Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 32: Departure

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Overnight, the blood in the [deep valley] where the elders' assembly is located flows into a river. Under the siege of the elf iron guard, no ordinary elf resident can be close.

For a time, Chiba’s forest is very popular.

The Ranger who lives nearby claims that he saw a scene of the departure of a **** dog at dawn, and many devils!

None of the elders’ parliaments survived.

His Highness, Ibrahim, quickly opened a memorial service, and after that, any voice against him disappeared.

The unprecedented internal enemy of the wood elves, the crisis from the invasion of foreigners made them united.

However, most people are still a bit embarrassed.

The [Deep Valley] where the Elders' Parliament is located is the hinterland of the Senate of Chiba.

Just next night, the Elf Iron Guards went to the east to search for the so-called devil. As a result, the devil army came to a tiger, and the deep valley was destroyed.

This matter can be seen by people with a clear eye.

However, even if many wood elves know well, those who support Ibrahim will naturally not talk nonsense; and those who oppose Ibrahimovic are silently silent.

The reason is also very simple. If this thing is not done by Ibrahimovic, then there is indeed a large number of devils operating near the Chiba Forest, they need the blessing of Ibrahimovic; and if this thing is done by Ibrahimovic... then This gentle and kind prince on weekdays, the hottest means, is enough to shock most people.

All in all, after the pain, Ibrahimovic's wood elves. Basically all obeyed his order.

As a reward, Ibrahim had to have a dinner with the Queen of the Sea Elf.


Ma Wen left the Chiba Forest before dawn.

When he left the Chiba Forest, he and the **** dog walked side by side. When it came to a lot of chaotic magic, the **** dogs became obviously excited and violent.

From the perception of the contract, let the Ma Wen experience its excitement and high spirits.

In this land, the **** dog is like a fish, it rarely encounters natural enemies, and the way to devour the soul to enhance its strength is also very terrible.

Today's **** dog. The reason why there is no promotion to the legend, or because of the lack of inheritance.

Here is Fernan. It is not hell. If it wants the more existing realm, it must return to the territory where the **** dogs in the nine layers of **** gather, through a series of ceremonies.

Ma Wen read his thoughts from the contract.

finally. He hesitated a moment, or took the initiative to lift the contract.

Strictly speaking, this **** dog helped him a lot, and he just used it to deal with the power of the Great Shadow Temple.

As for the later, Ma Wenshun saved it, and it was only a moment of guilty heart.

There is very little communication between the two parties, and it is not as intimate as a Ranger and his own partner.

He can feel the loyalty of the **** dog.

Although the purgatory creature is evil, it still absolutely follows the order.

As long as the contract is still there, it will not leave Marvin.

But Marvin can still pass the pet contract from time to time. Feel the true will of the inner dog.

It is eager for freedom.

After all, it is a ruthless **** dog, and it is somewhat unwilling to be accepted as a pet by a human ranger.

Hell is its hometown.

long time ago. Marvin thought about how to deal with the **** dog.

It is incompatible with the White River Valley, and has been wandering outside the refuge to silently slaughter the monsters. As a result, the threat of the White River Valley is much less, but Marvin feels that this limits its freedom. How much is the meaning of kidnapping.

Marvin has never been the kind of person who likes to limit others, especially to himself.

Such as Daniela.

Another example is the current **** dog.

So on the eve of dawn. On the edge of Chiba's forest, he took the initiative to lift the pet contract and let the **** dog leave.

The latter is very wrong, and the three huge heads are still very incomparable.

However, at this time, although the two sides did not have the pet contract, it seems to understand the meaning of Marvin.

It bowed its head and took three heads to take care of Marvin's chest, and then rushed to the wilderness without head back!

The huge figure gradually disappeared into the wilderness, and Marvin vaguely saw that an open door opened in the wilderness.

The **** dog rushed in.

After the collapse of the universe's magic pool, the barriers of the planes have been reduced a lot. From the bottom up, it is somewhat difficult to go to the main material world from the abyss, evil spirits, hell, etc.; but from the top down, it becomes simple. a lot of.

With its own ability, the **** dog opened a door to return to hell.

Ma Wen gave a slight relief.

Maybe there will be fate in the future, and I will meet again.

At that time, the little guy who had struggled in the ruins of the shadow temple might have become the hegemon of Hell.


Marvin stood waiting on the hills.

It was not until the sun rose that the golden feather lion was late.


The wood elf girl frowned. "The blood on your body is so strong."

Ma Wen also frowned: "How is it again?"

He asked Ibrahimovic to find a way to send himself to the high jungle - but not by means of a transmission array, he did not want to enter the sight of the migratory bird parliament, but sneaked into it.

In this way, it is not easy to use the transmission array directly to the high jungle.

The best way is to fly over.

Now that the Cataclysm has just passed, the air is still safe, and the highest jungle is very vast, farther in the far north of the Millennium Mountains, farther than the Principality of Lavis.

Ordinary flying objects are estimated to fly for ten days and a half.

But Marvin remembers that there are still many rare animals in the forest of Chiba, just lend yourself a hand.

I did not expect this time, Ibrahimovic sent a butterfly and the head of the Golden Eagle Griffin.

Although Marvin had to admit that the Jinyu lion flies very fast, almost no slower than the dragon, but this girl called the butterfly always gives him a strange feeling.

In terms of combat, she is definitely a drag bottle, and she does not know how to get the approval of the Golden Eagle Griffin.

"Of course it is me."

"I am one of the most trusted people of His Royal Highness."

The butterfly proudly said: "Come I heard that this time I have to travel a long way? We have to hurry."

Ma Wenbai said: "The last time you didn't say that your little black can't carry the weight of two people?"

Butterfly smiled and said: "It must be that you remember correctly."

"If Marvin is unwilling, I can go back and report to Ibrahimovic and let him change."

Ma Wen thought about it and eventually healed it.

There is not much time at the moment, and it is not compared with the butterfly.

At the moment, he went to the Jinyu Griffin. This large flying object is very open on the back. Don't say two people. Even if three or five people can sit down, even a man and a woman will not be particularly embarrassed.

"Go. Go to the city of steel first."

Ma Wen opened.

... (to be continued)

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