Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 216: Gold blood

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When he heard this voice, Marvin couldn't help but laugh.

He turned around.

Lucky Elf is looking at him with contempt: "We all thought you were dead. If it wasn't for the lucky breath that I had attached to you suddenly reminded me, I couldn't even show you. Very powerful warlock blood. You should join the rocky mountain."

Marvin looked around: "Do you think this is the place to talk?"


The lucky elf **** his wings: "Follow me."


Ma Wenyi followed the stupid and re-circled to the gate.

They followed the wall on a small road.

The heavily armed guards did not stop them. It seems that the stupidity is here and has a certain reputation.

On the wall, stood a lonely little girl.

Marvin met her for the first time, but she already knew her.

The youngest of the three sisters of the destiny, Lori.

Although there is no such powerful spell-casting power as two sisters, it has enviable wisdom.

She is one of the few people who saw the conspiracy of the gods before the Cataclysm.

There are many kinds of apocalypse warlocks: for example, her sister Jessica, her power of apocalypse is [power].

With the blood awakening, her strength is even stronger.

This power includes the energy of the spell, and the physical melee.

And Kate, if Ma Wen remembers correctly, her apocalyptic power is [guardian], and the order of the rock mountain can be ignited. The most important thing is her guardian power.

As for Lori.

Her power of apocalypse is [wisdom]!

This is a very, very wise girl.


She slowly turned around and wore a solomi-style dress like her sister. The style is slightly different. The size is smaller.

The 12-year-old girl was originally the most carefree age, but Marvin saw countless thoughts in her eyes.

He instinctively felt a bit wrong.

The other two of the three sisters? How is it only Lori?

"Hello, Mr. Marvin." Lorry looked at Marvin with a smile: "You really gave me a big surprise."

"Thank you for saving the villagers and unearthing Uncle Terry."

Ma Wen nodded slightly.

Although this girl looks small, she talks like an adult. How much makes him somewhat uncomfortable.

"Hello, Miss Lorry."

The two started a conversation with some strangeness.

Fortunately, there are lucky elves stupid from time to time. Gradually resolved the initial flaws.

Both sides actually have some understanding of each other.

Ma Wen naturally does not have to say more, and Luo Rui, also known as Marvin because of the rotten plateau.

After some exchanges, Lori directly expressed his thoughts:

She hopes that Marvin can help the city of hope.

At this moment. The city of hope is not only facing a serious crisis outside, but the interior is not very stable.

"I didn't expect Jessica to be lured by Clark to the edge of the chaotic land."

"The information in the trailer is still not complete. Kate has left the city of hope because of the order of fire. No wonder the city of hope has only the youngest sister left."

After listening to Luo Rui’s narrative, Ma Wen shook his head with a smile.

Why didn’t he want to help the city of hope?

Besides, the lucky one who sent him was lucky, but he saved his life when he was in the most dangerous situation.

In love, he should stay and help.

but. Order fire is too important.

Plus, in his impression, even if he did not appear. The city of hope is also kept.

They ultimately repelled the dark race, and there is no doubt about it.

Although his own appearance has changed some history, the big aspect should not change.

As long as Jessica showed absolute force and killed Clark, even the Dark Dragon God was angry. He also has no way!

The current universe of the magic pool can not be broken, plus the time remains in the hands of Inheim. There is no god's avatar to go down!

The gods are no exception, the legendary apocalypse warlock is almost the first-class master.

And in the case of large-scale warfare, Jessica is the kind of change that can fight against the tens of thousands of troops by oneself.

Now Black Dragon Clark is transferring Jessica's attention, but the Apocalypse Warlock is not a fool, she will definitely be here.

She will be back sooner or later.

There is definitely no problem with the city of hope.

This is Marvin's opinion, so he was supposed to leave Auburn after he was sent to the city of hope.

Go all the way to the west, go to the place where the meteorite falls, look for order fire.

Who knows but has been identified by the idiot.

This time, in the face of Lori's request, Marvin has some dilemmas.

He thought about it and eventually chose to refuse:

"I am sorry, I really want to help."

"But I have come to the rocky mountain for a more important purpose."

Lori’s eyes are very clear, and she looks directly at Marvin: “Order of fire, is it?”

Ma Wen nodded.

"Sister is already looking for it." Lori said seriously: "There are seven orders of fire. If she has found more than one order fire, it will be fine for you."

Ma Wen dumbfounded: "Miss Lorry, can you make a decision for your sisters?"

In Marvin's opinion, Lori is somewhat naive.

The importance of order fire, few people are willing to take the initiative to transfer, let alone give away.

Kate did have a certain relationship with Marvin. The spirit of the King of the Night also helped her stabilize her blood, perhaps allowing her to advance to the legend earlier.

However, this relationship, compared with the order of fire, Marvin is somewhat unsettled.

He knows that Kate is very kind, but the rocky mountain is her home.

Here is where she needs to be guarded. Marvin is only a friend of hers at most.

Although the three sisters of the previous generation got four order fires, in this world, God knows if there will be any accidents.

Marvin didn't want to pin his hopes on others.


However, at this time, Du Duan suddenly interrupted:

"of course can."

"Lori is young, but what she said can fully represent the three sisters."

"Otherwise, do you think why the whole city of hope listens to her?"

Lori also looked at Marvin with a hopeful look:

"I promise."

"I only hope that you can help us a favor."

Ma Wen hesitated, and finally hesitated: "What is busy?"

"Assassination." Luo Rui said in a simple and concise manner: "A stabbing mission, I already have two masters here, you need to join, form a perfect team to improve the success rate of the mission."

"Target?" Marvin asked.

"Tess." Lori's eyes calmed: "She is the electorate of the Dark Dragon God, so there will be a little difficulty."

Marvin decisively shook his head!

Just kidding, assassinating Tess?

That is a strongman with bamboo!

Even the Dark Dragon God does not infuse Tess with a lot of power like the twins of the world. It is not an ordinary fourth-order professional who can assassinate successfully.

"Don't worry urgently."

"I haven't said anything about compensation yet."

Lori chuckled and said: "If Marvin helped us complete this task."

"You will get a [golden blood]."

Gold blood! ?

Ma Wenyu had a big eyes.

In the next second, he did not hesitate to promise: "The deal!"

... (to be continued)

Ps: After an exam is finished, let's take a chapter! Fourth more! Desperate coconuts return to the rivers and lakes! In addition, thanks to the book friend [Tianma Meteor Gun] 1 reward!

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