Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 27: Black sail

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The sea breeze roared and the waves surged. ¢£¢£,

The South is like a broken bamboo, facing the waves and heading north.

This time the South restarted and changed a lot.

First, it is the change in name. Although Marvin is not afraid of the White Elephant Chamber of Commerce looking for trouble, it is not as good as one thing.

On the ship's side, the white spray paint was written: [Jiangang No.1].

Jiangang is the name of the newly established port of Ma Wen at the mouth of the White River.

It is also a coincidence that the Ma Wenlai is a difficult household. After the completion of the new port, the naming has obviously become a big problem.

Fortunately, he suddenly remembered that Lola had mentioned this name when he was rebellious when he was rebellious. He simply pushed the boat and named the new port [Jiangang].

From the perspective of the terrain, the White River straight into the sea, the coastline at the entrance to the sea is a cross, and it is quite similar to the sword.

There is a feeling of sharpness.

At the same time, Ma Wen also abide by the original promise, promoted the first two Roberts as the captain, responsible for the affairs of the ship.

In general, the captain of a ship is the most powerful on board.

It’s just a little frustrating for Roberts. This time, the people who accompany him are not talking about the Viscount Ma Wen. Both Miss Anna and Miss Lola are one level older than his official.

This made the ambitious young captain a little bit hurt.

Fortunately, Marvin and others do not seem to intend to intervene in the ship's affairs, only Lola is responsible for the delivery of goods, and Anna's trip to the port of Liyu is responsible for administrative procedures.

Today's Baihe Valley is no longer the same. Marvin was promoted to the Viscount. After the legendary skyrocketing, as the female housekeeper Anna of Marvin. Nature is also rising.

In order to adapt to the fast exhibition in the Baihe Valley, Ma Wen simply allocated the power. Anna was the longest to follow him. It is also the most loyal member, and the administrative power of the Baihe Valley is basically in her hands.

This time, the South began to visit the Port of Liyu, in order to open up a new route.

The opening of new routes requires the preparation of the Southern Wizarding League. Otherwise, it is illegal trade, and it is not protected by the alliance. It is no different from a pirate ship.

This requires Anna to wave her talents, and Marvin himself has long since not intervened in these cumbersome matters.

He is just taking a ride on the wind. By the way, the first time to set off [Jiangang No. 1] pressure array.

He has the crown of the sea emperor on hand, which can speed up the manipulation of the current, so that the driving degree of Jiangang No. 1 has increased dramatically, greatly shortening the time to travel to the port of Liyu.

His own destination is not the Port of Liyu, but the Chiba Forest, which is very close to the Port of Catfish!

The cemetery of the King of the Night is there.

Before leaving the White River Valley, Marvin had negotiated with the old blacksmith, who had been indulging for a long time. In the end, the key was handed over to Marvin.

Hathaway's things, few people know, but the legendary level of power, seems to have heard. The old blacksmith is not a legend. But the prestige is there, and there are connections with many legends. It seems that I know Marvin’s business.

But he didn't say much. Just swearing Ma Wen carefully.

Ma Wen naturally understands.

To survive in this world, you must be careful. In particular, this kind of self-walking between the crises, we must pay attention to prevent from time to time.

Marvin asked himself after coming to Fernan. There are quite a few erected enemies, and the big event of the plane traction has been aroused once, and the gods are afraid to stare at themselves.

Although they can't reach Fernan now, they want to hang a horse, and there are always ways.

So everything must be careful.


On the deck of Jiangang No. 1, Aragon swayed and looked at the waves in the distance, his face full of novelty.

"You said that you have never seen the sea before?"

Lola squinted and looked at the handsome prince: "What do you have there?"

Aragorn shrugged and showed a gentle smile: "Forest, a lush forest."

"This world is really amazing. I have a lot of vocabulary that needs to be supplemented. I used to see the description of the ocean only in some books of the royal family, but I used to look for it in every corner of the Poussin world. We There are only lakes and there is no ocean."

Lola is slightly embarrassed.

The two chatted for a while, and Aragon suddenly whispered at the lonely figure not far away:

"About Ma Wen, do you know him?"

Lola was asked by this sudden question, she asked with her fingers:

"I am younger than me, I like to show off the limelight, the fish in the fish...this is understood?"

Looking at Lola's serious expression, Aragon was silent.

Is she serious?

A powerful Marvin adult... In the eyes of this girl, is this a simple boy?

Aragorn expressed doubts.

That is the one who can defeat the gods!

In Nottingham, no one showed great admiration for Marvin. Of course, in these days in the White River Valley, he can also feel the love of the landlords for Marvin.

What surprised him a bit was that this kind of love is not a kind of worship.

At the level of Lola, many people have different views on Marvin.

The White River Valley seat financial officer is grateful to Marvin. Because he gave her the opportunity to wave her talents.

Other than that, there is nothing special about it.

Aragorn is becoming more and more curious about Marvin.

He just wanted to continue to ask questions, but at this time, a strange wind came from his ear.

This wind is mixed in the sea breeze, and most of the others are not aware of it.

But Aragon is different!

His practice is the path of the storm swordsman, with a special perception of the wind elements!

He suddenly turned back and saw the distant sea level, and there were some dark shadows.

"What is that!?" Aragorn surprised.


I don't know when, Ma Wen has turned around and stared coldly at the distant shadows.

Aragorn was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Marvin actually noticed these movements earlier than himself.

I haven't waited for him to ask what the word "pirate" means, and the boat suddenly becomes noisy!

The sailors loomed uneasy.

Obviously 瞭望手 also saw that the black shadow is approaching with the naked eye!

Roberts looked blue and quickly approached Marvin: "Adult, it is [Black Sail Fleet]."

"This is the outer sea. Their base should be in the archipelago in the northern part of the foggy sea. They should have robbed a group of merchant ships and prepared to return."

"But if they are allowed to catch up, they should not mind making the harvest more rich!"

"Our degree is more than they are, but if the servant of the adult can take it..."

What Roberts points to is naturally Marvin's storm elves.

With the Storm Elves, the Black Sail fleet must have been unable to catch up.

Who knows that Marvin shook his head and immediately said:

"Get ready for the battle."

... (to be continued...)

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