Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 215: Break through!

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The two Zedi demons blocked the way forward for everyone.

However, their two-meter-five figure is in front of the Anzula bear, but it is also nearly a quarter short!

As the level of the magic warlock increases, the attributes of the Anzuola bear will increase slightly.

In terms of size, it has improved a lot.

The Anzuola bear sprinted under the spurs, but it was able to resist the giant snake that became a red grazing!

Although it is the effect of various drugs and reels, but in the face of these ordinary Zede devils, Ma Wen is also in no doubt.

He blasted and forced himself up.

Three huge bodies are like a tank.

In the next second, the two Zede devils mourned, and they were actually hit by Ma Wensheng!

The other two Zedi demons slammed on the left and right.

A flash of lightning and a piece of acid flew to Marvin!

A current penetrates Marvin's body, but the Anzula bear is very resistant to these spells.

Ma Wen’s hard-skinned fur suddenly hardened. He only stiffened for half a second, and immediately slaps his left hand and slaps his right hand and shoots directly on the head of the Zede!

The poor Zede demon was directly stunned by the tremendous power.

The huge body fell to the ground and overwhelmed several goblins!

Everyone cheered.


Ma Wenkou, who turned into an Anzuola bear, spoke up and shouted.

The cavalry looked at Marvin in dismay. However, it is still working with the Silver Fox Mercenary Corps to help the villagers move quickly.

The blockade line was broken!

On a hill not far away, a shadow suddenly rises.

Marvin’s eyes were slightly stunned.

That is an underground poison dragon!

This creature. Can only fly at low altitude, without too strong flight ability. But its venom is terrible.

The fur of the Anzula bears may not be able to stop it.

Underground poisonous dragons usually kill the enemy with venom, then air dry, and then eat.

And on this blockade line, it is the last trump card!

This is why Marvin has not exposed his strength.

If you alarm them too early, the effect will be counterproductive.

He wants it. It’s just a surprise!

The Anzula bear ran wildly, and his limbs were the best weapons.

Countless poor goblins, gnolls, and kobolds mourn under his hind legs or ass!

Fanned. More is countless.

Soon, an empty path was cut through.

All the underground creatures, full of fear in the eyes of Ma Wen.

This is the case with underground creatures, who have always worshipped the strong. As long as you show absolute force, they are likely to surrender to you.

Of course, they are subject to force, not you personally.

However, no matter how fearful they are, from the order of Ms. Tess, they can't defy.

That is the electorate of the Dark Dragon God.

Her will is the will of the Dark Dragon God!

All the dark creatures took up their courage and surrounded them again.

At this time, Marvin suddenly stopped. Going back one step.

He suddenly opened his mouth and opened his mouth, and there was an unusual roar in his chest!

Wild shock!

The unique ability of the Anzuola bear.

In an instant, all the dark creatures are in chaos.

Their will is not determined. It is supported by the belief in the Dark Dragon God.

It was frightened by Ma Wen’s wild shock and it was a mess.

They began to trample on each other and attack each other as if they were a group of headless flies.

At this time, the cavalry had escorted the villagers and quickly approached the walls of the city of hope.

They can see it faintly, and the gate opens slowly.

The City of Hope did not give up on them.

The three sisters did not give up on them!

The tears that everyone moved were not limited. Even if it has been injured, even if it is already painful under the feet. Still biting your teeth and speeding up your pace!

Because of the shadow behind me, I am still approaching!

Underground poison dragon!


Marvin followed the last side of the team and saw that the pedestrian was almost close to the city of hope, and the poison dragon finally caught up.

"Mr. Robin!" The future wind knight shouted anxiously.

"You follow them!" Marvin yelled: "Fast into the city."

The little bite bite his teeth and eventually obeyed Marvin’s orders.

In an instant, there was an open space outside the city of hope.

The Anzula bear is alone, facing the entire blockade of the monster, and an underground poison dragon!

However, Ma Wenfen is not afraid.

Although the underground poisonous dragon is strong, the Anzuola bear is somewhat restrained, but his other transformation can completely kill the underground poisonous dragon!

Don't forget, the double-headed snake is not afraid of any venom!

Marvin calmly waited for the enemy to approach.

The sound of the underground poisonous dragon, he flapped his wings, seems to be preparing for a dive attack.

Ma Wen is also ready for the battle!

However, at this time, just listening to the bang, a thick smashing arrow flew under the feet of the poison dragon!

The horrible arrow was shot far away, and finally it was inserted into the monster group, and seven or eight goblins passed through in one breath!

The poisonous dragon was shocked and immediately raised his wings and fled to the sky.

It does not risk life to hunt down this prey.

All the dark creatures stopped chasing and they began to shrink the line of defense.

And Tomavin's blessing, the blockade line appeared a bit loose, it seems that many people have found the weakness of the blockade line, and finally broke out and escaped a life.

Ma Wen took a deep breath.

He turned slowly, but saw the little girl standing on the wall, watching him.

On her shoulder, she sat in a familiar shadow.

Lucky Elf is stupid.

Marvin’s eyes shifted to other places. That is the two sides of the city wall, and the ten are very popular.

Every popular driver is a strong and powerful man. These arrows. Although it can't hurt the dragon, it can pose a great threat to the dragon.

The gates opened wide and all the people poured in one breath.

Marvin’s body has suddenly shrunk, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared into place!

Shadow 遁!

After a few moments, he caught up with everyone and quietly added a camouflage to himself.

Under the city wall. Suddenly became empty.


In the city of hope.

Everyone was divided into batches and distributed to various places in an orderly manner.

The injured were sent to the hospital. Ordinary farmers, especially old and weak women and children, were sent to major shelters.

Farmers have strength, if they are willing. Then put weapons, after all, the city of hope has reached the most critical juncture.

Everyone needs to contribute.

Organizations such as the Silver Fox Mercenary Corps are directly incorporated by the City Guard, and the reserve militia is a level that can be called at any time.

The atmosphere in the city is still very tense.

In the face of dark races that have not taken off for many years, there is always a fear of inner heart.

But when they looked up, they could see that the little figure was still standing on the wall, and when they stared silently into the distance, their hearts would be surprisingly peaceful.

Because they know. There are always some people who are still guarding the city.

The City of Hope was established by the three sisters, and the other two adults left. As long as Miss Lorry is still there, everything will not change.

Everything has hope!


Among the crowds, Cavaliers Terry was anxiously looking for.

However, the results of each inquiry are “not seen”, “do not know”, “thank you”.

The answer with substantial help is none.

He is looking for the "Druid"!

This is the order of Miss Lorry.

As far as Terry is concerned, this order is not unusual. At the juncture of this distress. They need to mobilize every power that can be used.

And the Druid, who can become a giant bear, is obviously a high-ranking powerhouse.

He is also very intelligent. Understand the power at the most critical time, so that you can avoid premature confrontation with the underground poison dragon and safely **** everyone into the city.

Such a strong, he must find it!

Just to make him a little depressed, the residents in the small villages said they didn't know the grown-up!

After the man entered the city, he was quickly drowned in the crowd.

This made him unable to find it.

Finally, he got the origin of the person in the mouth of the silver fox mercenary group:

"Are you looking for Mr. Robin?"

"He is indeed a great character. Before we thought that he had no fighting power, he deliberately assigned him to the flank to ease his pressure."

"I didn't expect him to be so powerful. It exploded at a critical time and saved us."

"We didn't thank him very much."

Terry interrupted the enthusiasm of the head of the mercenary group. He said:

"I am sorry, but I just want to know, where is Mr. Robin?"

The head shrugged: "This is no one knows."

Terry sighed and looked at the crowd, eventually returning to the wall.

"Not found?" Lori asked softly.

Terry nodded.

"I know, let's arrange other things."

"I will let other people do this thing."

The little girl is calm.

Although the Cavaliers are suspicious in their hearts, they are still alive.


Outside the refuge, Ma Wen and Xiao Yan stand side by side.

"Adult, this is what you want."

Xiao Yan handed a piece of parchment and a small book to Marvin.

"This is something recorded by our family about the fire of order. You have sent me safely, these are yours."

Ma Wen gently took the parchment and books. At the beginning, he promised Hera because she took out enough chips.

Only after the incident arrived, the nature gradually evolved. Marvin is no longer simply helping the mother and son for the transaction.

He was moved by Hera.

Xiao Yan was silent for a while, but did not go to the refuge.

"Oh, where are you going?" Marvin couldn't help asking.

"Robin, in fact, I have grown up. The name Xiaoxiao is not suitable for me?"

The teenager pointed to the other side of the refuge and said, "I am going there."

Ma Wen saw his hand in the past, and that place was a place to put weapons.

"My name is Obanson. My last name is not important. Maybe I will be Hera in the future."

The thin teenager said lowly: "I am very happy to meet you, Robin."

After that, he went to the weapon.

Who knows that at this time, one hand patted his shoulder.

Auburnson turned to but saw a teenager who was about the same age.

"I am also very happy to meet you. Auburnson."

Marvin said sincerely.

Auburnson’s eyes were filled with stunned eyes!

"you are……"

Marvin made a snoring gesture and immediately changed back to the appearance of a middle-aged man Robin.

He smiled at Auburnson and turned and walked into the crowd.

Just not far away, a dissatisfied voice rang in his ear:

"Seeing acquaintances don't know how to say hello, it really is a rude man!"

... (to be continued)

Ps: third! Coconut is bursting on the exam! Let everyone encourage!

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