Night Ranger

Vol 2 Chapter 23: Participate!

With the help of Hensell, Pooh found a place to rest.

His current body is very weak and he is very sick.

But he is very spiritual now. Because my brother is coming.

Although the previous Marvin was a bit too kind and even awkward, in the eyes of Pooh, he will always be the omnipotent brother.

The feelings of the two brothers are very good.

According to the rules of the Wizarding League, in fact, the current Marvin is only the acting lord.

The true lord of the White River Valley should be Pooh after adulthood.

Because he is a wizard, although he is a younger brother, because of the identity of the wizard, the inheritance rights are still before Marvin.

It stands to reason that the two brothers have conflicts of interest. But neither seems to care about this.

They care only about each other.

This is the real brother.


After the arbitrator announced the results of the arbitration, he consciously left.

Next, the incident was taken over by the judging body of the Ashes Tower.

The audience is full of energy.

They were originally looking at arbitration. I did not expect to see the trial today.

This poor Baron Marvin, I am afraid that it is difficult to escape the prison.

The rule of the Southern Wizarding League is very strict, the trial is different from arbitration, and Marvin even has no right to defend himself!

All results are determined by the judge.

The Ashes Tower has three judges set up all the year round, but two of them are said to have things to come.

Today is a man with a white beard.

He is a first-order wizard, with limited qualifications. It is estimated that he has no hope of progress in this life.

But with the help of family power, it is more than enough to sit in some useful positions.

For example, the judge.

The judge pretended to read a summary of the Marvin incident.

Then I thought for a while.

Everyone is patiently waiting for the outcome of the trial.

Marvin smiled and looked at the old man.

"This guy has had a trial result in his heart?"

"It is impossible to kill directly. It is too much. It is estimated to be in jail. But once in prison, it is not easy to kill me with the power of their family?"

"This old man's acting is really bad, the files are all reversed... the expression is still so exaggerated."

Just when he was vomiting in his heart, the old man suddenly mentioned the donkey.

"Cough. Let me announce the trial results."

"Unfortunately, because the other two judges have their own priorities, the results of today’s trials are judged by me alone."

"The Baron Marvin openly provokes the majesty of the ash tower, which is a serious violation of the Southern Wizards' Protection of the Wizards."

"The trial result I gave was: three years in prison."

As a result, a burst of noise broke out in the audience.

Some nobles are arrogant and angry: "Three years in prison? Mom*, being filthy first, should have been acquitted, actually three years in prison?"

"Don't face!"

"The people of the unicorn family are too shameless?"

There are also a few large members of the wizard family, and they are ridiculous.

They are not sympathetic to Marvin, but they are taking the opportunity to blow their opponents verbally.

As for the ordinary aristocrats, it is a bit of a rabbit feeling of death and sorrow.

Will Marvin’s encounter happen to them one day?

Being filthy and fake aristocrats, can't you still fight back?

Marvin also holds the September Medal! Can't save him?

However, no matter how angry the people are, the result has come out.

Marvin is going to be imprisoned for three years.


In the corner of the audience, Vini stood up.

Although he is young, he also knows the means of the unicorns. Once Marvin enters the prison, I am afraid I am facing great danger!

They certainly won't easily spare their brothers.

"Don't be excited." Henzel pressed Winnie: "I don't seem to worry about Marvin."

"He seems to be calm."

"Does he still have a card?"

Vinnie snorted, Henzel said yes, his brother's demeanor seems to be very calm.

He doesn't seem to care about going to jail at all!

How is this going?


After listening to the trial results, Marvin just smiled.


Is the unicorn family? It’s really heart-wrenching. This is to force their brothers to die.

"Are you still sitting?"

He silently looked at the little **** the witness stand.

The latter's expression has become very calm.

It doesn't look like any emotion.

However, Marvin could feel the anger in her heart.

"Speaking, my luck is also good."

"If you don't have this, would you really be bored?"

He thought of it in his heart.

At this time, the judge said: "The trial results have been made, and members of the law enforcement team are asked to put Baron Marvin..."

At this time, his words were forcibly interrupted!

It was a tender voice: "The trial result is invalid."

Although the voice is very light, it suddenly sounds in everyone's heart!

The judge was a bit stunned.

He looked at the little girl sitting on the witness stand and smiled a little: "Little girl, this thing, you can't be the master."

As the owner of the tower of the Ashes, only a very small number of people know the three forms of Hathaway. The witch wizard has not appeared for a long time.

People say that she is in the retreat to attack the legendary threshold.

No one would have thought that this little girl in front of me is one of the three giants of the Three Rings Tower!

The little girl raised her head and stared at the old man coldly:

"I said, the trial results are invalid."

This time, her voice has increased by an octave and it has become extremely loud!

Everyone looked at her with surprise!

What happened to this girl? Become crazy? How can a witness tell the judge?

"Where is the little girl? It's so cute..."

"It seems to be a witness. It is estimated that this result is very dissatisfied. It is too young."

"But it looks very sensible. I don't know which little girl. It is estimated that I will enroll in the school."

There are many people talking.

Only a few people showed a horrified look.

They have begun to mourn for the judge.

Among them is Marvin.

His expression is still indifferent, but his heart has already laughed.

This idiot, actually told the owner of the Ashes Tower that what happened on her site was not something she could do?

Is Hathaway afraid to be crazy?

If the original Hathaway is just holding a fun attitude, just participate in the words, this time, the people of the unicorn family really angered the quasi-saga!


"Don't mess!"

The old man has not responded yet and said sternly: "The law enforcement team took the child."

However, no one cares about him.

At that moment, the law enforcement team received a notice from the owner of the Ashes Tower!

They are all shocked. The long-lost Hathaway adults actually ordered them directly!

This is really amazing.

They don't dare to move!

"The law enforcement team!?" The old man was angry: "What about people?"

Everyone looked at each other and did not understand what happened.

Ma Wen almost didn't hold back, just laughed.

The little girl’s body suddenly floated and her eyes turned into a crimson.

"Is the unicorn family all pigs?"

Her voice just fell, and with a bang, the judge suddenly became a pig!

It walked up and down on the high platform, very embarrassed and cramped!

Everyone laughed.

Instant deformation!

Marvin blinked and recognized the spells used by Hathaway.

"You can shut up."

The little girl said coldly: "The unicorns, all his mother gave me a point!"

"If there is another time, we will turn your people into pigs!"

"This is the three-ring tower, not your crystal palace!"

Said here, her figure suddenly changed into a 20-something blonde woman!

"Heather Wei adults!"

The crowd exclaimed, and the wizards of the Ashes Tower squatted on one knee, revealing a humble look.

Henzel is also an unexpected accident ~ ~ pulling the Pooh salute.

Throughout the arbitration hall, only Ma Wen stood there alone.

"I announced that Baron Marvin is not guilty."

Hathaway said coldly.

In the next second, she opened an arbitrary door and left the place.

Only leave everyone face to face.


"I didn't expect Hathaway adults to be witnesses!"

In Pooh's room, Henzel stared at Marvin: "Do you know anything?"

Marvin stretched out a lazy way: "I am just lucky."

Henzel is full of unbelief.

Ma Wen opened the topic: "Gini's body has recovered very quickly, but the game seems to be about to start soon?"

"No way, I guess I have to give up." Henzel looked at his disciple with some distress.

The game started three days later, when Vigny barely used some tricks, and a ring of spells was enough.

He will not let his disciples go to die.

"I heard that every wizard can carry a follower."

"So let me play in the name of your followers."

Marvin looked at Pooh and decided.

(Immediately recommend the ticket! Originally stable at 12, wake up one night and fall to 16, under the home page list, ask for fire support!)

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