Night Ranger

Vol 6 Chapter 34: The heart of Morrigan

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In the past life, since the players entered Fernan, it was half a year after the Cataclysm, many forces have recovered from the Cataclysm.

At that time, the city that controlled the steel was an organization called [The Dreamland].

The name sounds good, but its predecessor is a group of mountain thieves entrenched in the northern valley of the Iron City.

There are no wizards in this group of thieves, and they are determined to be determined. They are famous mercenaries in a certain city-state in the north.

Later, it was said that he had committed something and had to flee to the south. He also pulled up some people and did some robbery business.

However, his means are very hot, not only robbery, but also killing people never stay alive, **** * 淫 * 掳 * plunder no evil.

Although not a legend, there are also legendary strengths.

Under his rule, the thieves who lost their minds because of the chaos of the chaos were all killed in the spot.

As a result, although this group of people lost some people, they did not hurt much.

After the Cataclysm, they cleaned up the monsters and magical wizards near the valley little by little. Later, somehow, it seemed that they were supported by some kind of mysterious power, and they became the master of the fat of the Iron City.

Marvin is not very familiar with this background, because when he passed the age of the Iron City, the players have long destroyed the [dream of the dream], several unions have divided the resources of the Iron City.


Only the video of the copy of the union at the time, Ma Wen still carefully read.

As a professional player. He is very fascinated by these things.

It was also in that video that he learned the most important place in the city of steel!

Indeed, the city of steel is rich in weapons. There are also many weapons libraries, but in fact, there is only one place, while stocking a lot of food and sophisticated military weapons!

It is an underground fortress called [Morrigan Heart].

Morrigan is the name of the original city owner of the Iron City.

The city owner was far-sighted and left a refuge for the descendants of the Iron and Steel City early.

Because of its particularity, the city of steel is mostly a soldier and a military. Civilians are not allowed to enter, and businessmen have no right to spend the night in the city.

This is the most important military town in the Southern Wizarding League.

The sorcerer of the city is towering.

unfortunately. Because of this, the disaster of the city of steel is more horrible than other places!

Today's steel city has become a ruin.

But Marvin guessed. Morrigan's heart is still good!

The weapons inside are not ordinary military weapons. It is said that there are many military-grade alchemy materials and magic weapons!

The Southern Wizards League has accumulated years of strength, and its strength is not as simple as it is on the books.

In fact, if the wizard can't bear it because of the collapse of the universe magic pool, even if the gods invade, the alliance may not have the power of a battle!


When thinking about this, Marvin kept the state of stealth, quietly opened the gate of the sewer and drilled in.


Two huge mice rushed past Marvin's side.

Only Marvin’s sneak is very high. These monsters are not aware of it at all.


Marvin’s face had a strange color.


His perception is very sharp, the sound in the sewer is very far away, he heard the footsteps of people!

Is it someone who takes a step first? Found the heart of Morrigan?

Ma Wen frowned, not thinking much at the moment, directly speeding up the pace, while maintaining a hidden posture, rushing forward.


The road to the sewers extends in all directions, and the decaying atmosphere permeates the space.

In the ditch next to it. There are a lot of dead bodies of rats floating, and occasionally there are wild cats, geckos and the like.

The entire ditch is stinking.

Ma Wen follows the route in memory. After a turn of the clock, I finally came to the entrance of the heart of Morrigan.

That is a secret door.

Only those who master the key can open it.

However, the secret door has been opened at this time!

Sure enough, someone took the lead.

Ma Wen was not in a hurry and slowly walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw four fine men standing there, holding a big knife, a fierce look.


Ma Wen’s heart sank.

How can this be.

This group of thieves actually found the heart of Morrigan in the first time?

According to the historical progress of the past, should they still clear the civil strife in the cottage?

How could it be so soon that there will be time and force to free up the arms and food of the heart of Morrigan?

Ma Wen is puzzled.

However, the four men in front of you are definitely the people of dreams. This is beyond doubt.

They have a unique symbol of dreams, and they are murderous.

Although the strength is average, it must have experienced a lot of **** battles.

If you can survive, you can explain a lot of things.

They are guarding the entrance of Morrigan's heart. One of the thieves still holds a precious gems that are cherished, and from time to time take a look and search for invisible units.

It is a pity that Marvin’s sneak, even the insights of the heavens, can be passed over, a small gem of precious knowledge, he is not in the eye.


Straight through the four thieves at the door, Ma Wenchang drove straight in and escaped a few obvious traps. Soon, he arrived at the heart of the heart of Morrigan!

To his surprise, it’s not a group of people here, but two forces!

One of them can be judged by wearing them. They are the people of dreams, that is, the thieves of the group.

The other side, it seems to be in a weak position, most of them are old people, women and children.

Only a few young adults, from their standpoint, should be military.

Both sides seem to be negotiating.

Ma Wen’s heart moved and slipped over to eavesdrop.


"Senma, don't be greedy."

On the military side, a young man for the young man said: "We are still the original conditions, weapons can be divided into one third of you."

"The real treasure house of Morrigan's heart needs a wizard to open. What we get is just ordinary weapons for self-defense."

"Now this situation, we humans are still killing themselves. So I am willing to give you weapons."

"But food, absolutely not!"

The man said categorically a group of people behind him showed a firm look, even with a feeling of death.

The man named Senma is obviously the head of this thief.

He smiled and looked at a few young girls behind the soldiers:

"You are right, we must cooperate for the proliferation of mankind."

"Like this, I want half of the weapons, and you give me one-third of the food."

He smiled softly:

"Right, the girls behind you are good, they are all suitable for childbearing age. We have no women in the cottage. You divide us a few, and it’s for the sake of all human beings..."

... (to be continued)

Ps: Update seems to be delayed for a few minutes! Thirty minutes later, it’s not late. Haha...

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