daniela looked at the dark guardian around her with some surprise. She vaguely remembers. His name is zero.

"Yes, we will not."

Another dark guard raised his head.

All the dark guards whispered involuntarily:

"He is back."

"Wang, he is back."

Everyone looked at these dark guards with some surprise!

Since Ma Wen’s death, they have not said a word, but they still carry out the orders of Ma Wensheng.

The old blacksmith tried to ask Marvin's whereabouts through them. However, they are very upset.

This makes the old blacksmith very helpless.

The candle that belongs to Marvin, representing the life of the night walker, was long after he completed the [Dark Road] mission. It automatically disappeared in place.

According to historical records, Sean speculated that the candle was transferred to a hidden place in the country of the night of the night - the same as the king of the night.

but now.

All the Dark Guards are repeating a sentence:

"Wang, come back."

No one understands what they mean by what they say.

The next second, in the laughter of Mediel, the fire and rain fell wildly!

The poor civilians embraced each other and closed their eyes firmly.

The Dark Guards are looking forward to the sky.

The hot fire rain tore the air, and the madness came!

However, at this time, the difference is steep -

A faint black curtain rises from the crowd, forming an egg-shaped defensive hood in the blink of an eye.

The fire rain fell on the black screen and was directly blocked outside!

The crowd raised their heads blankly and they saw the stars above their heads!

The sky suddenly became dark, as if it had entered the night. But the stars are eternal and bright.

The dark clouds in the sky are still there, the fire is still down, but they are not damaged!

"This is... what happened?" Anna looked at the strange change in surprise.

At this time, a familiar voice appeared in her ear:

"Sorry I am worried about it."

"However, this matter will stop here."

"I am back."

Under the glare of the stars, in the eyes of everyone, the guards came out of the ranks.

Marvin lifted the camouflage.

His eyebrows loomed a mark.

Long night imprint.

A pair of bright eyes flashed in the sky above the sky.

All the dark guards are kneeling down.

That is their king's return.

... (to be continued)

Ps: The third is more!

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