Night Ranger

Vol 5 Chapter 28: vent

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On the vast sea, the waves gradually subsided. ◇↓◇↓ ◇↓ ◇↓ ◇↓ said,

The helmsman changed the course and headed inward because the route was moving along a specific ocean current, first along the ocean current to the east, then to the northwest, the fastest.

However, it is precisely because of this that when Jiangang No. 1 first sailed, it encountered pirates who were squatting in the open sea.

In the South, due to the high pressure of the Wizarding Alliance, pirates do not have much room for survival.

Once the dry pirates are caught, they will only hang a road.

This is not the Middle Ages in Europe. This is the era of wizards. The Southern Wizards Union can even fight against the Taikoo Red Dragon, let alone some small pirates.

Therefore, most of the pirates do not dare to provoke the ships of the alliance, and they generally operate in the open sea, only dare to rob some island countries.

The pirates in the north are said to be mad. After all, there is no alliance between the northern cities and towns. They are scattered forces and cannot unite against pirates.

After the overall improvement of Jiangang No. 1, the degree of navigation was actually very fast, but because it was full of goods and the draft was deep, it was not as good as some pirate ships.

So even though the helmsman changed direction, the pirate fleet was still in hot pursuit.

Marvin stood at the stern. He could see that the black sail fleet had a total of seven ships. Three of them seemed to be filled with four other ships because they were full of cargo.

He visually examined the distance and degree between the two sides. The four ships were able to catch up with Jiangang No. 1 before dark.

If there is no problem with the course, tomorrow evening, Jiangang No. 1 will be able to reach the port of Liyu.

in other words. It is actually not far from the sea.

These pirates are also crazy, and they dare to rob the merchant ships on the coast.


"Mainly the flag we played. They have not seen it before."

Roberts explained: "Pirates are also looking at the situation, if the banner of the Alliance is hanging. They probably don't dare to be so crazy. Especially in the case of gains."

Anna frowned. "This time I went to the Port of Catfish, I should be able to get the route down, and then I can play the flag of the Union."

"No. We can play our own flag."

Marvin smiled coldly: "A group of pirates, as long as they give them a lesson, they dare not commit crimes."

"I want to see the flag of the White River Valley in this future sea area. All the pirate ships are retreating!"

Everyone is a chill.

Ma Wen said this, clearly with a murderous.

Although he let everyone prepare for the battle, but did not really let them take the shot!

People familiar with Marvin saw him like this. I know that he is afraid to find a punching bag!

Although I don't know what happened to Ma Wen, the sailors know about Marvin's skills.

That night, he was deeply imprinted by the killing skills of the Night Demon.

On the pirate ship, I am afraid there is no master who can compete with Ma Wen?

Thinking of this, they could not help but start to mourn for these black sail pirates!


As night fell, four old pirate ships tightened the sails and flew like Jiangang No. 1.

Just to make these black sail pirates feel strange, on the stern of Jiangang No. 1, there are only two people standing!

The rest of the sailors. Each of them has a weapon, but it does not seem to be anxious.

"Boss, it's a bit wrong. It's all at this distance. Why don't they have a sense of crisis?"

On a pirate ship, a skinny monkey-like gaze pointed at Jianang No. 1 and said:

"This ship is very old and should not be a southerner ship."

"But it looks like they are going to the Port of Salmon."

The head of the dirty middle-aged pirate took over the monocular telescope. The brow is also wrinkled.

It is a bit strange.

Is the captain of this ship silly? Or do they think they won’t grab them?

He did not hesitate to think of it. Pull straight over a big horn.

This horn has an enchanting effect on it, which can be used for sound reinforcement.

"The boat in front listens!"

"We are the black sail fleet of Diamond Island. Stop the boat immediately!"

The sound spread out and passed directly to Jiangang No. 1. Everyone looks strange.

However, some sailors still nervously held the weapon in their hands.

As of now, they still don't know Ma Wen's plan.

"Stop the boat? Why stop the boat?"

Marvin’s voice passed away.

The pirate’s head slammed and immediately smiled:

"We want to rob!"

Ma Wen was slightly stunned and raised his hand to signal Roberts to stop the boat.

Although a sailor is quite dissident, he is too high for Ma Wenwei, and Roberts can only stop the boat.

The four pirate ships saw that Jiangang No. 1 actually stopped, and they all showed an incredible color!

I have said that I want to rob, and there is such a cooperation with the merchant ship?



On one of the ships, the lookout of the skinny monkey is authentic: "Hey! Very embarrassing!"

"The ship has a problem. We are still careful..."

"What's the problem?" The pirate's head sneered: "We are so many people, even if they have any masters on board, the siege also besieged them."

"I think they feel that they can't escape and want to negotiate with us. Yeah, if I consciously leave all the goods, I can consider giving them a life."

However, at this time, the two people who stood at the stern of the ship moved.

Just as the four pirate ships approached quickly, the sea suddenly burst into a burst of waves!

Ma Wen stepped out and was unbeatable!

This is the ability of the sea emperor to control the water. He walks on the waves, his body is floating, and he is the ultimate in the agility of God!

On the four pirate ships, a dry pirate is almost dumbfounded!

They have been at sea for a long time, but they have never seen such a battle.

In the blink of an eye, Marvin landed on the fastest pirate ship that rushed!

He is alone, but he seems to be a thousand horses.

"You, you, what are you doing?"

The pirates responsible for the lookout retreated.

Ma Wen grabbed the cable with one hand and looked at the sunset that was sinking in the distance. He said calmly:



When the last rays of the sun disappeared on the Haiping line, the feast of the killings slowly began.

On the first pirate ship, Ma Wen was alone, and he was a ghost, and his swords were fierce.

He flickers in the night, not to mention that the pirate ship is the strongest and only third-order fighters. Even if there is a fourth-order powerhouse, it will only become the life of his soul!

Kill and kill!

Marvin is indeed venting!

The Black Sail fleet, others think that this is just an ordinary island organization. Only Marvin knows that the real owner of the Black Sail fleet is the pirate king Pietrus and the pirate king Pietrus is actually another person. Incarnation!

"Huangfeng!" Marvin's eyes are full of murderous!

If you haven't met it, forget it. Let Marvin hit it today. How can he let it go?

Can't get rid of the phoenix, but only the forces under her hand will be out!


The cold light flashed, and the head of the pirate landed.

For a time, on the pirate ship, there is a lot of sorrow!

The night was stained with blood.

However, the people on this ship are still lucky, because another ship has ushered in a more horrible enemy!

That is a dog.

... (to be continued...)

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