Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 33: Sewer entrance

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Leaving the Chiba Forest, the city of steel is the first stop where Marvin is about to travel.

The Fernando 6 is vast and vast, and south of the Millennium Mountains can be called the South.

However, the most important territory of the Southern Wizards is in the south of the Millennium Mountains to the north of Chiba.

This is an extremely open plain. The Pearl River Port and the Port of Salmon in the southeast and the Gem Bay are like the desserts after dinner.

There have been countless wizard towers and tall mansions.

But after the Cataclysm, everything has become a ruin.

The flags of the wizards fell in the ruins, and the blood flowed into the river, but the killings continued.

Again, in the face of such natural disasters, the more people in big cities, the faster they die.

Instead, the mountain villagers, because they are far away from the wizard, even if some animals are demonized, but with the instinct and means of the old hunters, you can still cope with it.

When Ma Wen felt the southern suburbs of the city of steel, he felt a dead end there.

Every now, every few days, he feels that the blood of this place is more intense.

Butterfly was flying over a mass grave, claiming that Jin Yushi was seen as a consul of the Hades.

This made Ma Wen a bit cold.

When I was dying, it seemed that there was a Hades consul who wanted to take away his soul.

If the people in the world of the dead want to insert a hand, the trouble is not that big.

After the universe magic pool burst. There will be four forces invading Fernan: abyss, hell, evil spirits, and heaven.

The only good news is that these four forces are not in sight.

The evil spirits see no one is pleasing to the eye, they are filthy. The demons let them hate because they feel that the devil has no brains and is a group of madmen; the devils are alert to them, and the advanced evil spirits know the details of the devil. They are descendants of ancient angels, and there is always the possibility of a rebellious camp.

The abyss and **** are inherently dead, the endless abyss and the bottom of the nine-layered purgatory - the Scarlet Wilderness. The millennium **** battle that lasted for a long time explained everything. The devil and the devil, the face is a deadly battle. This is not negotiable.

The gods of heaven and the above three forces are deadly enemies.

They have teamed up to attack the universe of magic pools, but they are also to facilitate their own rule, but not ready to turn Fernan into a group of magical dance.

The simultaneous entry of these four forces has made Feinan become chaotic.

If there is a fifth force in the universe. Can be compared with them, that is the world of the dead.

The extreme of the Necromancer - the monarch of the dead seems to be the spokesperson of the king of the dead in Fernan, before he summoned a large number of terrible red corpses here, and the fighting power surprised Marvin.

In Marvin’s impression, the undead is generally scary, and in fact the fighting power is very general.

But the red corpse is not the same. This kind of undead can even eat the light of the four totems, and the degree of fierceness can be seen.

"I hope that the butterfly is just talking nonsense."

Ma Wen’s heart comforted himself.

In his impression, at least in this cataclysm, the monarchs of the world of the dead and the ancient gods of heaven chose the same absolute neutral position. It does not seem to intervene in the meaning of Fernan.


Arrived in the city of steel, Marvin was more careful.

The Jin Yu Shi is not a fake, but the Cataclysm has been carried out until now. I am afraid that many magical creatures have been evolved.

The closer you are to a big city, the more careful you are.

The butterfly has no fighting power. Once you encounter any group of monsters, you will have trouble getting out.

So he let the butterfly land between a small forest in the eastern part of the Iron City.

With the earth's perception, he found a relatively safe place to let the golden lions protect the butterfly. I left the forest alone.

The city of steel has been quite run down.

Ma Wenshun went all the way to the west of the body, and his brow was wrinkled.

The road is full of corpses that have been smashed. Either some wreckage of the stump, with some ice or ash on it, of course, there is also sulfuric acid.

The former is killed by the demonized animal; the latter is obviously a masterpiece of the demonized wizard.

From the types of arcane energy remaining on these residual limbs, it can be seen that flames, ice, sulfuric acid and other plastic energy spells are still the favorite of the wizards.

After all, its lethality is at the top of the list at a low level.

Ma Wenyi sneaked on the road and didn't want to provoke right and wrong.

However, those demons that wander around the official road can ignore this.

In the past, the sneak that was so high that it was enough to conceal the gods lost its role in front of some of the monsters!

They rely entirely on the instinct of killing, and they smashed Marvin.

However, Ma Wen did not entangle with them, and continued to use the shadows and other spells, and directly opened those monsters.

Generally speaking, only a few magic objects can distinguish the atmosphere of Marvin.

And the magic wizards, they had the ability to find Marvin - after all, the witches' reconnaissance witchcraft is still very powerful, especially in the case of the collapse of the universe magic pool, the chaos magic has a pole for every witchcraft Big bonus.

It’s a pity that they have lost their minds and will only lose their spells indiscriminately. Marvin just needs to avoid it carefully.

What's more, Konstantin was said to have killed a group of people here, causing the wizards in the Iron City to be as intensive as Ma Wen imagined.

This is a blessing.


He traveled to the city of steel, mainly for territorial exhibitions.

Weapons and food, this is the most abundant reserve in the big cities.

Especially in the former, the city of steel, as the most prolific weapon in the Southern Wizarding League, must have a large number of sophisticated military weapons.

Marvin knows that there is a batch, which is a hidden warehouse, but also an invisible refuge.

"I don't know if there is anyone living in that shelter."

"The Cataclysm is so sudden, how many people should be able to react?"

Ma Wen was stunned.

He walked along the streets of the wolverine.

At the corner of the street, several crows are ruthlessly eating the carrion of a middle-aged man.

When Marvin passed, they didn't even look at Ma Wen.

And at this time a large bowl of fireball directly smashed over, even the body with a crow smashed into a crush!

The flames splattered and almost blew out the escaping Marvin.

It was an expressionless magician wizard.

After he lost a big fireball with him, he seemed to feel that he was still not addicted, and he suddenly started to use lightning storms!

Ma Wen’s eyes didn’t look right, and he quickly added away.


Marvin walked through many corners of the Iron City, and every place was a disaster.

There are not many living people, and the rest are all monsters.

In the emotion, he finally found the point in his memory.

That is the entrance to a sewer.

... (to be continued)

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