Night Ranger

Vol 2 Chapter 22: arbitration

It’s not Ma Wen’s feelings.

He really feels that this kind of woman, all the knife is too dirty to dirty his knife!

I kept saying that I loved Pooh and then cursed him. Marvin didn't hold back and killed her.

Henzel shook his head and revealed a pity: "Maybe I should violate the rules of a parliament and turn her into a specimen of my laboratory."


Marvin thought that he was already embarrassed. I did not expect this mentor to be more ferocious.

But then again, the Henzel, who seems to be particularly fond of Pooh. His own disciple has been so badly hurt that he does not blame.

The wizards have always been lawless. Except for the Southern Wizards, they will not bow to any forces at all.

Henzel’s days are also estimated to be a smoldering temper.

Therefore, when Marvin shot and killed Lulu, he did not stop at all, but encouraged.

After all, there is no problem with the name of Ma Wen. Magor College forgives Lulu, but the victim Pooh is a native of the White River Valley, and Marvin also has the right to dispose of Lulu - but this power is given priority after Magor College and abandoned at Magor College. After the right to dispose, he naturally has reason to exercise his power.

This is the benefit of order. As a nobleman, even a small aristocrat, Ma Wen is also a vested interest.

And the upcoming Cataclysm will destroy all order. Marvin is of course a victim.

He can't stop the whole disaster, he can only guard the people around him.

"The curse of Pooh?" Marvin said.

"I will solve everything." Henzel said: "I hope I can still qualify for the qualifier."

There was a slight worry in his eyes, and Pooh's body suffered such a serious injury. Even if he could catch up, I am afraid that the fighting power is also worrying.

But no matter what, the imperative is to lift the curse on him first.

The two parted ways outside the prison. Marvin returned to Pooh's dormitory to rest.


The next morning, the sun slowly came in from the window.

The window was open, and the morning breeze burst, and the strong potion taste was already a lot faded.

Pooh lay in bed and slowly opened his eyes.

He still looks very embarrassed, but consciousness has gradually awakened.

The old housekeeper was with him.

"Master Winnie, you finally woke up." The old butler said with some excitement.

“Well?” Pooh shook his head and suddenly said, “Brother...”

"Brother, he is coming."

The old butler was surprised to see Pooh: "How do you know..."

Pooh looked around but didn't see Marvin. She was very disappointed: "Brother? Where is he?"

"I obviously saw him coming."

It turned out that Pooh was not completely comatose in the curse. It is a state of consciousness, and the arrival of Marvin, he remembers very clearly.

"Master Ma Wen, he..."

"He is currently accepting arbitration!"

The old butler said.

"What?" Pooh's eyes widened.

"He killed people at the door of Magor College. But fortunately, he used the September Medal, and there should be no problem." The old housekeeper comforted.

"September Medal? Useless!" Pooh's head was sober.

Although he is only nine years old, he has a very good thinking in this sinister environment.

He said in an instant: "The family behind White is too big, they may monopolize all the arbitrators!"

"Brother, he has no chance of winning!"

"Where is he now? I want to go right now!"

After all, he is struggling to climb down from the bed.

"But your body..."

Being said by Pooh, the old housekeeper also showed a shock. He doesn't understand these things very well.

"I am fine! I am already fine."

Vigny firmly said: "Take me in the past!"


The Arbitration Hall of the Ashes Tower has not been used for a long time.

But today, it is full of wizards from all over the three ring towers. They are all looking at the excitement.

Someone murdered at the gate of Magor College and killed a wizard apprentice. This was a very new thing.

It stands to reason that the guy should have been dead.

But no one thought that the little aristocrat named Ma Wen had a September medal!

September Medal!

This is a glory given by the Southern Wizards League. Only those who have made various contributions to the Southern Wizards Alliance can win the Alliance award!

There were not many nobles in the South, and this honor was obtained. The reason why it is called the September Medal is because the Southern Wizards League was established in September.

The holders of the September Medal are generally big people.

Of course, there are also aristocrats who have fallen. For example, the Marvin Baron who is about to accept arbitration today.

In the audience, in addition to the wizard, there are many nobles.

These people just came to send their children to sign up, and some even witnessed the scene of Marvin’s murder, naturally they have to come and see.

What kind of situation will things end up with?

No one can guess the result.


Marvin stood alone in the corner of the high platform, as if it had been isolated by the world.

The process of arbitration has already been completed. It is now the result of several arbitrators sent by the Southern Wizards League.

"There should be no problem." Ma Wen’s heart was filled with embarrassment.

Just when I asked the witnesses, the little girl took the initiative to attend and told the things she saw.

She did mention that Marvin was first filthy.

In this case, the arbitrator should be able to make judgments easily.

But things seem to be a bit wrong. The three arbitrators have been arguing fiercely.

“Is it necessary?” Marvin frowned.

It took about another ten minutes. One of the three seems to have compromised.

Another person stood up and read out loudly: "I will announce the arbitration result below."

"The Baron Marvin murdered at Magal College and killed a wizard apprentice. This has become a huge crime."

"We suggest that this matter should not be authenticated by our arbitrators, but to the judiciary."

"So our arbitration result is: go to the next process and try the trial of Baron Marvin!"


When this statement came out, everyone suddenly lost!

This result is almost a conviction of Marvin!

The three arbitrators are clearly having problems.

Everyone here, whether it is a wizard or a nobleman, has some understanding of the details of arbitration. It is clear that there have been witnesses who have presented solid and strong evidence. Is this still the result?

According to the rules of arbitration, at most, it is economically punishing Marvin.

However, the result of their arbitration turned out to allow Ma Wen to enter the trial directly!

This means that Marvin is to be convicted by the Judiciary of the Southern Wizards League!

"Is there a great force behind the wizard who was killed?"

"I heard about this, people from the unicorn family intervened."

"I also heard that this Marvin thought that there would be a September medal, but it would hit the iron plate."

"He is dead."

There are many people talking.


Marvin stood there, sinking in the water.

Someone is swearing.

He was very angry in his heart.

But he is not afraid.



He could not help but look at the little girl sitting on the witness stand.

as expected. The other person's face also showed an angry look.

If she is not there, Marvin may have to worry about how to blame herself.

But since she is here, things should be fine.

He applied to the Southern Wizards League for arbitration. These arbitrators are estimated to be passive.

The judicial institution is the tower of the ashes.

Judgment is to judge, and the owner of the tower of the Ashes stands on his side. Marvin has nothing to fear.

Just at this time, there was a sudden call from a distance: "Brother..."

Ma Wen stunned, but saw a figure in the support of the old butler, and firmly came over.

That kid, wake up so soon?

Ma Wen’s face showed a smile.

The auditorium was a bit sensational.

They also seem to know about Pooh. Because Marvin is the three-ring tower because of Pooh, he has no reason to leave his territory.

Pooh was pale and his lips were pale.

He gritted his teeth and walked over to Ma Seeing that Pooh appeared, Henzel couldn’t sit still, he quickly appeared next to Pooh: "You need a rest. We will handle the matter of Baron Marvin. ""

"I want to see my brother." Pooh said firmly.

Henzel reluctantly let go.

"Kid. I killed your girlfriend, would you hate me?"

Marvin made a joke.

Pooh saw Marvin standing on the stage alone, about to be judged, and his eyes were red.

"Don't cry. Remember, you are a man." Marvin's voice was a bit harsher.

"I know, brother." Pooh said with a bite.

He stood there and looked at Marvin.

Everyone is a little moved. This pair of hard-working brothers is really admirable.

Marvin’s tone was a little slow. He looked at Pooh’s eyes and solemnly said:

"Get a seat and sit down, you have to rest."

"I will be fine."

"Let's relax, I am coming, no one can hurt you anymore!"

When I am here, no one can hurt you anymore.

Swear by my machete.

This is the vow that Marvin made in his heart.

(Continue to ask for a ticket! In addition, the Sanjiang ticket has been refreshed. Friends who voted before 2 o'clock in the afternoon can also get one free and vote for the night ranger, thank you!)

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