Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 224: Tulip castle

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Tulip Castle.

A castle that has been forgotten by history. Perhaps the residents of the coast of Pangbo have forgotten that it was once a bustling territory.

The castle is built on the cliffs of the coastline and stands tall.

Inside and outside the castle, the tulips that were transplanted from the east were planted everywhere. This is because the wife of the owner of the castle loves tulips, so the castle is named after it.

However, a flying disaster has destroyed all of this, and this territory has become desolate, gradually being swallowed up by the dead wilderness in the south, becoming a desolate place where no one cares.

There are no signs of glory in this place except for the lighthouse and abandoned pier not far from the coast.

Purely an abandoned castle.

When he was alive, Ma Wen did not personally come to this castle. He was watching some videos on the forum. Therefore, he still knows some stories about the tulip castle. After all, players like him. For any game information, I have a deep memory, such as a few treasures.


"No matter how brilliant it used to be, anyway, there is only a group of vampires who are unscrupulous."

"I remember that when the tulip castle was opened, the most powerful blood family was just a vampire marquis, and there was no trace of the **** grandfather."

Ma Wen thought so, but quietly opened the sneak, slowly sneaked into the castle.

The **** grandfather is equivalent to the legendary realm, and the vampire marquis is the fourth-order power, and the current Marvin a realm.

Quietly walking through the castle's wooden bridge, except for one or two ordinary crows, Marvin could not see any creatures.

Perhaps most of the vampires are sleeping.

A few wake up. Certainly, I couldn’t stand the loneliness and went to the north to prey.

To know. The group of vampires and Marvins that are now in the castle are different in the dead hills.

The vampires of the dead hills belong to the Ming party, and the relationship with humans is still friendly. Their blood-sucking is often limited to their own needs and will not kill innocent people. The vampires of the tulip castles are different. As dark parties, they have always regarded themselves as the highest level of life in Fernan. They not only kill and hunt for humans and other creatures, but also spread panic everywhere.

In short, this wave of vampires, Marvin is not prepared to be merciless.

Although he is now stealth, his equipment is somewhat nondescript.

A pair of scimitars are at the waist, at your fingertips; and the pair of guns from Constantine are inserted on either side of the thigh. These two pistols are called [Astaroa], and one handle is called [Satan]. The name is quite unique. They are the names of a demon monarch and a big demon lord.

There was a shotgun on his shoulder. There was no doubt that the Shaman’s bullets were all replaced with special silver bullets.

If this trip unfortunately meets a vampire, then it is inevitable to open the killing ring.

Ma Wen is already ready.

However, the desolateness of the tulip castle is still above Marvin's expectations.

He quietly passed through the broken gate of the city gate. The yin wind blows from everywhere, but no blood family has appeared.

He knows that most of the blood races are sleeping deep in the castle, if there is no blood around the tulip. Then your luck is not bad - or the luck of the other party is not bad.

Because he does not need to go deep into the castle.

The entrance to the palace in memory is actually in the corridor on the side of the castle hall.

Ma Wen quietly sneaked, very quickly. He came to the entrance of the hall.

Who knows that at this time, it is covered with wooden doors in the spider web. There was a faint singer.

Marvin’s nerves suddenly tightened!


Warm candlelight came from inside the wooden door. Ma Wen glanced at it, and suddenly he was shocked!

Because of the entire hall. It’s a sea of ​​people!

The bright chandeliers shimmer with dazzling brilliance, illuminating the entire hall.

Aristocrats dressed in unique styles near the sea of ​​Pangbo are dancing gracefully.

The men are very gentlemen, they look young and handsome.

The women are also very beautiful, their evening dresses are extremely open, and Marvin can even see the bumps that one of the girls accidentally exposed!

"what's going on!"

Marvin only felt like a ghost.

How can such an abandoned castle, so many people appear inexplicably? There is a dance party?

He looked at the data panel and found no signs of willingness!

This is not an illusion, but a real existence!

and many more……

In the darkness of Marvin’s mind, a flash of light suddenly flashed—

This is indeed not an illusion.

This is what happened in this hall!


When Ma Wen saw the player's shared video, he did not completely read the entire Tulip Castle's Raiders. He only jumped to the back and looked directly at the key to see how the master got [Eriksson's brooch].

He knew that the entrance to the underground palace was in this hall, but the specific location still needs to be carefully explored.

But looking at these ancient pictures, Marvin suddenly had a special feeling.

These things have happened in real life.

Just don't know why, in a certain period of time, these pictures will reappear in the hall.

Marvin pushed the wooden door and walked in.

Sure enough, no one - even the waiter - is arrogant.

He tried to stroke a person, only to find that his hand easily penetrated his body, and he was still chatting with another choppy woman.

All this is like the 3D projection technology of previous life.

Real, but illusory.

At this time, Marvin’s eyes suddenly condensed on a pair of young men and women.

The two of them ran away from the dance floor and came to a path next to the hall.

Ma Wen’s heart moved and immediately followed.


"Jason, we don't have much time, my husband will come soon."

In the dark corner, the woman dressed in grace and grace said while she began to frantically take off her clothes.

And the handsome and strong man is also very cooperative, the two pushed each other and entered a locker room.

Ma Wen and his party all followed.

Anyway, it happened a long time ago, and it’s fine for me to gossip.

And this location seems to be very close to the entrance to the palace called in the video.

Marvin guessed there must be a connection between the two.

Just to make Marvin somewhat speechless, after entering the locker room, the phantoms of the two disappeared.

There was a stale atmosphere in the closed locker room.

Ma Wen fumbled forward, and he followed a few steps in the direction that the men and women should go.

Just at this time, his feet suddenly disappeared!

"I* grass!"

"It is a hanging organ!"

The next second, he fell all over!

... (to be continued...)

Ps: I am really busy recently. I am busy with a dog in the exam week. I can barely maintain two more every day. If it breaks out, I am afraid that the next July will be broken, so I will continue to update it. After this time, almost after July 6th, the coconut will resume normal writing and begin to explode frequently. Everyone can look forward to it. R1292

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