Night Ranger

Vol 4 Chapter 225: Ancestor

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In the darkness, Marvin kept falling.

On both sides is a smooth stone wall, and he can't even stop this downward trend with his strong agility.

Fortunately, the fall soon ended, and eventually he fell into a soft place.

It was a very old sand with a lot of dust on it, and it looked like Marvin.

There is no doubt that this is a secret room.

Ma Wen vaguely understood.

He patted the dust on his body and began to look around the chamber, a dark spiral staircase in front of Marvin!

Just follow this spiral staircase and you will reach the end of the Chamber of Secrets - the entrance to the underground palace.

"It turned out to be..."

"In this way, the whole story can be sorted out."

Ma Wen suddenly realized.

He no longer hesitated and began to carefully follow the spiral ladder.

This is just a transitional secret room. There should be no institutions, but be careful.

As he walked, he recalled some past events about the tulip castle.


The tulip castle, a once prosperous city, was eventually destroyed in the hands of the blood family.

When the owner of the old castle was young, he loved his wife very much, and the love of the couple every night was very happy.

But one day, the lord suddenly met an alchemist.

Under the guidance of the alchemist, he became obsessed with alchemy and immortality, and he began to abandon his young and beautiful wife.

Over time. The gap between husband and wife is also growing. Rumors about the masters of the tulip castles who are obsessed with alchemy have also spread throughout the entire Pangbo Sea.

Gradually, the character of the castle owner became very weird. He cut off the contacts of many friends.

The once-popular tulip castle has become deserted.

His wife is also increasingly rampant.

One day, however, at her birthday party, she met a handsome young aristocratic youth.

The young man is strong and handsome, and more importantly, his eloquence is first class.

A lot of humorous stories are told from his mouth. It has a different flavor.

Soon, both sides love each other. *, became a private lover.

With the increasing number of rendezvous on both sides, the hostess of the tulip castle began to dissatisfy this kind of affair.

She wants him to take her away.

But this request has some of the imagination of the aristocratic youth, for him. The hostess of the tulip castle is just one of many lovers. He is not willing to risk the owner of the castle and take her away.

So he is ready to appease her temporarily.

And Ma Wen just saw the scene in the hall, the official scene of the last time the two sides sneaked.

They accidentally entered the dust for a long time, never used the locker room, and finally fell into the secret room.

Everything that follows is very clear.

The two explored in the secret room, but did not dare to speak, can only go down.

They came to the underground palace and awakened a terrible existence!

That is one of the 12 ancestors of the vampire!

His name is [hidden].

Here is one of the few tombs he has made for himself. He slept in the mausoleum, but was awakened by the couple.

At that time, the use of powerful power was implicit. Separate the two.

He asked the two people separately and said that they would not want to die for each other.

The woman chose to be willing; the man denied it.

The final result, the aristocratic youth was hidden, and the hostess who was heartbroken after knowing the truth was given.

She became a vampire, and is the most pure and powerful vampire woman!

This is the power of the blood ancestor.

Just a beginning, you can make a woman without fighting. The **** female duke who became a legendary realm!

The following details of Ma Wen are not very clear, in short after that. A cross disaster swept through the entire castle.

People rumored that there were monsters in the castle, and after the castle owner died in an inexplicable alchemy experiment, the castle was inherited by the hostess because there was no child.

She became a beautiful widow known far and near.

Many people coveted her beauty and took the initiative to come to the door.

The consequence is naturally the blood slave of the Duke!

After her husband's indifference and her lover's betrayal, her heart became extremely hot and her mind was very extreme.

Soon, the tulip castle is no longer scattered, and it has become a forbidden place where the death of ordinary people has changed.

It has become a paradise for vampires, and they even hold hunting parties in the castle.

The object of hunting is a beautiful man and woman.

Later, the Southern Wizards Alliance organized a powerful team to attack the castle.

It was an earth-shattering battle. The details of Marvin were not very clear, but the league claimed to have wiped out the castle.

The vampire female grandfather did disappear.

It’s been calm for a while.

But many years later, before the timeline was pushed to the Cataclysm, a group of former **** dark parties had been regrouped here.

They secretly seized the most pure breath of the ancestor's body, in order to enhance their strength.

Only most of them are in a deep sleep.

Those who know this secret are killed by the blood family.

So Marvin is very careful.


"When the little lover broke into the underground palace, it was only a temporary sleep, and naturally he would be awakened."

"But after the war of the Wizarding League, not only did the female Dagong disappear, but the hidden state also entered a state of death. Only this state of death is a suspended animation. Once someone can complete some mysterious rituals, the blood ancestor will naturally wake up. ""

"I don't go into the bottom layer anyway, it should be safe."

Marvin carefully descended along the spiral stone ladder.

He is still a little nervous.

If you suddenly wake up, you can't eat and walk. That guy is close to the existence of the gods!

If you want Marvin to find a person with a power regulator in Fernan, then there is only the big elf king Nicholas.

Or use the Great Elf King of [The Shadow of Hilo]!

Marvin walked briskly and arrived at the bottom of the spiral stone ladder.

There is a darkness in front, and Marvin knows that going along this road is the entrance to the hidden palace.

But there are at least two fine gold golems and a mechanical refining garrison all year round.

It’s not easy to pass those levels.

However, in the video, the careful player has another way to go, and he can escape the guard's gaze and arrive in the underground palace.

That back road is behind the spiral stone ladder!

This is a place that few people can notice. When watching the video, Marvin also sighed that the guy is also a master.

At the moment, he did not hesitate to open the dark door behind the stone ladder and walked along the wet tunnel to the second floor of the tomb.

What he wants to find is in the middle of the second floor.

Without further ado, Ma Wengang wants to move on.

However, at this time, a strange noise came from his ear!

... (to be continued)

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